Hunter Biden text confirms Joe Biden involved in bribery scheme.

It's useless trying to put sense into the sheeple's minds, Nostra.

Don't waste your time anymore.
You would think if Burisma was hiring Hunter Biden, so he could get his father Joe Biden to get Scholken fired, you would think they wouldn't advertise that they hired Hunter Biden for the board, and put him in charge of their legal office.
Biden had no such power. The Ukraine president even told Biden that to his face. Biden told him to call Obama, the one who actually made the decision. That Obama sent him to get 'er done.
Biden says he did have the power.

I guess you are finally admitting Biden is a lying sack.

Hunter’s lawyer, Chris Clark, argued his client was just too cracked out and drugged up when he invoked his father’s name in a threatening text to be taken seriously.

Hunter’s Lawyer Responds to Bombshell “I’m Sitting Here with My Father” WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate – And It’s a Doozy​

The ultimate was Biden telling Blacks they are not “Black enough” if they don’t vote for him. This was the same guy who fought integration saying he didn’t want his kids going to school in a “racial jungle” and was amazed that there was a Black presidential candidate that was “clean, articulate” I believe he said it was storybook
Joe Biden is the type of man that makes all white men hated by minorities. He is just better than average at hiding his white superiority and racism.

Hunter’s lawyer, Chris Clark, argued his client was just too cracked out and drugged up when he invoked his father’s name in a threatening text to be taken seriously.

Hunter’s Lawyer Responds to Bombshell “I’m Sitting Here with My Father” WhatsApp Message to Chinese Business Associate – And It’s a Doozy​


Corvette Photo Places Hunter at Joe’s Delaware House on Same Day He Demanded Payment From Chinese Business Associate

23 Jun 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a fatal blow to the president’s repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son, and the photographs of Hunter Biden at what appears to be a family gathering at the Delaware home is the strongest indication that he was in close proximity to his father when he threatened the Chinese businessman. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Every digital photo taken, every email, every printed page, every phone call, with ANY camera, tablet, phone has "META DATA". That data includes the device ESN, GPS location, GPS time and much more.
Maoist Democrats are not going to be able to hide this. The nut is cracked and open now, there is no way to put it back in the shell, it can only be opened further.
Hunter Biden is going to bring down the whole swamp including the DoJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, courts, prosecutors and judges.
The transfer of Chinese funds to the Biden's shows in the bank account just after the text message (sitting here with my dad) when Hunter and daddy threatened the chinese about making payment.
Taxes are what brought down Al Capone! Hunter Biden is multiple levels below Al Capone on the stupid meter.
See also:
When Hunter was told to pay his back taxes (millions of dollars worth) he paid his back taxes.

Wesley Snipes when told to pay his back taxes, Snipes didn't pay. That's why he was charged with tax evasion.

Hunter paid his taxes, Snipes didn't pay his taxes.

The math isn't that hard.
The critics argue that the millions in foreign payments WASN'T REPORTED as income.

They won't be on record as owing taxes!

(I understand the Biden defense claims these accusations are false political propaganda.)

Corvette Photo Places Hunter at Joe’s Delaware House on Same Day He Demanded Payment From Chinese Business Associate

23 Jun 2023 ~~ By Cristina Laila

If Joe Biden was sitting next to his son as he sent the message as it suggests, it would be a fatal blow to the president’s repeated claims that he never discussed overseas business deals with his son, and the photographs of Hunter Biden at what appears to be a family gathering at the Delaware home is the strongest indication that he was in close proximity to his father when he threatened the Chinese businessman. The White House did not respond to a request for comment.

Every digital photo taken, every email, every printed page, every phone call, with ANY camera, tablet, phone has "META DATA". That data includes the device ESN, GPS location, GPS time and much more.
Maoist Democrats are not going to be able to hide this. The nut is cracked and open now, there is no way to put it back in the shell, it can only be opened further.
Hunter Biden is going to bring down the whole swamp including the DoJ, FBI, CIA, NSA, courts, prosecutors and judges.
The transfer of Chinese funds to the Biden's shows in the bank account just after the text message (sitting here with my dad) when Hunter and daddy threatened the chinese about making payment.
Taxes are what brought down Al Capone! Hunter Biden is multiple levels below Al Capone on the stupid meter.
See also:
Seems that's why the liberal agenda of Democrats dominating both Media and federal govt
were pushing to expedite the Trump charges and expose all incriminating records and footage
IN ORDER TO COMPETE or *COMPARE* with the same exposure of Biden.

That way, if Pro-Trump Anti-Biden advocates call to exonerate and stop prosecuting Trump for criminal violations,
and just downgrade these to minor infractions, they can argue to defend the same for Biden.

If the pressure is to prosecute Biden and pursue full criminal charges and consequences,
they can argue to apply the same to Trump's breaches and violations.

It's like a chess game where both sides are trying to checkmate the other,
and either both stalemate, both face consequences, or both get granted reprieve by the public and room to correct
themselves in more amenable ways, instead of formal convictions and criminal penalty by law.

The issue with Cuomo is that he already has sold out a long time ago. Even if he pushes a different tune. How do you trust someone who would have your family exterminated for not voting Progressive Socialist Communist as the way he spouted on CNN. I know. He magically changed. It is like other people as pundits who switch channels, All I know is that we have near 20 per cent inflation since old Joe took over. Real prices in ways of living.

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