Hungarian PM declares victory!

n July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski,

Apparently these Jews were also illegal immigrants too. since they did not have Hungarian citizenship. So the Hungarian governement had every right to toss them out of their country.
In a way, it's too bad Orban can't run for office here.

Actually in post-Constitutional, post-Obama America there is no reason he cannot.
The only way this nation would be "post-Constitutional," would be if the far-left were to get control, as they would systematically tear the Constitution down. So far though, the Constitution stands and thus the president must meet the guidelines as described in the Constitution. Also, when I said that it's too bad Orban couldn't run for the office of President here, I'm speaking metaphorically (i.e., a Viktor Orban-like individual).
The right wing nationalists won big.
At least it’s only Hungary.

Hungary only one of 14 nations were Right-Wing Nationalists or Nationalists are either the Government or are in the Government, Europa is now divided into Patriots and Traitors, Western Europa being the Traitors.

We do not want the Multicultural shit, we do not want Imported Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans and the Left are dying in Mitteleuropa because nobody wants what they want, they should GTFO off this Continent therefore while they still are physically able to, if they were not so moronic they should have got the message already that in every election now they are being demolished, most are not even getting above 11% while Right-Wing and Right-Wing Nationalist combined are getting 60%-65% of the populations votes.

The only nations that still have populations who are voting for Leftists as an option to attempt to be the Government are Britain, Portugal and Sweden.
Geez. Sieg heil you fucking nut.
As predicted.

Regressive liberal ROE
1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.
2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect
3. Ignore any facts presented.
4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.
5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.
6. Employ misdirection,
6a. smear people
6b. attack religion
6c. attack their rationality.
7. Lie, make false assumptions
8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card
9. Play gay/lesbian card
10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card
11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?
12. Deny constantly
13. Reword and repeat
14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about
15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.
16. Russia
17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity
18. You can’t read.
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.
Sure did. Jews are enemies of humanity.

Bird of a feather.
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.

^^^^ Nobody gives a shit only obsessive weirdos, that shit is not relevant anymore we are in 2018.

Just responding to the post.

In no way am I comparing today's Rightwing Nationalist government with the 1941's Rightwing Nationalist government.

Just pure coincidence.
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.

^^^^ Nobody gives a shit only obsessive weirdos, that shit is not relevant anymore we are in 2018.

Just responding to the post.

In no way am I comparing today's Rightwing Nationalist government with the 1941's Rightwing Nationalist government.

Just pure coincidence.
That's exactly what you are doing, you just don't have it in you to admit what you do.

The Hungarian Patriot Viktor Orbán:





Now with a Super Majority and therefore no political opposition to prevent anything, Fidesz getting ready for the crackdown:

Orban's party signals crackdown after victory in Hungary
^ Good! The muslim swarm has destroyed every place they appear.
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.

^^^^ Nobody gives a shit only obsessive weirdos, that shit is not relevant anymore we are in 2018.

Just responding to the post.

In no way am I comparing today's Rightwing Nationalist government with the 1941's Rightwing Nationalist government.

Just pure coincidence.

There is nothing wrong with a nation putting it's own first, putting your own nation first is of course the normal and healthy thing to do, it has always been that way historically and continues to be, a nation who has a population who prefer NOT to put their own first is a nation with too many Traitors in it because to not put your own first can only be that you are a Traitor and not a Patriot, a Patriot puts their own nation and their own peoples first and everyone else last.
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.

^^^^ Nobody gives a shit only obsessive weirdos, that shit is not relevant anymore we are in 2018.

Just responding to the post.

In no way am I comparing today's Rightwing Nationalist government with the 1941's Rightwing Nationalist government.

Just pure coincidence.

There is nothing wrong with a nation putting it's own first, putting your own nation first is of course the normal and healthy thing to do, it has always been that way historically and continues to be, a nation who has a population who prefer NOT to put their own first is a nation with to many Traitors in it because to not put your own first can only be that you are a Traitor and not a Patriot, a Patriot puts their own nation and their own peoples first and everyone else last.
These traitors we have here put anything before the USA. Perhaps the people in Hungary are realizing that and by kicking them out are taking a positive step to returning normalcy?
The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.

^^^^ Nobody gives a shit only obsessive weirdos, that shit is not relevant anymore we are in 2018.

Just responding to the post.

In no way am I comparing today's Rightwing Nationalist government with the 1941's Rightwing Nationalist government.

Just pure coincidence.

There is nothing wrong with a nation putting it's own first, putting your own nation first is of course the normal and healthy thing to do, it has always been that way historically and continues to be, a nation who has a population who prefer NOT to put their own first is a nation with to many Traitors in it because to not put your own first can only be that you are a Traitor and not a Patriot, a Patriot puts their own nation and their own peoples first and everyone else last.
These traitors we have here put anything before the USA. Perhaps the people in Hungary are realizing that and by kicking them out are taking a positive step to returning normalcy?

