Hundreds of conservatives gather for squash Amash rally outside his office in Michigan

So, you just post made up shit as an answer?

Facts show different.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state, lifting an enormous legal cloud from her presidential campaign less than two hours before she boarded Air Force One for her first joint campaign appearance with President Obama.

But on a day of political high drama in Washington, Mr. Comey rebuked Mrs. Clinton as being “extremely careless” in using a private email address and server. He raised questions about her judgment, contradicted statements she has made about her email practices, said it was possible that hostile foreign governments had gained access to her account, and declared that a person still employed by the government — Mrs. Clinton left the State Department in 2013 — could have faced disciplinary action for doing what she did.

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
And yet the very same FBI recommended prosecuting a sailor for pictures of his sub. I guess he wasn't high enough on the command ladder to get a pass?

He had no business taking a photo of equipment that was deemed secret. He was a sailor and not even high ranking.
Hillary had no business using an unsecure server to store classified emails. That's only one of her numerous crimes.

She was Secretary of State and since a Secretary of State can be on call 24 hours a day, she can make a strong case for it. The sailor cannot.
ROFL! That is the lamest excuse for breaking the law ever posted in this forum. You actually said that the law applies to the little guy, but not the politically connected like Hillary.

You are a Stalinist piece of shit.

You are a piece of walking Trump garbage.

The fact is that intent does matter. When Clinton left as Secretary of State, she deleted her personal e-mails and returned the work e-mails. She then destroyed the server so the secret information could not be retrieved. The sailor in question walked away with pictures of equipment that was deemed to be secret. Apples and oranges.
This is very much like the brown shirts.....point a finger at a traitor to the cult and sic 'em.
Voting someone out of office is like the brown shirts?

It's impossible to describe in mere words how profoundly stupid you are.

You are the one who is incredibly stupid. Voting someone out because he doesn't bow to Trump is brown shirt and straitjacket material.
Wrong, shit for brains. That's called "democracy."

That is not democracy. Voting on the basis of personality shows a sick democracy.
That will teach RINO Republicans to run against Trump.

Just like they taught Mark Sanford a lesson. Democrats have that seat.
Sanford is the idiot who went to Brazil to cheat on his wife. You only proved that idiots like Sanford and Amash get booted out of office.

Mark Sanford's seat which Democrats beat a Trump wannabee. Amash is a hell of a lot smarter than you and other dumb Trump supporters. He has something you and Trump will never have. Integrity.
He lost because he went to Brazil to cheat on his wife, not because he supported Trump.

You're a fucking moron.

He lost because he didn't bow down to Trump. The candidate who beat him lost because she was a Trump sycophant.
He lost because he's a dumbass who thought he could have an affair while he was in office and get away with it. Your speculations, beside being supremely idiotic, are clearly erroneous.
And yet the very same FBI recommended prosecuting a sailor for pictures of his sub. I guess he wasn't high enough on the command ladder to get a pass?

He had no business taking a photo of equipment that was deemed secret. He was a sailor and not even high ranking.
Hillary had no business using an unsecure server to store classified emails. That's only one of her numerous crimes.

She was Secretary of State and since a Secretary of State can be on call 24 hours a day, she can make a strong case for it. The sailor cannot.
ROFL! That is the lamest excuse for breaking the law ever posted in this forum. You actually said that the law applies to the little guy, but not the politically connected like Hillary.

You are a Stalinist piece of shit.

You are a piece of walking Trump garbage.

The fact is that intent does matter. When Clinton left as Secretary of State, she deleted her personal e-mails and returned the work e-mails. She then destroyed the server so the secret information could not be retrieved. The sailor in question walked away with pictures of equipment that was deemed to be secret. Apples and oranges.
This is very much like the brown shirts.....point a finger at a traitor to the cult and sic 'em.
Voting someone out of office is like the brown shirts?

It's impossible to describe in mere words how profoundly stupid you are.

