Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

Open you eyes. The fact that Hunter did not disclose this income is less important than WHY he kept it secret. It was not to save on income taxes, it was to hide the fact that he was peddling his father's influence, which involved criminality on both their parts.

Al Capone did not go to jail for income tax evasion. That was the pretext, but he went to jail for being a mobster.
I can tell you are guessing since you have no evidence to prove your words.
Open you eyes. The fact that Hunter did not disclose this income is less important than WHY he kept it secret. It was not to save on income taxes, it was to hide the fact that he was peddling his father's influence, which involved criminality on both their parts.

Al Capone did not go to jail for income tax evasion. That was the pretext, but he went to jail for being a mobster.
Prove the peddling.
It was a Trump appointed prosecutor. Where is the evidence on that which he did not find?
In typical GOP fashion republicans seem to not understand that Hunter committed misdemeanors, nothing crimes that never result in jail time.

Trump committed the most serious felonies on the books, crimes that result in jail time for anybody that commits them.

Republicans are somehow trying to claim Hunter gets special treatment, but it is another lie in their web of lies. The Trump felony indictment has them triggered and they are desperate.

Please tell me who gets jail time for misdemeanors or show examples of people with no criminal record, getting jail time for misdemeanors?

banker can you at least admit the guy is a dirtbag?......

yea nice try.
You people are dumb as dirt, literally stupid.

Hunter committed misdemeanors and nobody gets jail time for them and we have 1000000s of cases to [prove this point.
You lose yet again.

You people are triggered by the Trump indictment, because Trump is guilty and Trump is going to jail for his serious crimes.
I keep saying it. The Progressive Socialist Party will turn on you at some point. The people in the media are not friends of the down and out peasant. They are one of the tools of the elites that have most of the power and money who want control over the rift raft.
It was a smart idea for Joe and Hunter to work out a deal and put this behind them.

If this was still a live issue and President Trump were elected next year, Hunter could easily turn state's evidence against his old man to get a sweetheart deal and go into witness protection when the whole crew gets taken down.

Sleepy Joe would be in the joint playing poker for cigarettes, drinking pruno and keistering cell phones.
In typical GOP fashion republicans seem to not understand that Hunter committed misdemeanors, nothing crimes that never result in jail time.

Trump committed the most serious felonies on the books, crimes that result in jail time for anybody that commits them.

Republicans are somehow trying to claim Hunter gets special treatment, but it is another lie in their web of lies. The Trump felony indictment has them triggered and they are desperate.

Please tell me who gets jail time for misdemeanors or show examples of people with no criminal record, getting jail time for misdemeanors?
Wesley Snipes.

Hunter accepted a plea deal on felonious actions to reduce the tax evasion to a misdemeanor and the illegal gun possession charge (a felony) to where he will not serve time.

Regardless .. from the person who believes the Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation, just because it's name that .. not sure why anyone would take you seriously.
Rape, drug trafficking, prostitutes, selling US information to other countries, traitorous actions his entire adult life..................

When it comes to Trump, the Dems claim taking boxes of his own paperwork home home is "treason"...............and yet.........pedophilia, rape, genocide, fostering looting and destruction, theft, moneylaundering, and coercing a war are "misdemeanors".

This IS the violent, deadly, and toxic psychological mental state of the Democrats, Libturds, and Lunatic Leftards.
banker can you at least admit the guy is a dirtbag?......
Who cares? He's not an elected official or actively involved in politics. Just a guy with a famous dad. Republicans going after him as if he was accountable to the American people was their first mistake.
Who cares? He's not an elected official or actively involved in politics. Just a guy with a famous dad. Republicans going after him as if he was accountable to he American people was their first mistake.


Of course he was actively involved in politics.

That's WHY he got his Burisma gig in the first place. Mr. Biden had exactly zero experience in oil and/or gas, but the folks at Burisma brought him onboard so that they could buy influence with Mr. Biden's old man.

That's "politics".
Wesley Snipes.

Hunter accepted a plea deal on felonious actions to reduce the tax evasion to a misdemeanor and the illegal gun possession charge (a felony) to where he will not serve time.

Regardless .. from the person who believes the Inflation Reduction Act reduces inflation, just because it's name that .. not sure why anyone would take you seriously.
not true at all
The tax charges were mis demeanor.
The gun charge is a joke and not a serious charge or crime and nobody would ever get jail time for it.

More lies by you.
Not sure why anybody would take you seriously at all seeing how you are a fake news liar

yea nice try.
You people are dumb as dirt, literally stupid.

Hunter committed misdemeanors and nobody gets jail time for them and we have 1000000s of cases to [prove this point.
You lose yet again.

You people are triggered by the Trump indictment, because Trump is guilty and Trump is going to jail for his serious crimes.
you miserable god damned shop enjoy seeing innocent people go to jail....a 75 yr old man gets 5 months for fringe benefits and you enjoy it
i hope your family suffers such horrors tht a garage full of carbon monoxide is the only shit and fucking die
Who cares? He's not an elected official or actively involved in politics. Just a guy with a famous dad. Republicans going after him as if he was accountable to the American people was their first mistake.
you must or you would not have replied....the banker is a big boy let him answer questions put to him....
In typical GOP fashion republicans seem to not understand that Hunter committed misdemeanors, nothing crimes that never result in jail time.

Trump committed the most serious felonies on the books, crimes that result in jail time for anybody that commits them.

Republicans are somehow trying to claim Hunter gets special treatment, but it is another lie in their web of lies. The Trump felony indictment has them triggered and they are desperate.

Please tell me who gets jail time for misdemeanors or show examples of people with no criminal record, getting jail time for misdemeanors?

Massa’s son did nothing wrong! Stop picking on Hunter!!

Of course he was actively involved in politics.

That's WHY he got his Burisma gig in the first place. Mr. Biden had exactly zero experience in oil and/or gas, but the folks at Burisma brought him onboard so that they could buy influence with Mr. Biden's old man.

That's "politics".
In every legal aspect Hunter is a private citizen. He can do what he wants. Politicians must give an accounting of themselves. As The most investigated private citizen in recent memory it's pretty weak stuff to get him on a paperwork crime.
you miserable god damned shop enjoy seeing innocent people go to jail....a 75 yr old man gets 5 months for fringe benefits and you enjoy it
i hope your family suffers such horrors tht a garage full of carbon monoxide is the only shit and fucking die


Thank you for proving my point, MAGA Republicans are the trash of America and should all be thrown in Gitmo.

Enjoy Trump going to jail for his multiple felonies and serious crimes !!!

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