Humorously Ironic: Dem Women in WHITE Sit While Trump Announces Lowest MINORITY Unemployment #s EVER

The opposition party sitting on their hands is nothing new...This is really a non-story.

Thank you. These people acting like this has never happened before are just making themselves look foolish.

They got up and cheered like they just won the Superbowl when Trump announced at the last SOTU that there were more women in Congress than every before. But honoring one's self has never been much of a problem for members of Congress.

They also all stood up and clapped for the Army guy that was reunited with his family last night.

Why do you people insist on pretending this is some new thing that has never happened before?

I just do not understand the need for such willful ignorance.

I think the point is it just seems odd, since they clapped for the same point last year (for sake of completeness, the standing applause from the female Democrate in white in my previous post also applied to the comments about women filling a high percent of newly created jobs in the economy)

Here's a link to the video of that (even Trump joked "you weren't supposed to do that"):

Trump gives the women of Congress a shoutout - CNNPolitics

What they clap for and do not clap for is planned well ahead of time, by both parties.
The opposition party sitting on their hands is nothing new...This is really a non-story.

Thank you. These people acting like this has never happened before are just making themselves look foolish.

They got up and cheered like they just won the Superbowl when Trump announced at the last SOTU that there were more women in Congress than every before. But honoring one's self has never been much of a problem for members of Congress.

They also all stood up and clapped for the Army guy that was reunited with his family last night.

Why do you people insist on pretending this is some new thing that has never happened before?

I just do not understand the need for such willful ignorance.

I think the point is it just seems odd, since they clapped for the same point last year (for sake of completeness, the standing applause from the female Democrate in white in my previous post also applied to the comments about women filling a high percent of newly created jobs in the economy)

Here's a link to the video of that (even Trump joked "you weren't supposed to do that"):

Trump gives the women of Congress a shoutout - CNNPolitics

What they clap for and do not clap for is planned well ahead of time, by both parties.

And yet they broke from that last year and slowly stood up to clap, ending in a rowdy celebration, when the same point was made at the last SOTU. I think that's why it comes off weird. Why not clap about that? If it is planned by their party, it is a poor choice given the optics with the cameras on. They looked better last year breaking from the plan (if that's what they did) and clapping about that.
As cheers went up and Republicans rose to their feet to clap while President Trump touted the lowest unemployment rate for minorities and women in US history, female Democrats dressed in white remained in their chairs, refusing to stand, refusing to celebrate this outstanding historic milestone of success for the country.

How fitting at that moment they showed the world that 'it's all about the Democratic Party', not about America and ITS successes.

'Democrats refuse to stand or clap when @realDonaldTrump reminds them that we have record low unemployment for Black Americans, Hispanic Americans, Women and record low poverty for Black Americans. Absolutely shameful. Why do Democrats hate that the country is doing so well? #SOTU
— Robby Starbuck (@robbystarbuck) February 5, 2020'

Dem Women in White Sit While Trump Announces Lowest Minority Unemployment Numbers EVER
Nosta. See? Before you guys were bragging about how the economy had never been better for blacks and he made America great for blacks. Today you’re painting a more bleak picture

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