Hunter Biden accused of idenity theft used his dead brothers identif to make false statements to pol


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Hunter Biden Accused of Identity Theft - Used His Dead Brother's Identity to Make False Statements to Police
Crackhead Hunter Biden is linked to a 2016 identity theft involving his dead brother Beau Biden and a person named “Joseph McGee.”

and all you Trump haters vote this kinda s*it in and beg for more.............

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Throw him in prison and let his dad pardon him down the road.

Oh, right...he'll never ever be president.
Hunted seems destined to be falling asleep with convict c*ck in his mouth in a federal penitentiary. It's a perfect way for this filthy lowlife to enjoy his golden years.

I say give the Arkansas baby mama the new Malibu digs..... Hunted is not going to need it.
Hunted seems destined to be falling asleep with convict c*ck in his mouth in a federal penitentiary. It's a perfect way for this filthy lowlife to enjoy his golden years.

I say give the Arkansas baby mama the new Malibu digs..... Hunted is not going to need it.
This isn`t the place to be bringing your gay fantasies but you did convince me to not vote for him. I was just about to send a check to his campaign.
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
His corrupt father, who used his elected office to set hunter up with a multi-million-dollar job, is running for president.

Corrupt..... Would setting up a bogus school and ripping people off while misusing funds meant for veterans be considered corrupt?
Probably. What’s that have to do with Biden’s corruption? Did he do that, too?
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
His corrupt father, who used his elected office to set hunter up with a multi-million-dollar job, is running for president.

Corrupt..... Would setting up a bogus school and ripping people off while misusing funds meant for veterans be considered corrupt?
Probably. What’s that have to do with Biden’s corruption? Did he do that, too?

No, others did. Seemed to be acceptable to many.
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
Maybe you've heard of his father who is defending this abysmal zero of a human being? Joe Biden defends son Hunter but acknowledges Ukraine work 'may have looked bad'
You may wish to ignore and brush off Hunter Biden's troubles and antics but he's a millstone around his father's neck and therefore fair game when his dad won't squarely address his problems.

In this case it's the sins of the son that are visited on the father, not that dad doesn't have plenty of issues of his own.
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
Maybe you've heard of his father who is defending this abysmal zero of a human being? Joe Biden defends son Hunter but acknowledges Ukraine work 'may have looked bad'
You may wish to ignore and brush off Hunter Biden's troubles and antics but he's a millstone around his father's neck and therefore fair game when his dad won't squarely address his problems.

In this case it's the sins of the son that are visited on the father, not that dad doesn't have plenty of issues of his own.

I think what he did was likely corrupt but I wondered why the accusation of people voting for him. Now as I noted, if you want to accuse people of voting for someone that set up a bogus school and ripped people off, that I would have understood.
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
His corrupt father, who used his elected office to set hunter up with a multi-million-dollar job, is running for president.

Corrupt..... Would setting up a bogus school and ripping people off while misusing funds meant for veterans be considered corrupt?
Probably. What’s that have to do with Biden’s corruption? Did he do that, too?

No, others did. Seemed to be acceptable to many.
Separate issue.
I think what he did was likely corrupt but I wondered why the accusation of people voting for him. Now as I noted, if you want to accuse people of voting for someone that set up a bogus school and ripped people off, that I would have understood.
Trump paid the appropriate fines and fired the responsible people.
If you want to dwell in the past over settled matter then I suppose we can go through an infinite regression of past matters and I would hone in on the Obama White House years when the Three Amigos of Corruption (Obama, Biden and Clinton) were knocking the ball out of the park, so to speak.

So what tips the geopolitical scales for you? The failed Trump school or the war crimes committed by Hillary and Barry in the Middle East?
Who voted for him? What did I miss? What office did he run for?
His corrupt father, who used his elected office to set hunter up with a multi-million-dollar job, is running for president.

Corrupt..... Would setting up a bogus school and ripping people off while misusing funds meant for veterans be considered corrupt?
Probably. What’s that have to do with Biden’s corruption? Did he do that, too?

No, others did. Seemed to be acceptable to many.
Separate issue.

Of always is when people want to excuse their guys corruption.
I think what he did was likely corrupt but I wondered why the accusation of people voting for him. Now as I noted, if you want to accuse people of voting for someone that set up a bogus school and ripped people off, that I would have understood.
Trump paid the appropriate fines and fired the responsible people.
If you want to dwell in the past over settled matter then I suppose we can go through an infinite regression of past matters and I would hone in on the Obama White House years when the Three Amigos of Corruption (Obama, Biden and Clinton) were knocking the ball out of the park, so to speak.

So what tips the geopolitical scales for you? The failed Trump school or the war crimes committed by Hillary and Barry in the Middle East?

Biden is still working there?

I've said that Obama and Hillary should be charged with war crimes. See, I'm not selective in my positions. If it's wrong it's wrong.

If corruption should exclude someone from office and it should, it should exclude all.
His corrupt father, who used his elected office to set hunter up with a multi-million-dollar job, is running for president.

Corrupt..... Would setting up a bogus school and ripping people off while misusing funds meant for veterans be considered corrupt?
Probably. What’s that have to do with Biden’s corruption? Did he do that, too?

No, others did. Seemed to be acceptable to many.
Separate issue.

Of always is when people want to excuse their guys corruption.
Shoe completely on the wrong foot. I’ve excused no one’s corruption while you brought an entirely separate issue into this conversation.
I think what he did was likely corrupt but I wondered why the accusation of people voting for him. Now as I noted, if you want to accuse people of voting for someone that set up a bogus school and ripped people off, that I would have understood.
Trump paid the appropriate fines and fired the responsible people.
If you want to dwell in the past over settled matter then I suppose we can go through an infinite regression of past matters and I would hone in on the Obama White House years when the Three Amigos of Corruption (Obama, Biden and Clinton) were knocking the ball out of the park, so to speak.
Biden is still working there?
Which Biden working where?
You must mean Hunter because Joe doesn't have a job. No, the heat got turned up and Hunter jumped out of the pot.
So what?

I've said that Obama and Hillary should be charged with war crimes. See, I'm not selective in my positions. If it's wrong it's wrong.
We agree on one point. Amazing.

If corruption should exclude someone from office and it should, it should exclude all.
Is this a reference to Trump? Because Robert Mueller couldn't lay a glove on him. And the idiot democrats decided to impeach someone they will not even bring their sad pathetic case to the Senate to pursue.
An amazingly shameful chapter in American history. Nancy Pelosi has about as much credence as a sack of horse manure.

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