Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

The way Obama planned on transforming America was by turning normal Americans into terrorists.

I don't think they were normal to begin with, but some sure are terrorists now, like Antifa and Black Lives Matter
So you are for Fascism?

You have no clue about BLM other than your racist views.
BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis/stormtroopers

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter organizers who have disrupted politicians
etc etc to infinity

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

You God damn assfucks take what one person said & spread to all BLM.

Unarmed black people are getting gunned down by police & you asssfucks cheer. "He should have listened." "He shouldn't had a tail light out." They should have ignored their rights & submitted.

People like you that are wrong about BLM are nothing but ignorant racist people who think black people should just STFU & know their place.
no--there was a BLM crowd CHEERING when they said to KILL whites
BLM disrupting PEACEFUL political meetings all over the country

....I've been over the ''unarmed'' shootings many, many times and it's a huge lie and bullshit
Sweep it under the rug. After all they are only black people, right?
I don't think they were normal to begin with, but some sure are terrorists now, like Antifa and Black Lives Matter
So you are for Fascism?

You have no clue about BLM other than your racist views.
BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis/stormtroopers

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter organizers who have disrupted politicians
etc etc to infinity

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

You God damn assfucks take what one person said & spread to all BLM.

Unarmed black people are getting gunned down by police & you asssfucks cheer. "He should have listened." "He shouldn't had a tail light out." They should have ignored their rights & submitted.

People like you that are wrong about BLM are nothing but ignorant racist people who think black people should just STFU & know their place.
about 30 million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops--233 blacks shot--MOST of them armed and dangerous
..stop the bullshit about ''unarmed'' BLACKS crap
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

I love it when you dishonest fucks bury the problem in irrelevant statistics.

Only 16 unarmed..........

Only 16 unarmed killed. How many of those shooters were prosecuted?

So how did these unarmed black people kill these policemen?

This is as pathetic as when one of your ilk claimed since moire children died in bath tubs that wed should do nothing about children shot in mass shootings.
hahahhah--you fkd up!!
I argue that kids dying in POOLs/etc is an idiotic argument for pro-guns!!!!!!!!!!
look at my recent posts in the gun threads
you fked up big time!!!!
I don't think they were normal to begin with, but some sure are terrorists now, like Antifa and Black Lives Matter
So you are for Fascism?

You have no clue about BLM other than your racist views.
BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis/stormtroopers

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter organizers who have disrupted politicians
etc etc to infinity

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

You God damn assfucks take what one person said & spread to all BLM.

Unarmed black people are getting gunned down by police & you asssfucks cheer. "He should have listened." "He shouldn't had a tail light out." They should have ignored their rights & submitted.

People like you that are wrong about BLM are nothing but ignorant racist people who think black people should just STFU & know their place.
about 30 million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops--233 blacks shot--MOST of them armed and dangerous
..stop the bullshit about ''unarmed'' BLACKS crap
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

I love it when you dishonest fucks bury the problem in irrelevant statistics.

Only 16 unarmed..........

Only 16 unarmed killed. How many of those shooters were prosecuted?

So how did these unarmed black people kill these policemen?

This is as pathetic as when one of your ilk claimed since moire children died in bath tubs that wed should do nothing about children shot in mass shootings.
Mother nature will show up at some point to thin out the herd. Always does. The Western Hemisphere is prime for this.
So you are for Fascism?

You have no clue about BLM other than your racist views.
BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis/stormtroopers

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter organizers who have disrupted politicians
etc etc to infinity

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

You God damn assfucks take what one person said & spread to all BLM.

Unarmed black people are getting gunned down by police & you asssfucks cheer. "He should have listened." "He shouldn't had a tail light out." They should have ignored their rights & submitted.

People like you that are wrong about BLM are nothing but ignorant racist people who think black people should just STFU & know their place.
about 30 million calls for police assistance per year--not counting traffic stops--233 blacks shot--MOST of them armed and dangerous
..stop the bullshit about ''unarmed'' BLACKS crap
In 2016, the police fatally shot 233 blacks, the vast majority armed and dangerous, according to the Washington Post. The paper categorized only 16 black male victims of police shootings as “unarmed.” That classification masks assaults against officers and violent resistance to arrest.
Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.

I love it when you dishonest fucks bury the problem in irrelevant statistics.

Only 16 unarmed..........

Only 16 unarmed killed. How many of those shooters were prosecuted?

So how did these unarmed black people kill these policemen?

This is as pathetic as when one of your ilk claimed since moire children died in bath tubs that wed should do nothing about children shot in mass shootings.
hahahhah--you fkd up!!
I argue that kids dying in POOLs/etc is an idiotic argument for pro-guns!!!!!!!!!!
look at my recent posts in the gun threads
you fked up big time!!!!

