Hundreds of conservatives gather for squash Amash rally outside his office in Michigan

Amash has a distinguished conservative record, why would conservatives oppose him?

Just because he thinks nobody is above the law?
Every member of the GOP says he never voted with them....that he was a cog in the wheel so they just ignored him for the most part.....even the GOP anti Trumpers didn't like or trust him....
That’s a lie
Amash had superior conservative credentials

However, unlike other conservatives, he actually read the Mueller Report
I know, right?
You have shit for brains. Amash is true to his values.

Fine, then he should run as a member of his preferred party - the Democratic Party.
You don’t know that. For all we know he’s another white Republican racist.

It’s just that he may be a racist who actually believes in the rule of law.

Donald Trump is another Unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies. He’s turned the White House into a Ponzi scheme like the Trump foundation. And the Trump foundation came to a sad sticky end. Now Trump can’t be on any more foundations because he’s a criminal. He’s been banned.
Why is this man being disrespectful to the American flag?

You have shit for brains. Amash is true to his values.

Fine, then he should run as a member of his preferred party - the Democratic Party.
You don’t know that. For all we know he’s another white Republican racist.

It’s just that he may be a racist who actually believes in the rule of law.

Donald Trump is another Unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies. He’s turned the White House into a Ponzi scheme like the Trump foundation. And the Trump foundation came to a sad sticky end. Now Trump can’t be on any more foundations because he’s a criminal. He’s been banned.
He actually read the Mueller Report . ACTUALLY READ IT. Those kinds of things are unforgivable to donnie's deplorables. Reading! GEEEEESH!
At least he’s not humping it.

Hey deanrd!!!! why aren't you at one of the seven impeachment rallys today?....CNN is there with their reporterett and camera crew but she said the protesters haven't shown up was suppose to begin an hour ago and no one is there....get off your ass brother and go.....Buuuuuaaaahahahahahahahahahahahhheeeehhehhehehhehhehhhehhehhhahahahahahooohooohooohhheeehheeehhehahahahah!
You don’t know that. For all we know he’s another white Republican racist.

It’s just that he may be a racist who actually believes in the rule of law.

Donald Trump is another Unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies. He’s turned the White House into a Ponzi scheme like the Trump foundation. And the Trump foundation came to a sad sticky end. Now Trump can’t be on any more foundations because he’s a criminal. He’s been banned.

He stepped out of line. He marched to his own drummer. That’s not allowed in True Conservative circles. Not even for a single step.

Trump isn’t a Conservative. He never has been. He’s a tool that is being used to destroy both parties and bring about the Second Civil War necessary to cleanse this country and allow the rebirth of a Nationalistic, Isolationist and Authoritarian nation we should be.
Every member of the GOP says he never voted with them....that he was a cog in the wheel so they just ignored him for the most part.....even the GOP anti Trumpers didn't like or trust him....
That’s a lie
Amash had superior conservative credentials

However, unlike other conservatives, he actually read the Mueller Report

Kevin McCarthy: Justin Amash "Votes More With Nancy Pelosi Than He Ever Votes With Me"

Then McCarthy is not a conservative. Amash has a impeccable conservative record.
Amash has an A rating as a conservative, McCarthy has an F rating

Only difference is that McCarthy is willing to overlook possible criminal conduct for partisan reasons

Why would you say it was for partisan reasons? Perhaps people have looked at Mueller's use of "Possible" in his description of obstruction of justice and realize that alternate explanations than Mueller's interpretations of the behavior show it didn't rise to obstruction.

Perhaps you should read the report:
Most republicans admit they haven’t read the full report. Amash has
He has identified specific passages that he thinks are prosecutable

To condemn Amash just because he took sides against trump is partisan
Squashing someone doesn't sound non-violent.

Oh, they said something mean. Well, that makes them JUST like the violent folks at Antifa who punch old folks. Good thinking.
That’s a lie
Amash had superior conservative credentials

However, unlike other conservatives, he actually read the Mueller Report

Kevin McCarthy: Justin Amash "Votes More With Nancy Pelosi Than He Ever Votes With Me"

Then McCarthy is not a conservative. Amash has a impeccable conservative record.
Amash has an A rating as a conservative, McCarthy has an F rating

Only difference is that McCarthy is willing to overlook possible criminal conduct for partisan reasons

Why would you say it was for partisan reasons? Perhaps people have looked at Mueller's use of "Possible" in his description of obstruction of justice and realize that alternate explanations than Mueller's interpretations of the behavior show it didn't rise to obstruction.

Perhaps you should read the report:
Most republicans admit they haven’t read the full report. Amash has
He has identified specific passages that he thinks are prosecutable

To condemn Amash just because he took sides against trump is partisan

No one condemns him. They are indicating they won't be supporting him in the next election. Perhaps they are trying to help him save some time and effort.
Amash has an A rating as a conservative, McCarthy has an F rating

Only difference is that McCarthy is willing to overlook possible criminal conduct for partisan reasons

Why would you say it was for partisan reasons? Perhaps people have looked at Mueller's use of "Possible" in his description of obstruction of justice and realize that alternate explanations than Mueller's interpretations of the behavior show it didn't rise to obstruction.

Perhaps you should read the report:
Most republicans admit they haven’t read the full report. Amash has
He has identified specific passages that he thinks are prosecutable

To condemn Amash just because he took sides against trump is partisan

No one condemns him. They are indicating they won't be supporting him in the next election. Perhaps they are trying to help him save some time and effort.

Some conservatives

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