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Hunger Strikes Escalate 12 Detainees On Hunger Strike

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Statement by the United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process,
Mr. Robert Serry, on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention 2/25/13

"The United Nations Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Mr. Robert Serry, is deeply saddened and concerned about the death in Israeli detention on 23 February of Mr. Arafat Jaradat, arrested on 18 February...The Special Coordinator takes note of the preliminary findings of the autopsy that was conducted on Mr. Jaradat’s body with the participation of Israeli and Palestinian experts. The United Nations expects the autopsy to be followed by an independent and transparent investigation into the circumstances of Mr. Jaradat’s death, the results of which should be made public as soon as possible.

The Special Coordinator reaffirms the position of the United Nations as expressed by the Secretary-General last week that international human rights obligations towards all Palestinian detainees and prisoners in Israeli custody must be fully respected. The United Nations remains concerned about the deteriorating health of Palestinian detainees on hunger strike, and reiterates that those held in administrative detention without charge should be charged and face trial with judicial guarantees in accordance with international standards, or promptly released. The United Nations is closely monitoring the situation on the ground where mounting tensions present a real risk of destabilization. The United Nations appeals for maximum restraint by all parties to prevent further violence. The United Nations will continue engaging with the parties on the ground with a view to finding a solution that addresses the plight of prisoners and preserves the calm."

Special Coordinator Serry's statement on Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention - Press release (25 February 2013)

Since this release, Richard Falk authored another UN document addressing the prisoners, I will address that in my next post. It looks like perhaps the UN is trying to find a way to become more involved with these prisoners issues, to assist in a resolution. I see this as a positive development.

all of the issues should be TRANSPARENT Any acts of terrorism by prisoners released or any organizations in which any are active and
the names of those who supported their release should be
made public on a case by case basis.
It is important that the people of the world
understand that to which they acquiesced and to whom
they acquiesced

UN human rights expert urges international probe into death of Palestinian prisoner

"27 February 2013 – A United Nations human rights expert today called for an international investigation into the death of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat, who died in Israeli custody just a few days after his arrest. “The death of a prisoner during interrogation is always a cause for concern, but in this case, when Israel has shown a pattern and practice of prisoner abuse, the need for outside, credible investigation is more urgent than ever,” stressed the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk.

“The best approach might be the creation of an international forensic team under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council,” he added in a news release. Both the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, and the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, have also called for an independent investigation into Mr. Jaradat’s death, which occurred on Saturday. Mr. Falk pointed to the assessment made by the Palestinian Authority’s chief pathologist, Dr. Saber Aloul, who observed the autopsy carried out inside Israel, and found there were clear signs of torture on the body of the previously healthy, 30-year-old detainee."

United Nations News Centre - UN human rights expert urges international probe into death of Palestinian prisoner

Something else I read that concerns me is that the corrupt man named Yehuda Hess was apparently involved with the autopsy of Arafat Jaradat. That is the man who admitted years ago to stealing organs from dead bodies, without authorization, including dead IDF soldiers. He had glass cases with dead organs, like brains of dead IDF soldiers, in his office. I thought he had finally retired. But it seems Israel drug him in to this case, I guess out of retirement, raising further issues and problems for this case. It was on Mondoweiss I was reading about this matter.


UN human rights expert urges international probe into death of Palestinian prisoner

"27 February 2013 – A United Nations human rights expert today called for an international investigation into the death of Palestinian prisoner Arafat Jaradat, who died in Israeli custody just a few days after his arrest. “The death of a prisoner during interrogation is always a cause for concern, but in this case, when Israel has shown a pattern and practice of prisoner abuse, the need for outside, credible investigation is more urgent than ever,” stressed the UN Special Rapporteur for human rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, Richard Falk.

“The best approach might be the creation of an international forensic team under the auspices of the UN Human Rights Council,” he added in a news release. Both the UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process, Robert Serry, and the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, Jeffrey Feltman, have also called for an independent investigation into Mr. Jaradat’s death, which occurred on Saturday. Mr. Falk pointed to the assessment made by the Palestinian Authority’s chief pathologist, Dr. Saber Aloul, who observed the autopsy carried out inside Israel, and found there were clear signs of torture on the body of the previously healthy, 30-year-old detainee."