I posted the truth. There have been posts by your ilk that used these statistics to justify doing nothing on guns.

Don;t even try to deny it.
I love it when you dishonest fucks bury the problem in irrelevant statistics.
Only 16 unarmed..........
Only 16 unarmed killed. How many of those shooters were prosecuted?
So how did these unarmed black people kill these policemen?
This is as pathetic as when one of your ilk claimed since moire children died in bath tubs that wed should do nothing about children shot in mass shootings.

Little Tiny Dick Dave here is an excellent example of the thread title: "Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie". In the midst of spewing out all his venom and hate, and the word "assfucks" about a billion times, the ignorant dope did not realize that he was proving the thread correct. LOL
no--there was a BLM crowd CHEERING when they said to KILL whites
BLM disrupting PEACEFUL political meetings all over the country
....I've been over the ''unarmed'' shootings many, many times and it's a huge lie and bullshit

Bill O'Reilly rightly called BLM a hate group. They called for killing the police in public, after which police were being shot at the time, and they are obviously racist. They do not represent good, hard working African America citizens.

I posted the truth...........

In your dreams. You are a pathological liar.

Sweep it under the rug. After all they are only black people, right?

I love it when you dishonest fucks bury the problem in irrelevant statistics.
Only 16 unarmed..........
Only 16 unarmed killed. How many of those shooters were prosecuted?
So how did these unarmed black people kill these policemen?
This is as pathetic as when one of your ilk claimed since moire children died in bath tubs that wed should do nothing about children shot in mass shootings.

Little Tiny Dick Dave here is an excellent example of the thread title: "Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie". In the midst of spewing out all his venom and hate, and the word "assfucks" about a billion times, the ignorant dope did not realize that he was proving the thread correct. LOL

So it is my fault that you're a racist. Interesting.

As far as expanding the economic pie, he is withdrawing money from your bank account & giving to you & you are jumping for joy.
Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie
RealClearPolitics | Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

The black and Hispanic unemployment rates both just hit another all-time low, proving that the Trump administration's focus on providing equal opportunity to all Americans is doing more to empower racial minorities than any of the divisive approaches the Democrats have ever tried.

President Trump has advanced an economic agenda that puts American workers at the center of the government’s decision-making. Policies such as cutting taxes for middle-income workers, fighting back against foreign trade cheaters, and stopping the flow of illegal immigration empower all workers and are improving the lives of working Americans and their families.

These policies have had remarkable effects, especially for blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women, all of whom have achieved all-time low unemployment rates on this president’s watch — and the outlook just keeps getting better.

The African American unemployment rate, for instance, fell to a new record low of 5.5% in August, significantly lower than the previous record of 5.9% that was set in May 2018. The unemployment rate for black women dropped even more precipitously, from 5.2% to 4.4%. The current disparity between the black and white unemployment rate is at the lowest point on record, proving that the president’s pursuit of indiscriminate prosperity is succeeding at reducing racial economic inequalities

Keep reading >> LINK

ME: The more that the truth seeps out into the public and bypasses fake news, the better the chances that Trump will win, and the chances are already that Trump will win. Remember, KAG2020

Listen to video: Click Here

Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie
RealClearPolitics | Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

The black and Hispanic unemployment rates both just hit another all-time low, proving that the Trump administration's focus on providing equal opportunity to all Americans is doing more to empower racial minorities than any of the divisive approaches the Democrats have ever tried.

President Trump has advanced an economic agenda that puts American workers at the center of the government’s decision-making. Policies such as cutting taxes for middle-income workers, fighting back against foreign trade cheaters, and stopping the flow of illegal immigration empower all workers and are improving the lives of working Americans and their families.

These policies have had remarkable effects, especially for blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women, all of whom have achieved all-time low unemployment rates on this president’s watch — and the outlook just keeps getting better.

The African American unemployment rate, for instance, fell to a new record low of 5.5% in August, significantly lower than the previous record of 5.9% that was set in May 2018. The unemployment rate for black women dropped even more precipitously, from 5.2% to 4.4%. The current disparity between the black and white unemployment rate is at the lowest point on record, proving that the president’s pursuit of indiscriminate prosperity is succeeding at reducing racial economic inequalities

Keep reading >> LINK

ME: The more that the truth seeps out into the public and bypasses fake news, the better the chances that Trump will win, and the chances are already that Trump will win. Remember, KAG2020
Terri, a Democrat politician's worst nightmare is racial harmony and that is why they constantly fan the flames of hate.

