Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Sorry bout that,

1. Hunter is going nowhere.
2. He will skate.
3. No wrong done, no acton taken.
4. Hunter will pass like a bird, free as.
5. Then those that prosecuted him will say, if only Trump did the same.
6. Those who prosecution are all LIARS.

When's the last time you had to pay the IRS one point two million?
My guess is that there will be no posts from the knuckle draggers on the right about how courts are kangaroo courts and that if you plead guilty it's because the prosecutors threatened them.

Suddenly courts will be palaces of fairness, prosecutors will be even handed, investigators will be fair and models of discipline....
So, Hunter agrees (in a sweetheart deal) to plead guilty to two mere tax misdemeanors with a no jail sentence recommendation — and has his gun charge diverted.

But crazycornhole wishes to pretend that our criminal Justice system is fair and on the level?

No sale.
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So, Hunter admits (in a sweetheart deal) to plead guilty to two mere tax misdemeanors with a no jail sentence recommendation — and has his gun charge diverted.

But crazycornhole wishes to pretend that our criminal Justice system is fair and on the level?

No sale.
Its good to see you miserable. Life has been good a lot lately.
Nope. He isn't. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Evidently Biden saw the evidence against him and made a deal rather than face a jury. People like you are the problem in this country.
Trump the fallen angel is no more innocent than Hunter Biden and has been found guilty of fraud more than once .
Have you ever been with a woman :abgg2q.jpg:

Hunter got off easier than I expected. I was expecting some incarceration. Maybe next time

The important part here is that we now KNOW how you feel about "gun control" and the "gun violence" you claimed was a result of a lack of "gun control". It's all BULLSHIT, a big lie, you don't care at all. Thanks for finally coming clean.
Problem is that they did not have serious charges against Hunter…..charges that would result in jail time.

Trump is being offered a plea deal too where he pleads to lesser charges…..he refused
The 3 charges they mentioned, according to the statute, would result in 18 months for the gun charge and a fine, and the income tax fraud could result in 10 years.
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You're a daffy left loon calling women whores.

A sad little excuse of a man , Private Peppermint
No, I called you a whore, because you earned it :abgg2q.jpg:

Wow, they finally got Hunter. Good to get this one over with. No more rumors and hearsay
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The important part here is that we now KNOW how you feel about "gun control" and the "gun violence" you claimed was a result of a lack of "gun control". It's all BULLSHIT, a big lie, you don't care at all. Thanks for finally coming clean.
Gun control. You dumbass, come and take it :abgg2q.jpg:
I already posted pictures of my guns.

Hunter paid for his crimes. Move on
Trump raped a 13 year old and molested Ivanka
Oh really????

From what I understand is there has been several false claims by women doing it just for the money. They paid Stormy Daniels $700K minimum.
And this mess about molesting Ivanka was made up because it's a fact that Joseph Biden was fucking his baby-sitter, who he later got married to. (Jill Biden)

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You said the judge "wants to" send Hunter Biden. That was a lie.

Sorry, but its not. If Hunter again refuses to comply with her court order she has made it clear she wants to charge him with Contempt and possibly put him in jail.

Again, are you allergic to FACTS?


In your pathetic desperation you want to argue semantics ... poor, immature child.

As I said, drop the 'Conservative' - your actions are those of every other liberal extremist, Dem-worshipping/apologist snowflake, troll, and bot on this board. You're busted - the mask is off.

Go back to the kids' table and sulk.

Biden appointee gets Hunter zero jail time for illegally buying a gun and not paying almost $2M in taxes.

Film @ 11.

Love to hear what Martha Stewart has to say.
And let’s not ask about Hillary’s private servers with top secret Intel.
Its good to see you miserable. Life has been good a lot lately.
I’m not. I believe all you libturds are the miserable ones. You’ve sunk so low that you now actively applaud miscarriage of Justice.

I think you vermin all suck. But I’m not miserable. I just see a need to fix what’s broken (which is ironically the very thing you adore).

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