Humans Are not made to travel into Space. Its a waste of Money.

I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
2001: A Space Odyssey — Explained
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.

Nietzsche ... Arthur C. Clarke wrote it? Stanislaw Lem for example wrote "Solaris". Very fascinating

And who wrote "Hiroshima and Nagasaki"? Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Trueman?


Last edited:
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.

Nietzsche ... Arthur C. Clarke wrote it? Stanislaw Lem for example wrote "Solaris". Very fascinating

And who wrote "Hieroshima and Nagasaki"? Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Trueman?

So you can't explain the ending?

Which is what I asked.
Years long missions could be carried out on ships with artificial gravity.

There is no such thing as artificial gravity.
Centrifugal force can approximate it but it still lacks lacks uniformity.

I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
2001: A Space Odyssey — Explained

Thank you.

So there is a superior entity watching over us?

This resonated: "Kubrick’s point is that for a society to progress, there must be conflict."

Flies in the face of the peace mongers, tree huggers, wreath layers, and candle lighters.
who was the idiot in the 1800's who said man has reached the pinnacle of technical innovation

Unfortunately i dont think we're going anywhere anytime soon
casue it woud be a pleasure to visit somewhere that wasn't corrupted with lefttards

alpha centuri > thats probably the first place we're headed to

Confirmed planets. Only one planet has been confirmed for the Alpha Centauri system: Proxima Centauri b. It is slightly larger than the Earth, and orbits around Proxima Centauri in the habitable zone.

we're takin the oil
i was born to soon
im here for civil war 2
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.

Nietzsche ... Arthur C. Clarke wrote it? Stanislaw Lem for example wrote "Solaris". Very fascinating

And who wrote "Hieroshima and Nagasaki"? Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Trueman?

So you can't explain the ending?

Which is what I asked.

I do not start again to tell you now something, what I thought about. Read another book - not me.

I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:

... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.

Nietzsche ... Arthur C. Clarke wrote it? Stanislaw Lem for example wrote "Solaris". Very fascinating

And who wrote "Hieroshima and Nagasaki"? Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Trueman?

So you can't explain the ending?

Which is what I asked.

I do not start again to tell you now something, what I thought about. Read another book - not me.

So you still don't know?
... Hmm ...

„Unheimlich ist das menschliche Dasein und immer noch ohne Sinn […]. Ich will die Menschen den Sinn ihres Seins lehren: welcher ist der Übermensch, der Blitz aus der dunklen Wolke Mensch.“

Friedrich Nietzsche

"... [...], I will teach men the meaning of their existence: the Superman, the lightning out of the dark cloud- man.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“Not a bad thing to know something about darkness. You can’t talk about light without some knowledge of darkness. Like your buddy Nietzsche said, 'He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you.”
Kazuki Kaneshiro

But I guess you do not know more now, because you still don't speak Extraterrestrian.

Arthur C Clarke wrote it.

Not Nietsche. Or that other bloke you mentioned.

Nietzsche ... Arthur C. Clarke wrote it? Stanislaw Lem for example wrote "Solaris". Very fascinating

And who wrote "Hieroshima and Nagasaki"? Franklin D. Roosevelt or Harry S. Trueman?

So you can't explain the ending?

Which is what I asked.

I do not start again to tell you now something, what I thought about. Read another book - not me.

So you still don't know?


Last edited:
Well after Space X Dragon 2 anomaly it looks like we won't send Americans into space on our own until the year 2525. How do you spend resources on manned spaceflight and it still fails? I wonder if it was sabotaged by the deep state to keep Boeing's version from not looking so bad. But hey...the quotas are working just fine.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
2001: A Space Odyssey — Explained

Thank you.

So there is a superior entity watching over us?

This resonated: "Kubrick’s point is that for a society to progress, there must be conflict."

Flies in the face of the peace mongers, tree huggers, wreath layers, and candle lighters.
Yes, conflict in development of the species, eternal conflict, not sure about that. Assuming man doesn't blow himself up or destroy the planet, I think it's a good guess that man and machine will someday merge considering the advances in genetics, artificial intelligence, and robotics. In fact, I would think an android human would seem likely in the year 3,000 if not sooner. Then we may see a more rational human guided more by logic than emotion.
I've just watched Kubrick's A Space Odyssey. Millions of miles from Earth on the Jupiter mission, and still not at the destination!

I didn't understand the ending. Having read the book some years ago to understand the ending, and then having understood it, I've forgotten what I understood. So I'm back to square one. :dunno:
I just saw it too
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Mankinds survival REQUIRES that we master space travel.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Mankinds survival REQUIRES that we master space travel.

Moot point
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!

Mankinds survival REQUIRES that we master space travel.

Moot point

Only if you're a moron.
Many studies have shown that space travel is not good for Humans beings. We are Earth bound creatures not born to travel into the zero gravity of space. All the money being spent on space travel, could be best spent on Earth. We still have world hunger and many problems here on Earth. Lets stop all this Mars rover missions, and spaceEX launches now.!!


Space travel should be done by R2D2 not Buck Rogers

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