You are the one who is incredibly stupid. Voting someone out because he doesn't bow to Trump is brown shirt and straitjacket material.
Wrong, shit for brains. That's called "democracy."

That is not democracy. Voting on the basis of personality shows a sick democracy.
Democracy is inherently sick. Furthermore, they voted on his integrity, which he showed to be non-existent. The people who put him in office also put Trump in office, and the last thing they want is their Congressman helping to destroy their President. The man is a douchebag who forgot how his constituents are.
Just like they taught Mark Sanford a lesson. Democrats have that seat.
Sanford is the idiot who went to Brazil to cheat on his wife. You only proved that idiots like Sanford and Amash get booted out of office.

Mark Sanford's seat which Democrats beat a Trump wannabee. Amash is a hell of a lot smarter than you and other dumb Trump supporters. He has something you and Trump will never have. Integrity.
If he's so smart, then why is he going to get primaried?
Scott Pruitt was facing more than a dozen investigations into his taxpayer-funded travel, questionable spending decisions, use of aides to conduct personal errands and other matters when he resigned July 5.on

Because he refuses to sell his integrity. A bunch of morons will vote against him.
ROFL! Because he's fucking stupid. He thought turning on Trump would get him votes from the moderates. He forget he was pissing off Trump's base.

He has integrity. You and Trump's voting base are fucking stupid and have no integrity. Piss on his base.
This is very much like the brown shirts.....point a finger at a traitor to the cult and sic 'em.
Voting someone out of office is like the brown shirts?

It's impossible to describe in mere words how profoundly stupid you are.

You are the one who is incredibly stupid. Voting someone out because he doesn't bow to Trump is brown shirt and straitjacket material.
Wrong, shit for brains. That's called "democracy."

That is not democracy. Voting on the basis of personality shows a sick democracy.
Democracy is inherently sick. Furthermore, they voted on his integrity, which he showed to be non-existent. The people who put him in office also put Trump in office, and the last thing they want is their Congressman helping to destroy their President. The man is a douchebag who forgot how his constituents are.

Is that why Michigan voted for Democrats at the state level in 2018? Democracy is sick when you cult members like you voting.
Sanford is the idiot who went to Brazil to cheat on his wife. You only proved that idiots like Sanford and Amash get booted out of office.

Mark Sanford's seat which Democrats beat a Trump wannabee. Amash is a hell of a lot smarter than you and other dumb Trump supporters. He has something you and Trump will never have. Integrity.
If he's so smart, then why is he going to get primaried?
Scott Pruitt was facing more than a dozen investigations into his taxpayer-funded travel, questionable spending decisions, use of aides to conduct personal errands and other matters when he resigned July 5.on

Because he refuses to sell his integrity. A bunch of morons will vote against him.
ROFL! Because he's fucking stupid. He thought turning on Trump would get him votes from the moderates. He forget he was pissing off Trump's base.

He has integrity. You and Trump's voting base are fucking stupid and have no integrity. Piss on his base.
Integrity? Only because you agree with him you fucking moron
He knows Trump should be accountable
You don't understand that Hillary, Comey, Brennan, Clapper, Strozk, Page, Obama and Lynch could be accountable.

Accountable for what?
Numerous violations of the espionage act, lying to Congress, obstruction of justice, perjury.

There is a reason why the word espionage is in the espionage act. Intent is important. Espionage is when information is stolen for purposes of selling to a unfriendly foreign power. Who did Clinton sell the information to? No obstruction of justice. Republicans in Congress tried to get her but failed. You don't have a brain to stand on.
The text of the statute says that criminal intent is not required, you fucking dumbass.

So what you fucking dumbass. Intent is a criteria the DOJ uses when they investigate a referral.
Brave man to go against a cult.
Amash is a progressive shit stain… Fact

Fact. Everyone who doesn't bow to Trump is progressive to you. You have shit stain for brains.
Amash is grandstanding, he has shit for brains... shit for brains

You have shit for brains. Amash is true to his values.
Obviously he’s not, you being a progressive you know nothing of conservative values
Just like they taught Mark Sanford a lesson. Democrats have that seat.
Sanford is the idiot who went to Brazil to cheat on his wife. You only proved that idiots like Sanford and Amash get booted out of office.