Well it is not only that they put OTHERS before their own, they actively seek to destroy their own nation which of course they hate, you must hate your own nation to actively seek it's destruction via unlimited importation of Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans from Third World Shit Holes.

From what I read they are the same in America, not only do they want to put America Last they also want America to fail to become a Failed Nation and of course a Third World Shit Hole by wanting unlimited importation of Mexicans, Kebabs, Sub Saharan Africans, Central Americans ie. Guatemala, Nicaragua etc.

Read this below POS typical Left-Wing Fascist, don't like the way normal Patriotic peoples vote so the solution is they should be stopped from voting:


^^^^ On a 71% turnout, 70% of Hungarians voted for Right-Wing Nationalists aka Patriots that IS Democracy, nobody normal wants Liberal Democracy anymore or Liberal anything, these morons like this Dr Tad they just don't get it do they?

The Left continues to die here in Mitteleuropa, yesterday the Hungarian General Election, I was monitoring the situation for six hours via friends in Budapest.

Here in Europa as a whole only the stupid British and the Swedish faggots are still voting in big numbers for Leftists as an actual option to be their Government.

In proper Europa that is Mitteleuropa the Left are dying, literally every election we now have the Left are getting demolished not just the Socialists but the Greens are dying with them. Excellent.

The Hungarian Patriot Viktor Orbán re-elected to a third term, Jobbik Right-Wing Nationalist Party in second place their vote up 11% since 2014 although Jobbik's leader Gábor Vona (who is a Psychologist by profession) resigned last night because they did not win the election, hopefully Márton Gyöngyösi (who is an Economist by profession) become the new leader of Jobbik, the Leftists got demolished again.

With 100% of the votes counted: Fidesz-EPP: 49.6% (+4) Jobbik-NI: 20.8% (+11) MSZP/P-S&D/G/EFA: 12% LMP-G/EFA: 7% (+2) DK-S&D: 5% Momentum-ALDE: 3% (+3) MKKP-NI: 2% (-2)

^^^^ So that is 70.4% of Hungarians have voted Right-Wing and Right-Wing Nationalist because Fidesz is no longer a Conservative Party it's straight up a Right-Wing Party with a strong Nationalist leaning. Excellent news! The turn out for the election was 71% the biggest turn out they have had since Post-Communism and return to Democracy.

The allocation of seats now in the 199 seat National Assembly is Fidesz-KDNP (Orbán) 134 seats, Jobbik 27 seats, MSZP- Párbeszéd (The Socialists and Greens in a coalition) 19 seats, DK (Centre-Left Pro-EU) 9 seats, LMP (Greens but more crazy than the mainstream Greens in with the Socialists) 7 seats. Out of the 199 seats in the National Assembly 80% will be Right-Wing and Right-Wing Nationalist that is a combined 161 seats and the Opposition only have a combined 38 seats rendering them politically castrated.

The graphic:


^^^^ Another graphic with 100% of the vote counted:


The MSZP (in Red) are the Socialists, the above graphic illustrates The Death of The Hungarian Leftists, the section at lower right I have arrowed that is Budapest and even in Budapest Fidesz (in Orange) dominate.
  • Thanks
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Read this below POS typical Left-Wing Fascist, don't like the way normal Patriotic peoples vote so the solution is they should be stopped from voting:


^^^^ On a 71% turnout, 70% of Hungarians voted for Right-Wing Nationalists aka Patriots that IS Democracy, nobody normal wants Liberal Democracy anymore or Liberal anything, these morons like this Dr Tad they just don't get it do they?

Dr Tad suffers from I am smarter than everyone, so do what I say disease.
Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship,
You do not make sense. You are trying to be ironic about putting country first, then you mention jews who were not citizens. What did they do there and what responsibility the Hungarians had toward them when the Germans asked for them? I question your sources also. There were a lot of lies spread immediately after WWII and they are still kept alive. Witnesses were imprisoned or killed in order to silence the truth.
It all goes back to the unjust Freemasons designed so-called "Trianon peace accord."
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The Hungarian in me feels very good about this.
Exactly when did it become wrong to put your country first?

Hungarians put country first in 1941

In July 1941, the Hungarian government transferred responsibility for 18,000 Jews from Carpato-Ruthenian Hungary to the German armed forces. These Jews, without Hungarian citizenship, were sent to a location near Kamenets-Podolski, where in one of the first acts of mass killing of Jews during World War II, all but two thousand of these individuals were shot by Nazi mobile killing units.[11][12] Bardossy then passed the "Third Jewish Law" in August 1941, prohibiting marriage and sexual intercourse of Hungarians with Jews.

Six months after the mass murder at Kamianets-Podilskyi, Hungarian troops killed 3,000 Serbian and Jewish hostages near Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, in reprisal for resistance activities.
How did the non citizen jews got into the picture? What this election had to do with all the psychobabble you are indulging in?

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