Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

Let me say it in this way: Better you do not try to motivate any of the united idiots of the world to murder the Amish, who is the best friend of an unbelievable mighty Extraterrestrian.
I'm not sure what that means.

If it actually means anything.

Sure. Bayer - german company - bought Monsanto - US-American company. Now the value of Bayer is about the same as the price was they had payed for Monsanto. And Germans are now responsible for the wrong deeds of the former owners of Monsanto. That's what US-Americans love. They feel smart and clever in such cases and love it to call the people they betrayed bad and evil the same time. I call them all idiots. The betrayers as well as the betrayed. What a waste of human energy.

Okaaaaaayyy..... I'm not sure what that has to do with Mormons surfing porn.........?

Just a quick question: are you having the same conversation as the rest of us?

You propagated hate against the Amish on reason of the US-american way of stupidity.

I do?

News to me!!

When did I do that?

It's not my problem that you don't know yourselve.

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I'm not sure what that means.

If it actually means anything.

Sure. Bayer - german company - bought Monsanto - US-American company. Now the value of Bayer is about the same as the price was they had payed for Monsanto. And Germans are now responsible for the wrong deeds of the former owners of Monsanto. That's what US-Americans love. They feel smart and clever in such cases and love it to call the people they betrayed bad and evil the same time. I call them all idiots. The betrayers as well as the betrayed. What a waste of human energy.

Okaaaaaayyy..... I'm not sure what that has to do with Mormons surfing porn.........?

Just a quick question: are you having the same conversation as the rest of us?

You propagated hate against the Amish on reason of the US-american way of stupidity.

I do?

News to me!!

When did I do that?

It's not my problem that you don't know yourselve.

Well alrighty then.

Dude, I'm not saying you're crazy, but you are about as stable and a trailer home in a tornado.
I'm not sure what that means.

If it actually means anything.

Sure. Bayer - german company - bought Monsanto - US-American company. Now the value of Bayer is about the same as the price was they had payed for Monsanto. And Germans are now responsible for the wrong deeds of the former owners of Monsanto. That's what US-Americans love. They feel smart and clever in such cases and love it to call the people they betrayed bad and evil the same time. I call them all idiots. The betrayers as well as the betrayed. What a waste of human energy.

Okaaaaaayyy..... I'm not sure what that has to do with Mormons surfing porn.........?

Just a quick question: are you having the same conversation as the rest of us?

You propagated hate against the Amish on reason of the US-american way of stupidity.

I do?

News to me!!

When did I do that?

It's not my problem that you don't know yourselve.

It's not yours either. :chillpill:
Sure. Bayer - german company - bought Monsanto - US-American company. Now the value of Bayer is about the same as the price was they had payed for Monsanto. And Germans are now responsible for the wrong deeds of the former owners of Monsanto. That's what US-Americans love. They feel smart and clever in such cases and love it to call the people they betrayed bad and evil the same time. I call them all idiots. The betrayers as well as the betrayed. What a waste of human energy.

Okaaaaaayyy..... I'm not sure what that has to do with Mormons surfing porn.........?

Just a quick question: are you having the same conversation as the rest of us?

You propagated hate against the Amish on reason of the US-american way of stupidity.

I do?

News to me!!

When did I do that?

It's not my problem that you don't know yourselve.

Well alrighty then.

Dude, I'm not saying you're crazy, but you are about as stable and a trailer home in a tornado.

no comment

Sure. Bayer - german company - bought Monsanto - US-American company. Now the value of Bayer is about the same as the price was they had payed for Monsanto. And Germans are now responsible for the wrong deeds of the former owners of Monsanto. That's what US-Americans love. They feel smart and clever in such cases and love it to call the people they betrayed bad and evil the same time. I call them all idiots. The betrayers as well as the betrayed. What a waste of human energy.

Okaaaaaayyy..... I'm not sure what that has to do with Mormons surfing porn.........?

Just a quick question: are you having the same conversation as the rest of us?

You propagated hate against the Amish on reason of the US-american way of stupidity.

I do?

News to me!!

When did I do that?

It's not my problem that you don't know yourselve.

It's not yours either. :chillpill:

And who are you? Another propagator of hate supporting propagators of hate by trying to force everyone to tolerate hate speech against religious people? New Zealand? Sri Lanka? ...
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Years long missions could be carried out on ships with artificial gravity.