United Nations News Centre - UN human rights expert urges international probe into death of Palestinian prisoner

Something else I read that concerns me is that the corrupt man named Yehuda Hess was apparently involved with the autopsy of Arafat Jaradat. That is the man who admitted years ago to stealing organs from dead bodies, without authorization, including dead IDF soldiers. He had glass cases with dead organs, like brains of dead IDF soldiers, in his office. I thought he had finally retired. But it seems Israel drug him in to this case, I guess out of retirement, raising further issues and problems for this case. It was on Mondoweiss I was reading about this matter.


The devil sometimes comes as a man of peace.
I wonder if any of you people-----ever had a relative who underwent AUTOPSY? LONG LONG LONG ago----I was involved in a CLERICAL capacity in helping young house staff docs obtain consent for autopsy.
I came to understand that most people have no idea what goes on in an
autopsy. I remember some relatives trying to convince others to give
consent by saying----"its just like surgery---they just make an incision
take a look ROFLMAO
After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank


"In recent weeks Ofer prison has become a hotbed for solidarity actions against the incarceration of Issawi and 11 other long-terms hunger striking prisoners. Due to the terrain these marches are particularly dangerous for Palestinian activists. The Israeli military is able to position themselves on high ground next to the entrance of the prison compound, but demonstrators are caught on below on a access road to the prison's main gate. On the street leading up to Ofer, where most of the protesters congregate, gas becomes trapped between buildings.

Last week other West Bank cities organized protest tents in solidarity with the hunger strikers, but none faced-off with the Israeli army until Sunday when the autopsy of a Palestinian prisoner revealed to have been tortured to death by Israeli interrogators. Ma'an News Agency reported Arafat Jaradat, 30, died after Israeli authorities broke six bones "in his neck, spine, arms and legs," when he was in custody under suspicion of stone throwing. The particularly brutal response for a relatively minor offense has sparked the mounting Palestinian anger over Israeli treatment of prisoners."

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank | Mondoweiss

As the OP addresses, the hunger striking prisoners are 12 now. I point out two have suspended their hunger strike, but may start it back if they are not told they will be released in a hearing in early March.

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank


"In recent weeks Ofer prison has become a hotbed for solidarity actions against the incarceration of Issawi and 11 other long-terms hunger striking prisoners. Due to the terrain these marches are particularly dangerous for Palestinian activists. The Israeli military is able to position themselves on high ground next to the entrance of the prison compound, but demonstrators are caught on below on a access road to the prison's main gate. On the street leading up to Ofer, where most of the protesters congregate, gas becomes trapped between buildings.

Last week other West Bank cities organized protest tents in solidarity with the hunger strikers, but none faced-off with the Israeli army until Sunday when the autopsy of a Palestinian prisoner revealed to have been tortured to death by Israeli interrogators. Ma'an News Agency reported Arafat Jaradat, 30, died after Israeli authorities broke six bones "in his neck, spine, arms and legs," when he was in custody under suspicion of stone throwing. The particularly brutal response for a relatively minor offense has sparked the mounting Palestinian anger over Israeli treatment of prisoners."

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank | Mondoweiss

As the OP addresses, the hunger striking prisoners are 12 now. I point out two have suspended their hunger strike, but may start it back if they are not told they will be released in a hearing in early March.


You name drop the King of Peace, then you post your evil propaganda. You are very ill, dear.
After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank


"In recent weeks Ofer prison has become a hotbed for solidarity actions against the incarceration of Issawi and 11 other long-terms hunger striking prisoners. Due to the terrain these marches are particularly dangerous for Palestinian activists. The Israeli military is able to position themselves on high ground next to the entrance of the prison compound, but demonstrators are caught on below on a access road to the prison's main gate. On the street leading up to Ofer, where most of the protesters congregate, gas becomes trapped between buildings.

Last week other West Bank cities organized protest tents in solidarity with the hunger strikers, but none faced-off with the Israeli army until Sunday when the autopsy of a Palestinian prisoner revealed to have been tortured to death by Israeli interrogators. Ma'an
News Agency reported Arafat Jaradat, 30, died after Israeli authorities broke six bones "in his neck, spine, arms and legs," when he was in custody under suspicion of stone throwing. The particularly brutal response for a relatively minor offense has sparked the mounting Palestinian anger over Israeli treatment of prisoners."

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank | Mondoweiss

As the OP addresses, the hunger striking prisoners are 12 now. I point out two have suspended their hunger strike, but may start it back if they are not told they will be released in a hearing in early March.


