Humanity is in a war for their lives & the left's only focus is the GOP

Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

Sorry, it was a Democrat as president that defeated the Nazis. But you keep your fantasy if it makes you feel good.

Which takes NOTHING away from my post. His politics aren't relevant when he possesses the courage & will to do the right thing. Something nearly every current liberal lacks. They're too consumed with touchy feely emotions to be bothered with the problems we face.
Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

It's funny to watch you talk about "liberal cowardice" in an attempt to distract away from your soiled pants.

It's funny to watch you continue obfuscate with your every post.

Go vacuum some carpet you useless waste of bandwidth

Go change your underwear, scared little boy.
Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

It's funny to watch you talk about "liberal cowardice" in an attempt to distract away from your soiled pants.

It's funny to watch you continue obfuscate with your every post.

Go vacuum some carpet you useless waste of bandwidth

Go change your underwear, scared little boy.

Do you have anything adult to add to this thread are you satisfied with your juvenile antics
Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

Sorry, it was a Democrat as president that defeated the Nazis. But you keep your fantasy if it makes you feel good.

Which takes NOTHING away from my post. His politics aren't relevant when he possesses the courage & will to do the right thing. Something nearly every current liberal lacks. They're too consumed with touchy feely emotions to be bothered with the problems we face.

- US drone strikes since Obama took office - about 500, 2500 killed.
- Airstrikes against Isis in Iraq and Syria since coalition started its air campaign: Coalition total 8100, US total 6300, rest of coalition 1800. Strikes in Syria: US appr 2600, rest of coalition 150.

I've said without question we need to send an army back into Iraq and Syria and clear it out and leave at least 50,000 men there, likely for the next 20+ years.

Let us deal in reality regarding what the US has been doing though. Partisan memes are wrong, and you know they are wrong.

I sent an email to the White House saying we spend 650 billion a year on defense and we need to go back into that region with an army. (do they listen? does any admin listen? who knows)
It's stunning how out of touch they are. You would think based on their attacks that it was the GOP wearing the suicide vests.

It's election season (aka the Silly Season) and the Republicans are busy making political use of tragedies to scare us senseless.
Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

Sorry, it was a Democrat as president that defeated the Nazis. But you keep your fantasy if it makes you feel good.

Which takes NOTHING away from my post. His politics aren't relevant when he possesses the courage & will to do the right thing. Something nearly every current liberal lacks. They're too consumed with touchy feely emotions to be bothered with the problems we face.

- US drone strikes since Obama took office - about 500, 2500 killed.
- Airstrikes against Isis in Iraq and Syria since coalition started its air campaign: Coalition total 8100, US total 6300, rest of coalition 1800. Strikes in Syria: US appr 2600, rest of coalition 150.

I've said without question we need to send an army back into Iraq and Syria and clear it out and leave at least 50,000 men there, likely for the next 20+ years.

Let us deal in reality regarding what the US has been doing though. Partisan memes are wrong, and you know they are wrong.

I sent an email to the White House saying we spend 650 billion a year on defense and we need to go back into that region with an army. (do they listen? does any admin listen? who knows)

What we have been doing has failed COMPLETELY.

It has done nothing to slow the growth of isis.
Every nutter thread on terrorism is laced with politics. Of greatest concern to these shitheads is the hope that terror acts can do harm to the Democratic party.

And.....the OP knows it.
Here's how we treat the last group who thought they were going to 'rule the world'.

Back in a time when liberal cowardice didn't rule the US

Sorry, it was a Democrat as president that defeated the Nazis. But you keep your fantasy if it makes you feel good.

Which takes NOTHING away from my post. His politics aren't relevant when he possesses the courage & will to do the right thing. Something nearly every current liberal lacks. They're too consumed with touchy feely emotions to be bothered with the problems we face.

- US drone strikes since Obama took office - about 500, 2500 killed.
- Airstrikes against Isis in Iraq and Syria since coalition started its air campaign: Coalition total 8100, US total 6300, rest of coalition 1800. Strikes in Syria: US appr 2600, rest of coalition 150.

I've said without question we need to send an army back into Iraq and Syria and clear it out and leave at least 50,000 men there, likely for the next 20+ years.

