Hundreds Protesting Opening Night of Anti-semitic, Pro-terror- Opera in New York

Book of Jeremiah

Platinum Member
Nov 3, 2012
A few weeks ago I posted a thread about an upcoming play put on by the New York Metropolitan Opera House putting on an Ant-semitic, pro-terrorist play and asking others to protest the event. This is the lastest news about the play and on opening night hundreds of New Yorkers came out to protest the MET for their decision to put the play on therein totally disregarding the feelings of New Yorkers and worse yet betraying the Jewish Americans by promoting anti-semitism and terrorism against Jews! The MET and all those attending this play are now under the curse of Almighty G-d! That is my belief of what they are now in for! What do you think?

Hundreds Protest Opening Night of Anti-Semitic Pro-Terror Opera in New York United with Israel

Hundreds of protesters demonstrated in New York on Monday as the Metropolitan Opera House held an opening night for Death of Klinghoffer, a terrorist-sympathizing performance that presents justification for the vicious murder of American Jew Leon Klinghoffer.

Former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and former governor David Paterson were among those who addressed the protesters outside the opera house, slamming the prestigious cultural institution for allowing such a production. Current mayor Bill de Blasio defended the Met, citing freedom of speech.
Leave the question of Antisemitism or not, I think it's rude to make a show discussing a private life or a deceased man, when the family itself is against it. I find it highly disrespectful that they chose to put the life of Leon in the center of attention, when the family didn't want him to become a public figure after his death.

How about some decency.
Leave the question of Antisemitism or not, I think it's rude to make a show discussing a private life or a deceased man, when the family itself is against it. I find it highly disrespectful that they chose to put the life of Leon in the center of attention, when the family didn't want him to become a public figure after his death.

How about some decency.

I totally agree with you, Lipush. I did an earlier thread on this story a few weeks ago. The contents of the play are openly anti-semitic. In the play the terrorist is described as a "Nice man".. or something of that nature - it is totally bizarre and a great offense to the American people. The MET should be boycotted for this one.
Leave the question of Antisemitism or not, I think it's rude to make a show discussing a private life or a deceased man, when the family itself is against it. I find it highly disrespectful that they chose to put the life of Leon in the center of attention, when the family didn't want him to become a public figure after his death.

How about some decency.

I totally agree with you, Lipush. I did an earlier thread on this story a few weeks ago. The contents of the play are openly anti-semitic. In the play the terrorist is described as a "Nice man".. or something of that nature - it is totally bizarre and a great offense to the American people. The MET should be boycotted for this one.

Eh, and the main role and producing given to an Israeli. I just don't get it. But i cannot say I'm surprised.
I do not understand it either. But I hope the MET never recovers from it and all those involved suffer the consequences for it. It's wrong and they know it is wrong. I believe G-d to avenge the Jews of their enemies. He always has, He always will. I do not ever doubt that G-d is just. He is.

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