Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
AGREED. Fucking idiots can't even " conquer" athletes foot. The closest you can come is by doing the same thing you do to suit and ties. PISS ON 'EM !
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?
Like I said, any space mission that's going to take three of more years, is a suicide mission.!.When we can master some kind of near death deep coma sleep, where the astronauts can go to sleep for three years and then be reawaken, if they can be all reawaken , maybe then. But then that becomes a suicide mission in and of itself.!!? Who would want to go on such a mission?, knowing that it is a suicide mission!?
The trip you're speaking of is to Mars. It's a one way trip it and probably will not happen for about 20 more years. By then a lot of problems will be solved.

IMHO, now is the time for space research and development, not human exploration. Just to explore the solar system we need a much better propulsion system. To explore the universe we will need some type of propulsion that will approach the speed of light. And that is in the realm science fiction these days.

We'll need something that far exceeds the speed of light to really explore the universe. :)

You would need something that exceeds the speed of light so you can explore the universe but we don’t as a species. It could take multiple generations on a small moon size spaceship.

There is a planet that might be habitable but the gravity is twice that of earth. The people who made it would evolve and adapt and get used to it.

Kepler 452b’s atmosphere is thicker and probably more like Venus.

Oh well, 1 down 100 trillion more potential planets.

Or a moon. Exo moons might be where we have to live.

Kepler 1625. This planet might have a habitable exomoon. They are hard to see. So we are looking at places that might have life and we just don’t know. It’s not that we have looked and seen and don’t see life. We look and can’t see if there is life because we can’t see that far. Difference.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Every Star will die in the Universe, No?
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Every Star will die in the Universe, No?
Until the universe comes to an end
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Picture what 'humans' looked like five million years ago.

Now, picture what they will look like in five BILLION years.

Those who outlive our star will bear us precious little resemblance.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Picture what 'humans' looked like five million years ago.

Now, picture what they will look like in five BILLION years.

Those who outlive our star will bear us precious little resemblance.
With the advancements in genetic engineering, humans will look the way they want to look.
Current technology does not justify extensive human space travel. It is too dangerous and much too expensive.
But, then again, so is U.S. foreign policy.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Interesting question

Lets look at it from how many people have died since man learned to fly

57,810 people using 50 deaths per incident as the cut off point in the past 100 years

So it really is much higher with one to a few people as a pilot and maybe a few passengers

with the recently airplane crashes still going on in 2019 because of technology

Lets fly the plane automatically, can' trust human control of the plane

So How many will die in space flight ?

Probably more than the actual number of astronauts.

The movie 1st Passenger was interesting didn't like the ending, they should have had some offspring that survived

Still the point is Man can only do so much before it is to much, so I do buy into solving hunger first
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Every Star will die in the Universe, No?
Yea but if a meteor wipes out this planet wouldn’t it be nice if we settled on another planet? Or a few other planets?
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Every Star will die in the Universe, No?
Yea but if a meteor wipes out this planet wouldn’t it be nice if we settled on another planet? Or a few other planets?
Or the ability to meet it and possibly alter its course.
Hell, even mine the sucker.
The US Geological Survey Is Getting Serious About Space Resources and Mining
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Picture what 'humans' looked like five million years ago.

Now, picture what they will look like in five BILLION years.

Those who outlive our star will bear us precious little resemblance.
This is why I think it’s funny my parents want us to marry greeks or white Americans want America to stay white. Who cares what color my/our ancestors look like 1 million years from now? All I care is that they are happy and healthy
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Picture what 'humans' looked like five million years ago.

Now, picture what they will look like in five BILLION years.

Those who outlive our star will bear us precious little resemblance.
This is why I think it’s funny my parents want us to marry greeks or white Americans want America to stay white. Who cares what color my/our ancestors look like 1 million years from now? All I care is that they are happy and healthy

I'm betting on this ...

Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Eventually this earth will die. Shouldn’t humans try to outlive it?

Picture what 'humans' looked like five million years ago.

Now, picture what they will look like in five BILLION years.

Those who outlive our star will bear us precious little resemblance.
This is why I think it’s funny my parents want us to marry greeks or white Americans want America to stay white. Who cares what color my/our ancestors look like 1 million years from now? All I care is that they are happy and healthy

I'm betting on this ...

I watched a great show about how many places might harbor life or might have once harbored life. Mars has the ingredients and once had water. Once we conclude life happens wherever the conditions are right that adds to the probability we aren’t alone.

Are they as smart as us? Some will be and some won’t be any smarter than dinosaurs.

My guess is there’s lots of life out there but intelligent life is rare. All the conditions have to be right.

But I also believe life once existed on Mars. Not intelligent life but life
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

This is one reason why there is a push to understand DNA and enable genetic engineering.
Current technology does not justify extensive human space travel. It is too dangerous and much too expensive.
But, then again, so is U.S. foreign policy.
There're several good reasons why manned missions are neither necessary are practical. First being unmanned missions can accomplish most of what a man mission can do and in some cases a lot better. The second reason is cost. Any maned mission is designed with more backups and better quality control. That adds significantly to the cost.

There are equally good reason for manned mission. Only a manned mission can colonized planets and moons building a human community. No matter how smart we think computers and AI systems are, they fall short in dealing with totally unexpected events, maybe someday but not today. Lastly manned missions create a huge interest in space travel. Send a probe to Mars and it gets 30 seconds on the evening new. Send a manned space craft and it becomes a historic even that inspires dreams that careers and businesses are built on.
Well, it seems that Trump is pushing through his Space Force.

Even though there are a lot of people who say that it is unnecessary.

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