Mark Sanford's seat which Democrats beat a Trump wannabee. Amash is a hell of a lot smarter than you and other dumb Trump supporters. He has something you and Trump will never have. Integrity.
He lost because he went to Brazil to cheat on his wife, not because he supported Trump.

You're a fucking moron.

He lost because he didn't bow down to Trump. The candidate who beat him lost because she was a Trump sycophant.
He lost because he's a dumbass who thought he could have an affair while he was in office and get away with it. Your speculations, beside being supremely idiotic, are clearly erroneous.

Your comments are idiotic. He won 2 terms. He lost to a Trump sycophant and she lost the seat to Democrats. Fact.
Mark Sanford's seat which Democrats beat a Trump wannabee. Amash is a hell of a lot smarter than you and other dumb Trump supporters. He has something you and Trump will never have. Integrity.
If he's so smart, then why is he going to get primaried?
Scott Pruitt was facing more than a dozen investigations into his taxpayer-funded travel, questionable spending decisions, use of aides to conduct personal errands and other matters when he resigned July 5.on

Because he refuses to sell his integrity. A bunch of morons will vote against him.
ROFL! Because he's fucking stupid. He thought turning on Trump would get him votes from the moderates. He forget he was pissing off Trump's base.

He has integrity. You and Trump's voting base are fucking stupid and have no integrity. Piss on his base.
Integrity? Only because you agree with him you fucking moron

He has integrity because he holds politicians to the same standard regardless of whether they have a D or R on their shirt. You are a partisan hack asshole.
Brave man to go against a cult.
Amash is a progressive shit stain… Fact

Fact. Everyone who doesn't bow to Trump is progressive to you. You have shit stain for brains.
Amash is grandstanding, he has shit for brains... shit for brains

You have shit for brains. Amash is true to his values.
Obviously he’s not, you being a progressive you know nothing of conservative values

Everyone who disagrees with you is a progressive. You have no clue what you are talking about. You have no knowledge of conservative values.
If he's so smart, then why is he going to get primaried?
Scott Pruitt was facing more than a dozen investigations into his taxpayer-funded travel, questionable spending decisions, use of aides to conduct personal errands and other matters when he resigned July 5.on

Because he refuses to sell his integrity. A bunch of morons will vote against him.
ROFL! Because he's fucking stupid. He thought turning on Trump would get him votes from the moderates. He forget he was pissing off Trump's base.

He has integrity. You and Trump's voting base are fucking stupid and have no integrity. Piss on his base.
Integrity? Only because you agree with him you fucking moron

He has integrity because he holds politicians to the same standard regardless of whether they have a D or R on their shirt. You are a partisan hack asshole.
Na, not really
He is just another career politician... corrupt to the core
Amash is a progressive shit stain… Fact

Fact. Everyone who doesn't bow to Trump is progressive to you. You have shit stain for brains.
Amash is grandstanding, he has shit for brains... shit for brains

You have shit for brains. Amash is true to his values.
Obviously he’s not, you being a progressive you know nothing of conservative values

Everyone who disagrees with you is a progressive. You have no clue what you are talking about. You have no knowledge of conservative values.
Says a progressive
Comey ADMITTED Hillary Clinton was guilty of the latest charges in regards her server and classified information, he decided she was just to STUPID to know it was a crime.

So, you just post made up shit as an answer?

Facts show different.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state, lifting an enormous legal cloud from her presidential campaign less than two hours before she boarded Air Force One for her first joint campaign appearance with President Obama.

