Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Here go hugo...

"Breaking that law might seem risky. But in September, a Government Accountability Office study made it clear why those who “lie and try” would take their chances. Regional offices at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives received 12,710 cases of firearm background check denials for further investigation in fiscal year 2017, the GAO found, but the government prosecuted only 12 people. More than 99.9% of those who were investigated escaped with nothing more than a warning"

I know all that,

does that mean it's NOT a felony?
Red herring fallacy.
Yeah.....and that's exactly why the MSM allowed the story out in public.
To give you dishonest folks in the Biden Cult an excuse to ignore it if the story ever became common-knowledge.

You see, almost everyone in the White House has access to classified information of some form. The tendency to cross the line is quite easy. They all know it.
Considering the fact that I held a TS-SCI clearance at one time it's sometimes difficult not to see classified information when you're working with it every day.
Any information about the travel plans of the president is classified.
A simple schedule of what the president was doing that day is classified.
Communications with foreign leaders of any kind is classified.
Talking about military operations is classified.

It doesn't have to be nuke secrets.
My guess there isn't any nuke secrets in those files, but if there is...most likely it's something discussed in a newspaper article or something.
Anyone who looks at the invisible documents that the Special Council is using to bring an indictment would probably laugh their asses off because they are so mundane.

The problem here is the simple fact that the wishes of the POTUS overrules everything else.
Nobody else's classification can supersede his wishes.
The NARA cannot overrule Trump's declassification after the fact.
When requested Hunter Biden simply had his accountant, prepare and file his taxes, and he paid the amount owing after the accountants prepared his tax statements. He cooperated and complied with all requests. Such people are seldom, if ever, charged and certainly never sent to jail.

Unlike members of the Trump Corporation who hid income from the IRS and lied to the IRS from start to finish, and refused any cooperation.

It’s always the cover up, Stupid. The Watergate scandal was never about the break-in. It was always about the cover-up.

The important part here is that we now KNOW how you feel about "gun control" and the "gun violence" you claimed was a result of a lack of "gun control". It's all BULLSHIT, a big lie, you don't care at all. Thanks for finally coming clean.

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