You name drop the King of Peace, then you post your evil propaganda. You are very ill, dear.

Leave sherri alone SHE IS ENJOYING IT-----having fun----how often
have you seen her so HAPPY AND EXCITED?
people on rosie's side need to call her out on her vile statements or they're no better than she is.

I agree. And I have. Not that I expected some here to notice: they're having way too much fun.

So, which of you brave stalwarts is going to call posters on their claims others are going to Hell, or have no conscience, or refuse to see certain people as human beings - or are 'paid shills' ?

If I'd ever seen seal take issue with that shit, his current hissy-fit might have some credibility for me.

As it is, he's pretty well convinced me that this fuss is entirely about seal's NEEEEEED to be a center of attention fomenting contention.

And it seems to me that Dot Com might begin to recognize this as a rerun of prior episodes.....

you haven't called rosie out one single bit. recently, i have criticised sherri several times becaause she brings christianity into this. to her credit, she doesn't attack other religions all that much.

don't try to make this about me. it isn't. it is about a filthy, foul mouth jewish bigot and her fellow jews who nod and wink at that bigotry and at times, actively encourage it.

believe me, marg. if and should i ever have a need to be "the center of attention fomenting contention", you will be well aware of it.
Last edited:
people on rosie's side need to call her out on her vile statements or they're no better than she is.

I agree. And I have. Not that I expected some here to notice: they're having way too much fun.

So, which of you brave stalwarts is going to call posters on their claims others are going to Hell, or have no conscience, or refuse to see certain people as human beings - or are 'paid shills' ?

If I'd ever seen seal take issue with that shit, his current hissy-fit might have some credibility for me.

As it is, he's pretty well convinced me that this fuss is entirely about seal's NEEEEEED to be a center of attention fomenting contention.

And it seems to me that Dot Com might begin to recognize this as a rerun of prior episodes.....

you haven't called rosie out one single bit. recently, i have criticised sherri several times becaause she brings christianity into this. to her credit, she doesn't attack other religions all that much.

don't try to make this about me. it isn't. it is about a filthy, foul mouth jewish bigot and her fellow jews who nod and wink at that bigotry and at times, actively encourage it.

believe me, marg. if and should i ever have a need to be "the center of attention fomenting contention", you will be well aware of it.
Oh, fudge!
I agree. And I have. Not that I expected some here to notice: they're having way too much fun.

So, which of you brave stalwarts is going to call posters on their claims others are going to Hell, or have no conscience, or refuse to see certain people as human beings - or are 'paid shills' ?

If I'd ever seen seal take issue with that shit, his current hissy-fit might have some credibility for me.

As it is, he's pretty well convinced me that this fuss is entirely about seal's NEEEEEED to be a center of attention fomenting contention.

And it seems to me that Dot Com might begin to recognize this as a rerun of prior episodes.....

you haven't called rosie out one single bit. recently, i have criticised sherri several times becaause she brings christianity into this. to her credit, she doesn't attack other religions all that much.

don't try to make this about me. it isn't. it is about a filthy, foul mouth jewish bigot and her fellow jews who nod and wink at that bigotry and at times, actively encourage it.

believe me, marg. if and should i ever have a need to be "the center of attention fomenting contention", you will be well aware of it.
Oh, fudge!

a lament for theo?
you haven't called rosie out one single bit. recently, i have criticised sherri several times becaause she brings christianity into this. to her credit, she doesn't attack other religions all that much.

don't try to make this about me. it isn't. it is about a filthy, foul mouth jewish bigot and her fellow jews who nod and wink at that bigotry and at times, actively encourage it.

believe me, marg. if and should i ever have a need to be "the center of attention fomenting contention", you will be well aware of it.
Oh, fudge!

a lament for theo?
Who dat?
The Palestinian children – alone and bewildered – in Israel's Al Jalame jail

Special report: Israel's military justice system is accused of mistreating Palestinian children arrested for throwing stones

The article oncludes a video that can be accessed from the article, link below, that even includes some footage from a videotaped interrogation. The video indicates typical treatment is arrest in the middle of the night, the child is taken and the parents are not even told where their child is being taken, the children are shackled to a chair and interrogated for hours after they are taken, interrogations are for about 25 days, interogations are for 6 hours a day, during this time parents or attorney are not present, they pressure the child to confess to crimes the children claim they did not commit, children report verbal abuse and physical abuse.