But on a day of political high drama in Washington, Mr. Comey rebuked Mrs. Clinton as being “extremely careless” in using a private email address and server. He raised questions about her judgment, contradicted statements she has made about her email practices, said it was possible that hostile foreign governments had gained access to her account, and declared that a person still employed by the government — Mrs. Clinton left the State Department in 2013 — could have faced disciplinary action for doing what she did.

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
And yet the very same FBI recommended prosecuting a sailor for pictures of his sub. I guess he wasn't high enough on the command ladder to get a pass?

Once again posting shit without a license.

The Facts...

A US Navy sailor was sentenced on Friday to a year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear attack submarine while it was in port in Connecticut.

Kristian Saucier, of Arlington, Vermont, appeared in federal court in Bridgeport, where a judge also ordered him to serve six months of home confinement with electronic monitoring during a three-year period of supervised release after the prison time. He pleaded guilty in May to unauthorized detention of defense information and had faced five to six years in prison under federal sentencing guidelines.

Saucier admitted to taking six photos of classified areas inside the USS Alexandria in 2009 when it was in Groton and he was a 22-year-old machinist mate on the submarine. The photos showed the nuclear reactor compartment, the auxiliary steam propulsion panel and the maneuvering compartment, prosecutors said.

Saucier took the photos knowing they were classified, but did so only to be able to show his family and future children what he did while he was in the Navy, his lawyers said. He denied sharing the photos with any unauthorized recipient.

“It was a foolish mistake by a very young man,” his lawyer, Greg Rinckey, said after the sentencing. “It’s a very sad case because Kristian Saucier is a fine young man. We don’t believe this was really his true character.”

Saucier is expected to receive an “other than honorable” discharge from the Navy next month, Rinckey said. He is to report to prison on 12 October. Saucier did not speak during Friday’s court proceeding.

Federal prosecutors said the FBI and the Naval Criminal Investigative Service were never able to determine if the photos had been distributed to unauthorized people because Saucier destroyed key evidence including his laptop computer, a camera and a memory card after an interview with the FBI in 2012.
What did he post that wasn't true?

Hillary broke the law. There's absolutely no doubt about that.

The facts...

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.
Willful? Posting classified information on her home serve was most definitely WILLFUL.Just as Willfully as the navy Sailor that got 3 years.

Amash has a distinguished conservative record, why would conservatives oppose him?

Just because he thinks nobody is above the law?
He only disagrees with Trump now cause of his business in China.

Prove it you lying weasel.
Do your own research check out his business interests that have been reported on IN THIS FORUM.
The facts have been posted in this forum 10,000 times.

So the indictments, court proceedings and any convictions would be where?
Comey ADMITTED Hillary Clinton was guilty of the latest charges in regards her server and classified information, he decided she was just to STUPID to know it was a crime.

So, you just post made up shit as an answer?

Facts show different.

WASHINGTON — The F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, on Tuesday recommended no criminal charges against Hillary Clinton for her handling of classified information while she was secretary of state, lifting an enormous legal cloud from her presidential campaign less than two hours before she boarded Air Force One for her first joint campaign appearance with President Obama.

But on a day of political high drama in Washington, Mr. Comey rebuked Mrs. Clinton as being “extremely careless” in using a private email address and server. He raised questions about her judgment, contradicted statements she has made about her email practices, said it was possible that hostile foreign governments had gained access to her account, and declared that a person still employed by the government — Mrs. Clinton left the State Department in 2013 — could have faced disciplinary action for doing what she did.

To warrant a criminal charge, Mr. Comey said, there had to be evidence that Mrs. Clinton intentionally transmitted or willfully mishandled classified information. The F.B.I. found neither, and as a result, he said, “our judgment is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case.”
And yet the very same FBI recommended prosecuting a sailor for pictures of his sub. I guess he wasn't high enough on the command ladder to get a pass?

He had no business taking a photo of equipment that was deemed secret. He was a sailor and not even high ranking.
Hillary had no busy posting DOZENS of highly classified documents and statements on an unsecured server she KNEW was unsecured, her entire defense was. BY GOLLY I did not know they were classified.

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