Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings.
What scientific studies are your referring to?? .. :dunno:

the bible think it's because the Bible says that we shouldn't go into space, that is why humans can't? Hate to tell you, but in the Bible it says that mankind was created in His image. If God, Jesus, and Elijah were all taken up into heaven, and it isn't some place on this earth, then that means that God is a space traveler. If we are made in His image, wouldn't it be logical to presume that we would eventually become space travelers as well?
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings.
What scientific studies are your referring to?? .. :dunno:

the bible think it's because the Bible says that we shouldn't go into space, that is why humans can't? Hate to tell you, but in the Bible it says that mankind was created in His image. If God, Jesus, and Elijah were all taken up into heaven, and it isn't some place on this earth, then that means that God is a space traveler. If we are made in His image, wouldn't it be logical to presume that we would eventually become space travelers as well?

I was making a jest.

I'm an atheist.

I support adventuring into space.
Well, it seems that Trump is pushing through his Space Force.

Even though there are a lot of people who say that it is unnecessary.

Space Force was founded 1987 by then President Reagan.

No, it was a defensive satellite system called the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was nicknamed "star wars", that Reagan wanted. And, it was discontinued in 1993. By the way, it wasn't founded in 1987, Reagan first mentioned it in 1983.

Strategic Defense Initiative - Wikipedia

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles). The concept was first announced publicly by President Ronald Reagan on 23 March 1983.[1] Reagan was a vocal critic of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which he described as a "suicide pact", and he called upon the scientists and engineers of the United States to develop a system that would render nuclear weapons obsolete.

The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was set up in 1984 within the United States Department of Defense to oversee development. A wide array of advanced weapon concepts, including lasers,[2][3] particle beam weapons and ground- and space-based missile systems were studied, along with various sensor, command and control, and high-performance computer systems that would be needed to control a system consisting of hundreds of combat centers and satellites spanning the entire globe. A number of these concepts were tested through the late 1980s, and follow-on efforts and spin-offs continue to this day.

Under the SDIO's Innovative Sciences and Technology Office,[4][5][6] headed by physicist and engineer Dr. James Ionson,[7][8][9][10] the investment was predominantly made in basic research at national laboratories, universities, and in industry; these programs have continued to be key sources of funding for top research scientists in the fields of high-energy physics, supercomputing/computation, advanced materials, and many other critical science and engineering disciplines — funding which indirectly supports other research work by top scientists, and which would be politically impossible to fund outside of the defense budget environment.

In 1987, the American Physical Society concluded that the technologies being considered were decades away from being ready for use, and at least another decade of research was required to know whether such a system was even possible.[11] After the publication of the APS report, SDIs budget was repeatedly cut. By the late 1980s, the effort had been re-focused on the "Brilliant Pebbles" concept using small orbiting missiles not unlike a conventional air-to-air missile, which was expected to be much less expensive to develop and deploy.

SDI was controversial throughout its history, and was criticized for threatening to destabilize the MAD-approach and to possibly re-ignite "an offensive arms race".[12] SDI was derisively nicknamed by Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as "Star Wars", after the 1977 film by George Lucas. By the early 1990s, with the Cold War ending and nuclear arsenals being rapidly reduced, political support for SDI collapsed. SDI officially ended in 1993, when the administration of President Bill Clinton redirected the efforts towards theatre ballistic missiles and renamed the agency the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO). BMDO was renamed the Missile Defense Agency in 2002.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

In truth, the only way we will ever be able to save this planet we live on is by moving out into space.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Man does all kinds of things that humans were "not born" to do. Flying, traveling underwater, hell, driving a car, all are things man was "not born" to do.
Some, the most bravest of men, even sleep with Nancy Pelosi. We need to erect a monument to his sacrifice.

Well, it seems that Trump is pushing through his Space Force.

Even though there are a lot of people who say that it is unnecessary.

Space Force was founded 1987 by then President Reagan.

No, it was a defensive satellite system called the Strategic Defense Initiative, which was nicknamed "star wars", that Reagan wanted. And, it was discontinued in 1993. By the way, it wasn't founded in 1987, Reagan first mentioned it in 1983.

Strategic Defense Initiative - Wikipedia

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was a proposed missile defense system intended to protect the United States from attack by ballistic strategic nuclear weapons (intercontinental ballistic missiles and submarine-launched ballistic missiles). The concept was first announced publicly by President Ronald Reagan on 23 March 1983.[1] Reagan was a vocal critic of the doctrine of mutual assured destruction (MAD), which he described as a "suicide pact", and he called upon the scientists and engineers of the United States to develop a system that would render nuclear weapons obsolete.

The Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) was set up in 1984 within the United States Department of Defense to oversee development. A wide array of advanced weapon concepts, including lasers,[2][3] particle beam weapons and ground- and space-based missile systems were studied, along with various sensor, command and control, and high-performance computer systems that would be needed to control a system consisting of hundreds of combat centers and satellites spanning the entire globe. A number of these concepts were tested through the late 1980s, and follow-on efforts and spin-offs continue to this day.

Under the SDIO's Innovative Sciences and Technology Office,[4][5][6] headed by physicist and engineer Dr. James Ionson,[7][8][9][10] the investment was predominantly made in basic research at national laboratories, universities, and in industry; these programs have continued to be key sources of funding for top research scientists in the fields of high-energy physics, supercomputing/computation, advanced materials, and many other critical science and engineering disciplines — funding which indirectly supports other research work by top scientists, and which would be politically impossible to fund outside of the defense budget environment.

