Hunter Biden

They would? Really? Well now we ll find out. Stupid Slade, this may actually benefit Biden in the end. Do you know how? You’re stupid so 50/50 if you answer this correctly.
Yes, In the end when all these allegations fall flat it will likely help Biden in the same way it helped trump when allocations made by hyperbolic Dems fell flat.

It’s all part of the game.
Yes, In the end when all these allegations fall flat it will likely help Biden in the same way it helped trump when allocations made by hyperbolic Dems fell flat.

It’s all part of the game.

If they don’t impeach then the inquiry basically exonerates him. Correct? So the GOP is playing a dangerous game, Stupid Slade.

Adams and Healy begged for help. Fact
SF Govt employees told to stay home due to crime in SF. Fact

You said they were just conservative talking points. Stupid Slade
Yeah those are facts. Using those as reasonings to validate the ludicrous claim that we are at war… that’s the wingnut talking point I’m referring to.

I wonder if you can control your emotions enough to not use the childish name calling in every post.

It’s clear you think I’m stupid. Read ya loud and clear. Message received. No need to keep wasting space typing it on repeat moving forward unless your intent is to annoy and troll..
Nice try. I said that is an opinion the rest of the post was factual. Two can play it that game, Stupid Slade.
I’m not arguing with the rest of the post. I’m arguing with the hyperbolic claim that we are at war. Those examples don’t prove we are at war
Yeah those are facts. Using those as reasonings to validate the ludicrous claim that we are at war… that’s the wingnut talking point I’m referring to.

I wonder if you can control your emotions enough to not use the childish name calling in every post.

It’s clear you think I’m stupid. Read ya loud and clear. Message received. No need to keep wasting space typing it on repeat moving forward unless your intent is to annoy and troll..
Stupid Slade, I was being hyperbolic.

If they don’t impeach then the inquiry basically exonerates him. Correct? So the GOP is playing a dangerous game, Stupid Slade.
That’s exactly what I just said. Except for I said allegations not allocations
You did the same with me. Stupid Slade. You post a partial quote to change the narrative.
I haven’t done that once. I reply to portions of your statements to keep the conversation direct and focused but I’ve never once manipulated any of your points like you just did to me.

Think I’m wrong? Then show an example of me doing that
Yes I still ask people to present facts and details to back up their arguments. Many dodge and insult like you’re doing right now instead of answering the questions.

I don’t know what Democrats call me

They call you when they want someone to agree with whatever they say no matter how moronic it is. You don't ask inconvenient questions like what the $5 million Hunter and Joe expected China to pay them was for. You don't ask anything Democrats don't want to answer. You blindly believe whatever they say
They call you when they want someone to agree with whatever they say no matter how moronic it is. You don't ask inconvenient questions like what the $5 million Hunter and Joe expected China to pay them was for. You don't ask anything Democrats don't want to answer. You blindly believe whatever they say
Ha ha, thank you for explaining that to me. How did you find out about the phone calls. I didn’t think anybody knew that the Dems called me when they wanted me to say something. Shoot, cats out of the bag.

I didn’t ask questions about money that Ivanka and Jared made while they were working in the White House, and I’m not asking Money about what Hunter Biden made while not working in the White House. These are political smear campaigns and they’re worthless. They are aimed to divide and pit people against each other. The new tactic is to make your political enemy a criminal. It’s sad.
I haven’t done that once. I reply to portions of your statements to keep the conversation direct and focused but I’ve never once manipulated any of your points like you just did to me.

Think I’m wrong? Then show an example of me doing that
You reply to portions to delete the verbiage you cannot refute. But nice try, Stupid Slade. Yeah when it took me two more posts for you to admit that we have a border crisis and a crime crisis in SF
You reply to portions to delete the verbiage you cannot refute. But nice try, Stupid Slade. Yeah when it took me two more posts for you to admit that we have a border crisis and a crime crisis in SF
No I reply the portions to show you which comment I’m replying to when you stack many points in one post. I’ll often go back and reply to other points as well.

What I don’t do is manipulate your comments like you did to me. That’s very dishonest of you
No I reply the portions to show you which comment I’m replying to when you stack many points in one post. I’ll often go back and reply to other points as well.

What I don’t do is manipulate your comments like you did to me. That’s very dishonest of you
Yeah you do, Stupid Slade. It’s blatantly obvious. So glad Cali is falling apart. Your state, your Governor, your President. Your fault.

But but but Trump

Why don't you back up that statement with an example
Every single time you cut my post you change the narrative. So just don’t do it, Stupid Slade. Like the last time you just posted “we are at war” but not any nuance as to why. You’re a typical gaslighter.
Every single time you cut my post you change the narrative. So just don’t do it, Stupid Slade. Like the last time you just posted “we are at war” but not any nuance as to why. You’re a typical gaslighter.
Because that war statement of yours was the part I wasn’t addressing. That’s the hyperbolic partisan fear mongering that I was specifically talking about. Problems that occur in the cities are not things I’m arguing against. Those issues I think are very valid points of discussion. It’s the needless hyperbole around them that steal the spotlight and dilute the discourse

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