So many liberal wealthy elites like Al Sharpton would lose their wealth and their way if racial harmony milestones are celebrated.
I believe the framers would also consider impeachable the way Trump lies constantly to the American people

I don’t need to give examples; just look at his Twitter feed or listen to the comments he makes on the White House lawn.

The way Obama planned on transforming America was by turning normal Americans into terrorists.

I don't think they were normal to begin with, but some sure are terrorists now, like Antifa and Black Lives Matter
So you are for Fascism?

You have no clue about BLM other than your racist views.
BLM are EXACTLY like the nazis/stormtroopers

hitler's SA:
The SA (also known as stormtroopers or brownshirts) were instructed to disrupt the meetings of political opponent
Sturmabteilung (SA)

More than two dozen protesters chanting "black lives matter" disrupted Donald Trump's rally
Donald Trump rally disrupted by more than 2 dozen Black Lives Matter protesters - CNNPolitics

Black Lives Matter organizers who have disrupted politicians
etc etc to infinity

BLM wants to KILL white people
BLM Anti-Trump Protest In Seattle: ‘We Need To Start Killing People’

You God damn assfucks take what one person said & spread to all BLM.

Unarmed black people are getting gunned down by police & you asssfucks cheer. "He should have listened." "He shouldn't had a tail light out." They should have ignored their rights & submitted.

People like you that are wrong about BLM are nothing but ignorant racist people who think black people should just STFU & know their place.

So it is my fault that you're a racist. Interesting.

As far as expanding the economic pie, he is withdrawing money from your bank account & giving to you & you are jumping for joy.

Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie
RealClearPolitics | Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

The black and Hispanic unemployment rates both just hit another all-time low, proving that the Trump administration's focus on providing equal opportunity to all Americans is doing more to empower racial minorities than any of the divisive approaches the Democrats have ever tried.

President Trump has advanced an economic agenda that puts American workers at the center of the government’s decision-making. Policies such as cutting taxes for middle-income workers, fighting back against foreign trade cheaters, and stopping the flow of illegal immigration empower all workers and are improving the lives of working Americans and their families.

These policies have had remarkable effects, especially for blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women, all of whom have achieved all-time low unemployment rates on this president’s watch — and the outlook just keeps getting better.

The African American unemployment rate, for instance, fell to a new record low of 5.5% in August, significantly lower than the previous record of 5.9% that was set in May 2018. The unemployment rate for black women dropped even more precipitously, from 5.2% to 4.4%. The current disparity between the black and white unemployment rate is at the lowest point on record, proving that the president’s pursuit of indiscriminate prosperity is succeeding at reducing racial economic inequalities

Keep reading >> LINK

ME: The more that the truth seeps out into the public and bypasses fake news, the better the chances that Trump will win, and the chances are already that Trump will win. Remember, KAG2020
Giving billions and billions of dollars to farmers whose lives trump ruined is not expanding the economic pie. In fact, if he’s reelected, do you really think he’s going to continue to help farmers?

That’s the question.

If Trump is reelected do you think he’s going to continue to give billions of dollars to farmers? Or will he help the farmers the same way he helped coal miners? And people in manufacturing?
So it is my fault that you're a racist.

I am no racist. I put my life on the line for my Army brethren regardless of their color. That is something that a foul mouthed sniveling coward like you could never understand.

You are reported for flaming while not addressing the topic

Thread topic:

Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

RealClearPolitics | Dems Divide Us by Race While Trump Expands Economic Pie

The black and Hispanic unemployment rates both just hit another all-time low, proving that the Trump administration's focus on providing equal opportunity to all Americans is doing more to empower racial minorities than any of the divisive approaches the Democrats have ever tried.

President Trump has advanced an economic agenda that puts American workers at the center of the government’s decision-making. Policies such as cutting taxes for middle-income workers, fighting back against foreign trade cheaters, and stopping the flow of illegal immigration empower all workers and are improving the lives of working Americans and their families.

These policies have had remarkable effects, especially for blacks, Hispanics, Asian Americans, and women, all of whom have achieved all-time low unemployment rates on this president’s watch — and the outlook just keeps getting better.

The African American unemployment rate, for instance, fell to a new record low of 5.5% in August, significantly lower than the previous record of 5.9% that was set in May 2018. The unemployment rate for black women dropped even more precipitously, from 5.2% to 4.4%. The current disparity between the black and white unemployment rate is at the lowest point on record, proving that the president’s pursuit of indiscriminate prosperity is succeeding at reducing racial economic inequalities

Keep reading >> LINK

ME: The more that the truth seeps out into the public and bypasses fake news, the better the chances that Trump will win, and the chances are already that Trump will win. Remember, KAG2020

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