Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

When will a Trump admit to being a criminal?
Nope. He isn't. Trump is innocent until proven guilty. Evidently Biden saw the evidence against him and made a deal rather than face a jury. People like you are the problem in this country.
My guess is that they probably were spending most of that time trying to find evidence of the crazy conspiracy theories the right has been saying about Hunter Biden and finding nothing.

It’s a lot like Durham who took nearly four years and wound up getting only one conviction with no jail time.
FJB Gestapo said the laptop was a hoax.
While they claimed Trump colluded with Russia.

Just a bunch of liars.
My guess is that there will be no posts from the knuckle draggers on the right about how courts are kangaroo courts and that if you plead guilty it's because the prosecutors threatened them.
Someone with drummed up charges in a kangaroo court

Phony elections, show trials, kangaroo courts with foregone verdicts, of course this is no longer America.

DC Kangaroo Court

Fuck the DA and the kangaroo court.

Even if the banana republic kangaroo courts

People shouldn't have to be brought up in a kangaroo court because of a kangaroo investigation. That's not how it is supposed to work.

No it was coerced because they threatened his son.

They threatened Flynn’s son. He then plead guilty.

All with their families threatened with bankruptcy and extorted for 'testimony' and perjury.

as to Flynn he was railroaded by threatening his son and has since denied it happened.
Suddenly courts will be palaces of fairness, prosecutors will be even handed, investigators will be fair and models of discipline....
Sorry, but this is clearly a ridiculous scenario, and something that the DOJ is well-known for.
They claim they have the goods on you for serious charges and offer you a plea deal to a lessor charge to get you out of trouble.
Most of the time that would work, but in this case Trump has the constitution to back him up, not to mention the possibility that any conviction would be thrown out on appeal anyway. So why cop a plea when you don't have to?
Problem is that they did not have serious charges against Hunter…..charges that would result in jail time.

Trump is being offered a plea deal too where he pleads to lesser charges…..he refused
How many of our dumb liberal rubes will be singing this 'justice served' song after Biden's army of IRS goons visit their homes? Then again, do any of them even pay taxes?
Pay your taxes, and you will be just fine.
Just like speeding in a car. Don't do it, no problems.
“First of all, my son has done nothing wrong,” Biden said when asked about his son in an interview with MSNBC's Stephanie Ruhle that aired Friday night. "I trust him. I have faith in him.

Liar or his dementia?

Dude, knock off the horseshit.
Would you throw your son under the bus?

I bet this thread really gets you in defense mode MAGAstyle.
You're just like your Daddy, Trump.
H.B. plead guilty on TWO (02) Misdemeanor Counts.

Five (05) Years and millions of tax payer dollars and they got him.....on two lousy fucking misdemeanor counts....

The world can rest well tonight, because H.B. plead guilty on two misdemeanor counts.....

Fucking pathetic fucking MAGA MAGGOTS.

You blame Republicans because the justice system fails to hold Democrats accountable for their crimes ?
Dude, knock off the horseshit.
Would you throw your son under the bus?

I bet this thread really gets you in defense mode MAGAstyle.
You're just like your Daddy, Trump.
His son is a gangster, just like his daddy, "The Big Guy". Stooge".
Or maybe like Hunter he will be CHOSEN to get nothing but a slap on the wrist...

When requested Hunter Biden simply had his accountant, prepare and file his taxes, and he paid the amount owing after the accountants prepared his tax statements. He cooperated and complied with all requests. Such people are seldom, if ever, charged and certainly never sent to jail.

Unlike members of the Trump Corporation who hid income from the IRS and lied to the IRS from start to finish, and refused any cooperation.

It’s always the cover up, Stupid. The Watergate scandal was never about the break-in. It was always about the cover-up.

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