In 1987, the American Physical Society concluded that the technologies being considered were decades away from being ready for use, and at least another decade of research was required to know whether such a system was even possible.[11] After the publication of the APS report, SDIs budget was repeatedly cut. By the late 1980s, the effort had been re-focused on the "Brilliant Pebbles" concept using small orbiting missiles not unlike a conventional air-to-air missile, which was expected to be much less expensive to develop and deploy.

SDI was controversial throughout its history, and was criticized for threatening to destabilize the MAD-approach and to possibly re-ignite "an offensive arms race".[12] SDI was derisively nicknamed by Democratic Senator Ted Kennedy as "Star Wars", after the 1977 film by George Lucas. By the early 1990s, with the Cold War ending and nuclear arsenals being rapidly reduced, political support for SDI collapsed. SDI officially ended in 1993, when the administration of President Bill Clinton redirected the efforts towards theatre ballistic missiles and renamed the agency the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO). BMDO was renamed the Missile Defense Agency in 2002.

United States Space Command - Wikipedia
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

In truth, the only way we will ever be able to save this planet we live on is by moving out into space.


The Earth doesn't even notice our presence.

It was here billions of years without us and will be here billions of years after we're gone.

In the grander scheme of things, you're not as important as you might imagine.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

If man was meant to fly we would have wings...……...:laughing0301:
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

In truth, the only way we will ever be able to save this planet we live on is by moving out into space.


The Earth doesn't even notice our presence.

It was here billions of years without us and will be here billions of years after we're gone.

In the grander scheme of things, you're not as important as you might imagine.
Of course it will be here. Man may not.
Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Space-X launches are fine ... what people do with their own money is their own concern. They can send all the private expeditions to Mars they want.

But, tax dollars for space travel, not so much.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

In truth, the only way we will ever be able to save this planet we live on is by moving out into space.


The Earth doesn't even notice our presence.

It was here billions of years without us and will be here billions of years after we're gone.

In the grander scheme of things, you're not as important as you might imagine.
"Important" is imagination.
Traveling in space looks like all kinds of fun, and in a lot of respects, it is—provided you can overlook a few downsides. There’s the loss of muscle mass, for one thing. Then there’s the decalcification of bones and the stress on the heart and the damage to the eyes and the changes in the immune system and the disruption of the genome and an actual shortening of your overall life expectancy.

It was, in part, to study all of those biological problems that astronaut Scott Kelly spent 340 days in space from 2015 to 2016 (chronicled in TIME’s Emmy-nominated series A Year in Space). Now, just over three years after his return, the first tranche of studies into Kelly’s off-world marathon has been published in Science. The results are mixed — Kelly fared better than expected on some measures and worse on others. The overall conclusion is less ambiguous: space travel is exceedingly hard on the human body, and we have a lot to learn before we’re ready to start living on the moon or Mars.

(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Traveling in space looks like all kinds of fun, and in a lot of respects, it is—provided you can overlook a few downsides. There’s the loss of muscle mass, for one thing. Then there’s the decalcification of bones and the stress on the heart and the damage to the eyes and the changes in the immune system and the disruption of the genome and an actual shortening of your overall life expectancy.

It was, in part, to study all of those biological problems that astronaut Scott Kelly spent 340 days in space from 2015 to 2016 (chronicled in TIME’s Emmy-nominated series A Year in Space). Now, just over three years after his return, the first tranche of studies into Kelly’s off-world marathon has been published in Science. The results are mixed — Kelly fared better than expected on some measures and worse on others. The overall conclusion is less ambiguous: space travel is exceedingly hard on the human body, and we have a lot to learn before we’re ready to start living on the moon or Mars.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Yes it may be hard on the human body but that is not a reason not to do it. There is nothing easy about space travel but the more we work at it the more problems we can overcome.

“We choose to go the moon in this decade and do the other things not because they are easy, but because they are hard, because that goal will serve to organize and measure the best of our energies and skills.”
John Kennedy
There are millions of people here on Earth that still do not have access to clean drinking water, and we are spending billions on failed missions to Mars! with robots to survey a Dead planet?!!. When are some of you Space geeks going to wake up?!!
There are millions of people here on Earth that still do not have access to clean drinking water, and we are spending billions on failed missions to Mars! with robots to survey a Dead planet?!!. When are some of you Space geeks going to wake up?!!
The same argument could have been made and probably was, when we decide to go into space and go to the moon. People were starving, going without clean water, healthcare, and education. In 1804, Jefferson could have told Lewis in Clark. Money is tight. Our Navy needs ship. What is to be gained exploring the wildness? Since the beginning of time man has been explored the unknown and much of our advancement can be traced to those exploration.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Exactly. Humans are made for ... made for ... what did you say what we are made for? To have problems on Earth and better not to die on hunger? Why not to have the problem not to be roasted from interstellar radiation and better not to die on hunger?

Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!
Humans were not made to travel in the air or on the water either. Neither were we designed to move faster than a very few miles per hour.

You some kinda Luddite?

See what happens when you give the Amish a computer.. lol

The computer will produce barns for free with woodcraft.
Like I said, any space mission that's going to take three of more years, is a suicide mission.!.

So perhaps it's better to let Columbus wait, until we will be able to construct better ships. Otherwise he never will reach India. But how to construct better ships, when we don't start to construct ships at all?

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