Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

Aw now you got him. Can you feel the thrill running up your leg? Maybe you should try to submit an amicus brief before July 26 to Judge Noreika. After all Donny hired only the best people, right? :auiqs.jpg:
Naw, the Democrats have the law sewed up and control the legacy media, they're the ones that do that corrupt law stuff. We, conservatives, have evidence and the left media is being exposed as a tentacle of the far-left faction of the Democrat party.
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Just pointing out how easy it is to fool you rubes.

I don’t even think this is a real text because there isn’t even a date on it. I just checked my text messages and everyone of them has a date and time as to when it was sent but this purported text of Hunter Biden says none of this.
You using the same app Crackhead was?
It's healthy to be skeptical, but this WhatsApp text has credibility.

Not only has it been released officially as a result of the ongoing Whistleblower allegations, but it fits in perfectly with the other emails on the laptop.

Shortly before the WhatsApp text (dated July 30th, 2017, when Hunter was staying with Joe in Delaware), Zhao sent numerous emails to Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, and Tony Bobulinski apologizing for delays in transfers of money.

Here is an example...

View attachment 798014


There are countless emails from Zhao on the laptop.

Two months before this WhatsApp message was sent, Tony Bobulinski set up a group WhatsApp for these discussions...


PS: IRS employee whistleblowers are not Russian Misinformation.
You have smoke but no fire.
In many states, bribery (both giving and receiving bribes) is a felony if it involves public or appointed officials, judges, witnesses, or jurors.

Maybe they aren't paying attention to the OP.
The text they're talking about is from 2017, after Biden left office.
They 're offering proof that a private citizen was paid to do absolutely noting.
When Hunter was told to pay his back taxes (millions of dollars worth) he paid his back taxes.

Wesley Snipes when told to pay his back taxes, Snipes didn't pay. That's why he was charged with tax evasion.

Hunter paid his taxes, Snipes didn't pay his taxes.

The math isn't that hard.
That’s why the charge is so weak. Normally people don’t get charged after they’ve paid.

Then the right dare claim it was favoritism.
You gotta be dumb to buy that tripe.

Corvette Photo Places Hunter at Joe’s Delaware House on Same Day He Demanded Payment From Chinese Business Associate​

"Or else" means you wake up next to a horse's bloody severed head.

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