Hundreds of Voters Unregister After Being Asked for Information

Try to get a drivers license without providing your SSN and date of birth, good luck.

That's my point exactly. Your date of birth and SSN are locked away safely in the DMV records, so having your drivers license number doesn't get any personal information, unless you can access DMV..
You righties brag about all the GOP governors you have in place . Well then, if there is all this fraud by the Dems it would easily be exposed since the state controls all the voting and registration.

Why hasn't this happened??? Oh, because there is no massive fake voting as you paranoid freaks would believe .
You righties brag about all the GOP governors you have in place . Well then, if there is all this fraud by the Dems it would easily be exposed since the state controls all the voting and registration.

Excellent point. All those republican governors and republican state houses, should have looked into their voter records from when the democrats ran it, and documented all the voter fraud.

But why didn't that happen? Why is there no record of massive voter fraud from before they took control? Why don't any of those red states have a report of how they cleaned up the massive voter fraud in their state?
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Nothing to see, move along.

Scratching the surface.

Hundreds of voters are responding to the possibility their information will be shared with President Trump's election integrity panel by withdrawing their voter registration, according to a Friday report.

In Colorado, one of the states that is complying with part of the commission request, two clerks have seen a significant increase in voters withdrawing their voter registration, Denver's ABC affiliate reported.

Hundreds of voters un-register after Trump voter fraud panel demands info
And the evidence that those people withdrew because they were fraudulent?
No one ever said you lefties were bright.

Try thinking on your own without Soros telling you what to parrot.

Try thinking on your own without Rush, Hannity , Laura Ingram, Beck, Breibart, Fox, etc.
OP quotes ABC, dipshit racist pig. Got a Jew in your head, freak?
Those are all Democrats who are also "government employees," like the ones Obama summoned to go race bait in Ferguson...

They have a goal to each vote 10 times every election day.
I am considering withdrawing my registration if my state complies..
I wonder if the Obama vote was the last legal election in the US? I don't remember any national election that has been this iffy in my lifetime. Local elections yeah, but not national.
The Federal govt. has a right to verify voters voting for Federal offices are legally entitled to vote for those offices. States have the right to verify their voters are doing so legally. If they don't want to turn over verification to the Feds, then they don't have to vote for Federal offices, and shouldn't be allowed to. It's pretty simple.

Don't let criminal illegal aliens swarm over the borders, deport those who do, prosecute employers who hire them, and it wouldn't be an issue. Duh. Any state that doesn't want to comply can lose its Congressional and Senate seats. It obviously doesn't want them or need them.
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Nothing to see, move along.

Scratching the surface.

Hundreds of voters are responding to the possibility their information will be shared with President Trump's election integrity panel by withdrawing their voter registration, according to a Friday report.

In Colorado, one of the states that is complying with part of the commission request, two clerks have seen a significant increase in voters withdrawing their voter registration, Denver's ABC affiliate reported.

Hundreds of voters un-register after Trump voter fraud panel demands info

/----- Libs who see a conspiracy in everything see nothing here.

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Yes, for those keeping score at home, that makes two threads.


Yes, for those keeping score at home, that makes two threads.


It was like 8 to 10 threads down from the one you created. Very lazy...much like the conclusion you drew from Libertarian leaning Coloradians cancelling their registration rather than hand it over to the Feds.

Are you suggesting we have something to fear from the Federal government?

Yes, for those keeping score at home, that makes two threads.


It was like 8 to 10 threads down from the one you created. Very lazy...much like the conclusion you drew from Libertarian leaning Coloradians cancelling their registration rather than hand it over to the Feds.

Are you suggesting we have something to fear from the Federal government?

Libertarian leaning Coloradians certainly seem to.

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