Hunter Biden to plead guilty of two minor crimes (tax and a gun) Two year probation likely

I find this comment interesting: 'Heal and rest'

The exact opposite is happening: we are broken and have unrest.

Leftists can't help but be completely wrong about everything
:itsok: Now is the time to heal and rest. Do it.
Yeah, their whole "we're tough on guns" narrative falls apart..... just like everything else they touch that turns to shit.

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Nazi Germany didn't have gun control.
Hitler repealed the gun control laws of the Weimar Republic (which weren't effective, anyway.)
The German people never picked up their guns to protect the Jews.
They did use those guns to fight to the last old man and little boy to defend Hitler's regime.
The guy who brought gun control to Germany, ironically was Dwight D. Eisenhower, who confiscated all the guns in Germany because the allies were tired of dealing with dead enders taking pot shots at allied troops.
Let's play the game called, "Imagine if Trump had done it"

Things just got worse for the Losing Left

If Trump were a private citizen, no one would care. He did all sorts of dodgy things with his taxes, such as claiming a lower value of his properties for taxes and a higher one getting loans against them. Not to mention all the bankruptcies and bailouts.

Hunter is a private citizen. No one would care about his mistakes on his tax forms or gun permit if he wasn't related to the president.
In 2008, Wesley Snipes was convicted on three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns from 1999 to 2001. During this time, he kept $7 million in taxes from the federal government, reported the New York Daily News. The “Blade” actor was sentenced to three years in a Pennsylvania federal prison.
In 2008, Wesley Snipes was convicted on three misdemeanor counts of failing to file tax returns from 1999 to 2001. During this time, he kept $7 million in taxes from the federal government, reported the New York Daily News. The “Blade” actor was sentenced to three years in a Pennsylvania federal prison.

Snipes went to jail because he refused to pay the 7 million.

Hunter paid the amount he owed.

The IRS won't send you to jail if you pay them.

It's almost like their jobs is actually, you know, collecting money and not putting people in jail.

US Attorney David Weiss, appointed by Trump/Bill Barr as Special Prosecutor, was left in place by Joe Biden to finish the job. Normally, a president fires all the US Attorneys, but Biden, determined not to appear tipping the scales in his favor, left Weiss to finish the job, OF HIS OWN SON, and, after 5 years, got two misdemeanor charges. The SC office operates outside the chain of command, and are independent. It is seen as a noble assignment and there is no way in hell Weiss would have took the gig if he had to kowtow to the whims of a President.

To two misdemeanors, crimes for which most people are never prosecuted.

He was charged with a misdemeanor, filing taxes late and underpaying what he owed.

That happened to me, I just paid the tax, in payments, and filed late. No indictment. This is true for most people.

As for the gun charge, few people are ever charged for lying on a gun application form, their permits are just cancelled. Out of 112,000 reported to the US attorney's office in 2017, only 12 were prosecuted.

This is the result of a 5 year investigation. Durham investigated for 4 years and got squat, a 300 page bellyache about the FBi, all old news previously reported on by IG Horowitz.

As for the gun charge, few people are ever charged for lying on a gun application form, their permits are just cancelled. Out of 112,000 reported to the US attorney's office in 2017, only 12 were prosecuted.

So, why bother with background checks?
The big difference is that if Trump gets the slap on the wrist that Hunter got you loons will go batshit insane.
That’s because the two crimes aren’t even comparable, but thanks for admitting Trump’s a criminal.
It just dawned on me. Are the Trumpsters suddenly pro gun control and enforcing tax laws? Wow. Or maybe it is just because Hunter.
It's the height of hypocrisy that a president who talks a tough game on the wealthiest Americans paying their "fair share" in taxes and rages constantly about dangerous individuals possessing firearms has a deadbeat son commit both crimes and get away with them.

More and more, conservatives see the two-tiered justice system in this country, and it's time we all work together to take back the White House in 2024 so that we can clean house.
In typical GOP fashion republicans seem to not understand that Hunter committed misdemeanors, nothing crimes that never result in jail time.

Trump committed the most serious felonies on the books, crimes that result in jail time for anybody that commits them.

Republicans are somehow trying to claim Hunter gets special treatment, but it is another lie in their web of lies. The Trump felony indictment has them triggered and they are desperate.

Please tell me who gets jail time for misdemeanors or show examples of people with no criminal record, getting jail time for misdemeanors?

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In typical GOP fashion republicans seem to not understand that Hunter committed misdemeanors, nothing crimes that never result in jail time.

Trump committed the most serious felonies on the books, crimes that result in jail time for anybody that commits them.

Republicans are somehow trying to claim Hunter gets special treatment, but it is another lie in their web of lies.

Please tell me who gets jail time for misdemeanors or show examples of people with no criminal record, getting jail time for misdemeanors?

if his first name was eric, he'd have been serving lifer you gd horrible fucking humn being.....i wish you such personl tragedies for what you represent
if his first name was eric, he'd have been serving lifer you gd horrible fucking humn being.....i wish you such personl tragedies for what you represent

yea nice try.
You people are dumb as dirt, literally stupid.

Hunter committed misdemeanors and nobody gets jail time for them and we have 1000000s of cases to [prove this point.
You lose yet again.

You people are triggered by the Trump indictment, because Trump is guilty and Trump is going to jail for his serious crimes.
Open you eyes. The fact that Hunter did not disclose this income is less important than WHY he kept it secret. It was not to save on income taxes, it was to hide the fact that he was peddling his father's influence, which involved criminality on both their parts.

Al Capone did not go to jail for income tax evasion. That was the pretext, but he went to jail for being a mobster.
if his first name was eric, he'd have been serving lifer you gd horrible fucking humn being.....i wish you such personl tragedies for what you represent
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