The Cosmic Gama ray radiation that any Mars three year mission Astronauts would be exposed to, if they make it to Mars or are able to lift off of Mars once they land, could kill them all.
Well that settles it then. The expert has spoken Mars is off the table forever

Radiation is energy. Why not to use it just simple for the drive? The situation is perhaps nearly the same as sailing in the wind. Because wind and water cool a biological body to death means not sailing ships are impossible.

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I keep telling you we haven't been here billions of years

We haven't been here billions of years ... but the planet has. It didn't notice when we arrived, it won't notice when we're gone.

That's my view too. When the save-the-planet mob start spouting off.

They're only concerned about their own comfort and welfare. (Oh dear, a storm's coming in from the Atlantic. It might blow my roof off!)

Who do we think we are? The planet will just shrug us off. Without a second thought.

The planet will likely shrug us off without a first thought. Planets aren't known for thinking. :p
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Hal? Is that you?
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

As someone with more than a passing background in astronomy, I kinda have to give the nod to you. There are HUGE problems with putting people into long term space:
  1. Weightlessness. A real killer. You NEED gravity. Over a long time the body can eventually adapt to a lesser gravity environment, but the easy solution is rotating sections in vessels to simulate gravity.
  2. Radiation. This is the tough one. Outside Earth's protective envelop, we die. Ships can try to have some protection by using water and waste in walls, but on the Moon and Mars, you'd have to live underground.
  3. Durability. A spec of dust going 25,000 mph will puncture right through our ships. WE really don't have the means to build things to withstand space impacts nor the technology to deflect them with repulsive energy shells.
  4. Motive power. Rocket power is wholly inadequate in space. 98% of the ship's weight is fuel holding you back to get to a feeble speed, then you don't have the power to stop, change direction or navigate much.
That said, there still is a market for low orbit missions and the Moon. Going to Mars is a YUGE step. Doable in time. But your point is taken, we have bigger problems here at home, but space exploration is not an area where we waste the most money. We waste a LOT of money on far worse things; but much of the technology you have around you now CAME from the space program.
I keep telling you we haven't been here billions of years

We haven't been here billions of years ... but the planet has. It didn't notice when we arrived, it won't notice when we're gone.

That's my view too. When the save-the-planet mob start spouting off.

They're only concerned about their own comfort and welfare. (Oh dear, a storm's coming in from the Atlantic. It might blow my roof off!)

Who do we think we are? The planet will just shrug us off. Without a second thought.

The planet will likely shrug us off without a first thought. Planets aren't known for thinking. :p

It was just a turn of phrase.

Smartarse. :funnyface:
I keep telling you we haven't been here billions of years

We haven't been here billions of years ... but the planet has. It didn't notice when we arrived, it won't notice when we're gone.

No we haven't. It's a made up fairy tale by those who believe in evolution.

We can't be finding millions of years old fossils so easily.


I'm not sure how to address the fact that you can't discern between geology and biology.

That being said, what you believe has zero impact on what humans do, or don't do, for the next few centuries. It will happen without your input.

The planet is relatively really young. The changes that will take place in the near future has to do with our borders. We will notice when these kinds of things happen or else you are an ostrich with its head in the sand.

It applies to geology and uniformitarianism, too. The present isn't the key to our past. The past was much different and catastrophism shaped our planet. It isn't billions of years old. We do not understand what millions of years would do to it let alone billions of years. All of it based on evolution since it required long time and some schmoe (Clair Patterson) provided wrong data using radiometric dating. One would be better off with computer dating.
^^^^^^Great post. The Space Race was all about beating the Soviet Union, and more a Defense/Military program than anything. Once we did that, the space program took a back seat to other things. It was fun in the 60's and 70's though.

Now, Ironically, we use their rockets for our astronauts to go into space.
You know what I think? EVERY person who is elected to lead their country should get a free trip to space with at least 3 orbits. Maybe then, the people that lead countries would understand that we are all on this planet together.
You know what I think? EVERY person who is elected to lead their country should get a free trip to space with at least 3 orbits. Maybe then, the people that lead countries would understand that we are all on this planet together.

Most should get a free trip with one orbit - of the entire Milky Way.
We don't live long enough for space travel.

How do we get round that? Transplant into robots?
The first step in solving problems is to create a need for a solution. As long we have no plans for deep explorations of space, there will be no solutions to the problems. Had we not committed to going to the moon, we would not have made the huge advances needed to meet that challenge.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space.

Perhaps....butcha just want to launch some folks anyways......~S~

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