Humans in another 200,000 years

In 200,000 years, humans may have evolved to something that might look very little like modern-day humans.
I agree about humans! I think humans are past the point of evolution. Because we are using science to survive things that would normally kill us and cause evolution for those who survive. But nowadays.... everyone survives! I think evolution is dead among humans, unless something cataclysmic happens... And we have to start over.

Some people think gray aliens are actually us, from the future, coming back to visit for whatever reason. Besides the time-travel-into-the-past problem, in order to evolve that much means we all died due to a cataclysm and had to evolve and start all over again. So what did they evolve from if we all died?
human advances just in the last few centuries has greatly eclipsed the first 200,000 yrs
Last 120 yrs
Electricity , radio , tv , comp, cars etc

Go back to 1900 and you have zero anything
Earth was black with zero light
Really the 1920s is the start of the modern era
Yes, we have had technological evolution. But species evolution? I think we have a little, because we're bigger and stronger and live longer. But how do we evolve from here? Our brains are at total mass for our craniums. We can only get so smart. I think we are at the peak of our evolution because natural selection does not apply to us anymore. The only way to evolve more is genetic engineering.

That's what we need to focus on. It's a big no-no with people, but that's what we need to do to move forward, and get our asses off this earth.
Yes, we have had technological evolution. But species evolution? I think we have a little, because we're bigger and stronger and live longer. But how do we evolve from here? Our brains are at total mass for our craniums. We can only get so smart. I think we are at the peak of our evolution because natural selection does not apply to us anymore. The only way to evolve more is genetic engineering.

That's what we need to focus on. It's a big no-no with people, but that's what we need to do to move forward, and get our asses off this earth.
Genetic engineering won’t be reality until next century along with AI
You can’t travel to other planet until AI
No Rush
I want to see a scientist create a baby with a bigger brain. Based on mixing genes of peeps with big brains. Like Einstein and Quasar. And raise that baby with love and caring, and see if that big brained baby can become the modern day DeVinci.
I think we're just watching random assholes like me come along. And nobody gives a shit..

We should be breeding these geniuses, to create new levels of genius.
Genetic mixing is not possible this century
Should be early next century for sure.

you dont want my brains lol
If we start living in low G environments, those humans will evolve to that environment while future generations may not be able to return to the crushing gravity of Earth.
First we have to determine if humans can actually be born in lower gravity without long term negative effects.
The experiment was done with mice and while appearing healthy seemed to have difficulty orienting themselves.
Hopefully I will be dead 💀 soon

i have zero interest in ever being in a war
. After seeing black hawk down and saving private Ryan I can see how awful and terrifying it is
You're basing your opinion on war to a couple of movies?

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