Let us deal in reality regarding what the US has been doing though. Partisan memes are wrong, and you know they are wrong.

I sent an email to the White House saying we spend 650 billion a year on defense and we need to go back into that region with an army. (do they listen? does any admin listen? who knows)

What we have been doing has failed COMPLETELY.

It has done nothing to slow the growth of isis.

ISIS has lost 25% of the territory it had previously taken control of.
Of course, to the left/progressive/commies/democrat: no one is a bigger threat to them than their own fellow countrymen and women who is still able to change a persons mind in the country away from the nasty and ugly policies that they want to bring down on the rest of us. How much more proof do you need than by observing that thug President? He comes out daily showing he hates Republicans, hell he hates anyone who doesn't BOW To his stupid visions of transforming us. he came out with it again today because they are questioning his policy with these refugees. and you saw his followers jump and cheer his incivility and nastiness towards those he sees as the enemy. that's is why they need to GO come 2016.
Obama has authorized 8,000 bombing missions over ISIS controlled territory, but he can't authorize ground troops to go door to door until their is a political solution to hold those gains. Otherwise he is feeding American lives into a terminal civil war, where any progress is undone by the next wave of resistance.

But the OP doesn't care about solutions. He only cares about blaming the Left.

Does the OP know the difference between Sunni and Shias or why the Saudis are allowed to fund ISIS while we pour billions a year into the radical Islamic Saudi Regime? Has the OP ever thought to question the deep and fully documented oil partnerships of the Bush's to the Saudis? Has the OP ever googled "Bush and the House of Saud? When is the right going to address the wider contradictions created by all our alliances in the region? Why did Reagan support the mujahideen and what genie did that alliance let out of the bottle? Does the OP ever question Reagan's Cold War alliances in the region? Does he know any history?]

[The reason things are so fucked up is because the OP can't even hold his party responsible because he lacks basic information. Fox has given him only fear and bumper sticker cliches about evil doers. The OP doesn't know anything about the region, yet he tries to influence public debate]

Nope, the OP knows nothing. He is Trump and Palin. Spreading fear behind empty tough talk.

Gramps: turn off Talk Radio and take your brain back. I too want ISIS to burn in hell, but we need your side to start studying the region so that you can offer substance.
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It's stunning how out of touch they are. You would think based on their attacks that it was the GOP wearing the suicide vests.

So where is the major GOP focus outside of simply finding how many different ways they can politicize this in the form of attacks on Obama?

And btw, it appears YOUR focus is to attack the left.
Exceptional Measures Against Jihad
The real way to defeat the Jihadis.
November 17, 2015
Kenneth R. Timmerman


As I listened to French president Francois Hollande over the weekend, I was struck by the familiarity of the ritual phrases he used to signal the French response to the well-orchestrated terror attacks that swept through my old neighborhood in Paris on Friday the 13th like a moveable feast of impotence and death.

“France will be merciless toward the Daesh barbarians,” the president declaimed, referring to the Islamic State by its Arabic-language sobriquet. “France will act with all the legal means at its disposal.”

As I recall, that’s the same thing Hollande said in January after another group of jihadi Muslim terrorists assaulted the editorial offices of the satirical weekly, Charlie Hebdo, murdering journalists, cartoonists, and a security guard.

And it was the same language he used a few days later when yet another group of jihadi Muslims hit a kosher supermarket in Paris.

Ten months later, what “merciless” steps have the French government taken against Daesh. Have they done anything to staunch the flow of young French Muslims traveling to Syria who plan to continue their jihad against the “infidel” West after they return to Europe?

The Direction de Surveillance du Territoire (DST), the French equivalent of the FBI, maintains a registry of “radicalized” young Muslims, known as “S-cards.”

The French S-registry contains no fewer than 16 nuances of radicalization and other threats to national security, from S-1 to S-16. They distinguish between jihadis of a Salafist bent (al Qaeda and ISIS), and those obedient to the Islamic Republic of Iran, among others. Hand it to the French for identifying 16 different flavors of potential homicidal maniacs.

Many of the perpetrators of recent terrorist attacks in France had S-cards. And yet, the DST never brought them in.


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