Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

You mean this guy? You clearly didn’t read the link and get educated. Exactly what I expected from you, Simp.

Testimony of IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent Gary Shapley Jr., who oversaw the investigation, and an unnamed IRS special agent who claims to have opened the initial probe alleges investigators were told not to interview President Biden's grandchildren.
No, dope.
This guy.
Faux News, yeah, they are full of it. How about going about the Main Street Media. Are they on a Witch Hunt?
Sometimes yes, but more careful about it. They all bear watching, or should I say, cautiously observed, as all media has an agenda.
Of course you don't. Nothing makes someone that prefers not to see actually see.
My standards are a little higher.
I prefer a persuasive argument. You aren’t there yet.

Feel free to “investigate” further than the last guy did for five years. :cuckoo:
Naw, the Democrats have the law sewed up and control the legacy media, they're the ones that do that corrupt law stuff. We, conservatives, have evidence and the left media is being exposed as a tentacle of the far-left faction of the Democrat party.
Send FAUX your dollars, as they are media, suddenly missing $787 Million for being such a conservative mouth piece.
Why would a foreign oil and gas firm pay a crackhead with zero experience in oil, gas, or Ukraine $80K per month for his last name?

What could it be?

Do celebrity board members help a company? Surprisingly, recent research suggests that celebrity board appointments can add as much as 2% to the price of a company's stock.

While their initial appointment might give the stock a quick boost, their ability to do their job often leads to more sustained increases in profits.

Some celebrities have made excellent board members
This has nothing to do with Trump. Why the continued Trump Derangement Syndrome? Biden strong armed this person and has put the U.S. in a situation of extortion by our enemies. This and others we know for sure Biden has jeopardized the U.S. Biden is President and needs to be removed from office. Let the 2024 elections happen but with the citizens know that the Biden’s, Democrat Party and the Communist News Networks have been corrupt pushing for the anarchy including the wokeism we have going on.
I was not attacking Donny at all. I am willing to trust his judicial appointments. I cannot understand why his supporters do not trust his judicial appointments to do the right thing. That is, of course, her doing the right thing is exactly what they are afraid of, and unlike me, unwilling to support the decisions of even trump appointed judges.

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