The Palestinian children ? alone and bewildered ? in Israel's Al Jalame jail | World news | The Guardian

"The room is barely wider than the thin, dirty mattress that covers the floor. Behind a low concrete wall is a squat toilet, the stench from which has no escape in the windowless room. The rough concrete walls deter idle leaning; the constant overhead light inhibits sleep. The delivery of food through a low slit in the door is the only way of marking time, dividing day from night. This is Cell 36, deep within Al Jalame prison in northern Israel. It is one of a handful of cells where Palestinian children are locked in solitary confinement for days or even weeks. One 16-year-old claimed that he had been kept in Cell 36 for 65 days. The only escape is to the interrogation room where children are shackled, by hands and feet, to a chair while being questioned, sometimes for hours.

Most are accused of throwing stones at soldiers or settlers; some, of flinging molotov cocktails; a few, of more serious offences such as links to militant organisations or using weapons. They are also pumped for information about the activities and sympathies of their classmates, relatives and neighbours. At the beginning, nearly all deny the accusations. Most say they are threatened; some report physical violence. Verbal abuse – "You're a dog, a son of a whore" – is common. Many are exhausted from sleep deprivation. Day after day they are fettered to the chair, then returned to solitary confinement. In the end, many sign confessions that they later say were coerced."

These claims and descriptions come from affidavits given by minors to an international human rights organisation and from interviews conducted by the Guardian. Between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are arrested by Israeli soldiers each year, mostly accused of throwing stones. Since 2008, Defence for Children International (DCI) has collected sworn testimonies from 426 minors detained in Israel's military justice system.

The statements of the children show a pattern of night-time arrests, hands bound with plastic ties, blindfolding, physical and verbal abuse, and threats. Few parents are told where their children have been taken and the children are rarely questioned in the presence of a parent, and rarely see a lawyer. Human rights organisations say these patterns of treatment, corroborated by another study, No Minor Matter, conducted by B'Tselem, violate the international convention on the rights of the child and The Fourth Geneva Convention.

Then how comes they enjoy the peace and quiet where they can do their homework since their homes are so noisy with so many kids? I am still waiting for Frau Sherri if she can tell us of any Muslim prison where the prisoners are able to get their college degrees. Meanwhile I wonder if Frau Sherri ever concerns her with the children being tortured in Muslim jails. Are you keeping abreast of what is going on, Frau Sherri?
Photos: Settlers mock Palestinian hunger strikers and Israeli soldiers dress up as Palestinian fighters

Photos: Settlers mock Palestinian hunger strikers and Israeli soldiers dress up as Palestinian fighters | The Electronic Intifada

Now, these settlers in Hebron remind me of the Zionist posters here, making fun of the hunger strikers. And they wear TShirts glorifying the Jewish outlawed terrorist Kach group.

"Israeli settlers in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron celebrated the Jewish festival of Purim by mocking Palestinian prisoners on hunger strike for their rights in Israel’s jails.
Meanwhile, an Israeli soldier has posted images online of himself and his comrades dressed up as Palestinian resistance fighters and as Gilad Shalit, the occupation soldier captured by Hamas fighters in 2006 and held as a prisoner of war in Gaza for five years.
Hebron parade mocks Palestinian prisoners, glorifies banned violent, racist group"

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=0QlXOj22iyM#]Annual Hebron Purim parade 2013- ??????? ????? ???"? - YouTube[/ame]!

The Palestinian children – alone and bewildered – in Israel's Al Jalame jail

Special report: Israel's military justice system is accused of mistreating Palestinian children arrested for throwing stones

The article oncludes a video that can be accessed from the article, link below, that even includes some footage from a videotaped interrogation. The video indicates typical treatment is arrest in the middle of the night, the child is taken and the parents are not even told where their child is being taken, the children are shackled to a chair and interrogated for hours after they are taken, interrogations are for about 25 days, interogations are for 6 hours a day, during this time parents or attorney are not present, they pressure the child to confess to crimes the children claim they did not commit, children report verbal abuse and physical abuse.

