Hunter Biden

I don’t know that was a lie. Have no clue what he knew about his sons business. Perhaps he was denying that he made money for a political pay for play as Trump was accusing, maybe he was lying to try and cover for his son. Could be many things.

I’m not interested because of the obvious political play going on and the 5 year campaign to try and politicize this failed October surprise that Trump put together. It’s so much nonsense.
Ha ha ha

Even biased CNN stated he was a liar, Stupid Slade. You’re not interested because you’re a Democratic Party lemming.
Ha ha ha ha the excuses are hilarious. Stupid Slade so the fact that he may be corrupt is not a possibility? That’s your hill?
Of course he may be corrupt. Anybody may be corrupt. But after 5 years of investigating two of which were under Trumps watch… and still nothing connecting any dots. It’s a political witch hunt. It’s a tit for tat. You all but admitted that already and you seem fine with it. This is war, right?
Except these aren’t Govt emails. And if they were innocuous why did Biden use Executive privilege to not have them released?
I’m not a mind reader. I’d guess for the same reasons trump did release his tax records
Of course he may be corrupt. Anybody may be corrupt. But after 5 years of investigating two of which were under Trumps watch… and still nothing connecting any dots. It’s a political witch hunt. It’s a tit for tat. You all but admitted that already and you seem fine with it. This is war, right?
The dots are connected for anyone who isn’t stupid. Right, Stupid Slade?

Yeah of course it’s revenge. And yeah I am fine with it. So in your view when the Red Army drove the Nazis back they should have just stopped and not conquered Berlin? The Democrats have declared war on the GOP and their political rivals. They have weaponized the DOJ and the FBI. I am glad the GOP is fighting back. You’re a pussy. You would not understand.
And I ve shown you a different POV. Fire the guy or No billion dollars. Pay for play. Eh, Stupid Slade.
Yea a public pay for play in front of cameras doing negations to progress American interests. Nothing wrong with that
Yea a public pay for play in front of cameras doing negations to progress American interests. Nothing wrong with that
That’s what he did. Now he is under an impeachment inquiry. Oh well. Now the liberal media has to cover this and the average voter will see how corrupt Joe is. You won’t care, Stupid Slade but many others will.

My wife who hates politics even said, wow Biden is senile and corrupt. So the GOP plan is working.
Ha ha ha

Even biased CNN stated he was a liar, Stupid Slade. You’re not interested because you’re a Democratic Party lemming.
I’m not interested because I see the obvious political game play here. It’s not real stuff it’s all distraction and demonization. I’d rather our elected leaders work on real things.

And I don’t give a shit what CNN says. The are a media company feeding off drama. Got Knossos with them calling out lies or contradictions from those in power, that’s their job
I’m not interested because I see the obvious political game play here. It’s not real stuff it’s all distraction and demonization. I’d rather our elected leaders work on real things.

And I don’t give a shit what CNN says. The are a media company feeding off drama. Got Knossos with them calling out lies or contradictions from those in power, that’s their job
Real things?

Border security
Protecting women’s sports and spaces
Policing crime instead of shrugging at it

Biden has failed there too, Stupid Slade. Hence his approval is at 37%.

Yeah he did that.
The dots are connected for anyone who isn’t stupid. Right, Stupid Slade?

Yeah of course it’s revenge. And yeah I am fine with it. So in your view when the Red Army drove the Nazis back they should have just stopped and not conquered Berlin? The Democrats have declared war on the GOP and their political rivals. They have weaponized the DOJ and the FBI. I am glad the GOP is fighting back. You’re a pussy. You would not understand.
I think politics is different than war and we are not at war. Your red army example is just an idiotic way for you to try and sound educated but it’s not working. You’re trying too hard
I think politics is different than war and we are not at war. Your red army example is just an idiotic way for you to try and sound educated but it’s not working. You’re trying too hard
It’s a perfect example and yes we are at war. If you can’t see that, Stupid Slade then I do not know what to tell you. Your party literally can’t or won’t define what a woman is. Your party has allowed SF, LA, NYC, Chicago, DC, St. Louis and Baltimore to become 3rd world spaces. Nike is leaving Portland, OR. Whole Foods left SF, how many restaurants and hotels have left? This is war, Stupid Slade and Biden the great divider is to blame.
That’s what he did. Now he is under an impeachment inquiry. Oh well. Now the liberal media has to cover this and the average voter will see how corrupt Joe is. You won’t care, Stupid Slade but many others will.

My wife who hates politics even said, wow Biden is senile and corrupt. So the GOP plan is working.
That’s what he did as VP. That’s what trump tried to exploit to discredit him during a campaign. It blew up in his face and got him impeached…. And then Joe got elected. And now a handful of idiots won’t let it go because they are still fluffing Trumps testicles
That’s what he did as VP. That’s what trump tried to exploit to discredit him during a campaign. It blew up in his face and got him impeached…. And then Joe got elected. And now a handful of idiots won’t let it go because they are still fluffing Trumps testicles
Interesting that suddenly Trump was right. The Bidens are dirty and it’s all about to implode on them. Poor Stupid Slade.
Real things?

Border security
Protecting women’s sports and spaces
Policing crime instead of shrugging at it

Biden has failed there too, Stupid Slade. Hence his approval is at 37%.

Yeah he did that.
Sure yes! Encourage your leaders to focus on those things!!! Real issues
It’s a perfect example and yes we are at war. If you can’t see that,
I’m sure you believe that in your pea brain. That’s exactly what the puppet masters what you to believe. We are at war. Everything “they” say is a lie. They are evil. Fight at all costs.

It’s a way to shut down discourse and pit people against eachother to garner power and support. It’s just too bad there are so many gullible people like yourself who fall for it
I believe he is audited but he SHOULD release them. What do you hope to learn from them?
Nothing, I don’t really care about them. I was using it as a point on why people don’t release all their info to the public. And if you believe that he was really under audit that whole time then you are completely gullible

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