The Palestinian children ? alone and bewildered ? in Israel's Al Jalame jail | World news | The Guardian

"The room is barely wider than the thin, dirty mattress that covers the floor. Behind a low concrete wall is a squat toilet, the stench from which has no escape in the windowless room. The rough concrete walls deter idle leaning; the constant overhead light inhibits sleep. The delivery of food through a low slit in the door is the only way of marking time, dividing day from night. This is Cell 36, deep within Al Jalame prison in northern Israel. It is one of a handful of cells where Palestinian children are locked in solitary confinement for days or even weeks. One 16-year-old claimed that he had been kept in Cell 36 for 65 days. The only escape is to the interrogation room where children are shackled, by hands and feet, to a chair while being questioned, sometimes for hours.

Most are accused of throwing stones at soldiers or settlers; some, of flinging molotov cocktails; a few, of more serious offences such as links to militant organisations or using weapons. They are also pumped for information about the activities and sympathies of their classmates, relatives and neighbours. At the beginning, nearly all deny the accusations. Most say they are threatened; some report physical violence. Verbal abuse – "You're a dog, a son of a whore" – is common. Many are exhausted from sleep deprivation. Day after day they are fettered to the chair, then returned to solitary confinement. In the end, many sign confessions that they later say were coerced."

These claims and descriptions come from affidavits given by minors to an international human rights organisation and from interviews conducted by the Guardian. Between 500 and 700 Palestinian children are arrested by Israeli soldiers each year, mostly accused of throwing stones. Since 2008, Defence for Children International (DCI) has collected sworn testimonies from 426 minors detained in Israel's military justice system.

The statements of the children show a pattern of night-time arrests, hands bound with plastic ties, blindfolding, physical and verbal abuse, and threats. Few parents are told where their children have been taken and the children are rarely questioned in the presence of a parent, and rarely see a lawyer. Human rights organisations say these patterns of treatment, corroborated by another study, No Minor Matter, conducted by B'Tselem, violate the international convention on the rights of the child and The Fourth Geneva Convention.

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people on rosie's side need to call her out on her vile statements or they're no better than she is.

i agree. And i have. Not that i expected some here to notice: They're having way too much fun.

So, which of you brave stalwarts is going to call posters on their claims others are going to hell, or have no conscience, or refuse to see certain people as human beings - or are 'paid shills' ?

If i'd ever seen seal take issue with that shit, his current hissy-fit might have some credibility for me.

As it is, he's pretty well convinced me that this fuss is entirely about seal's neeeeeed to be a center of attention fomenting contention.

And it seems to me that dot com might begin to recognize this as a rerun of prior episodes.....

you haven't called rosie out one single bit. Recently, i have criticised sherri several times becaause she brings christianity into this. To her credit, she doesn't attack other religions all that much.

Don't try to make this about me. It isn't. It is about a filthy, foul mouth jewish bigot and her fellow jews who nod and wink at that bigotry and at times, actively encourage it.

Believe me, marg. If and should i ever have a need to be "the center of attention fomenting contention", you will be well aware of it.

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank


"In recent weeks Ofer prison has become a hotbed for solidarity actions against the incarceration of Issawi and 11 other long-terms hunger striking prisoners. Due to the terrain these marches are particularly dangerous for Palestinian activists. The Israeli military is able to position themselves on high ground next to the entrance of the prison compound, but demonstrators are caught on below on a access road to the prison's main gate. On the street leading up to Ofer, where most of the protesters congregate, gas becomes trapped between buildings.

Last week other West Bank cities organized protest tents in solidarity with the hunger strikers, but none faced-off with the Israeli army until Sunday when the autopsy of a Palestinian prisoner revealed to have been tortured to death by Israeli interrogators. Ma'an
News Agency reported Arafat Jaradat, 30, died after Israeli authorities broke six bones "in his neck, spine, arms and legs," when he was in custody under suspicion of stone throwing. The particularly brutal response for a relatively minor offense has sparked the mounting Palestinian anger over Israeli treatment of prisoners."

After a week of protests, conditions are ripe for a popular uprising across the West Bank | Mondoweiss

As the OP addresses, the hunger striking prisoners are 12 now. I point out two have suspended their hunger strike, but may start it back if they are not told they will be released in a hearing in early March.


You name drop the King of Peace, then you post your evil propaganda. You are very ill, dear.

Leave sherri alone SHE IS ENJOYING IT-----having fun----how often
have you seen her so HAPPY AND EXCITED?

Oh, yeah - good ol' Mondoscheisse.......
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