Hunter Biden

The biggest problem there is that the Chinese company was willing to give Hunter 1.5BUSD (That's B not an M) to fund his newly minted investment fund. I don't think I've ever heard of anything remotely happening in the funding of a new investment fund with that much fucking money to someone who has never even run a fund that had more than $1,000,000.00. I also have a problem with him flying over there on Air Force 2 to conduct private business dealings. I also have a problem with him setting a meeting up with the execs of the Chinese business with his VP father. This is not a new story. You haven't been keeping up or you are ignoring important news because you watch CNN or some other liberal news source or you read the Huffintong Post or some other liberal media print outfit which probably didn't report anything about this until it started becoming an issue for Biden.
I’m not talking about the investment fund deal with China I’m talking about the latest conspiracy being tossed out there about Hunter and Ho’s relationship and China Nuclear Power Company. Prog posted a link a few pages back.

Gotcha. Missed that - my apologies.

My corrected response is now:

Anything Hunter Biden is doing in the Energy business is shady because he has no experience. You're talking about CHINA. I'm sure there is some corrupt shit there too. Now saying that, it seems Hunter is starting to build some experience in the energy business - good on him. But, being a betting man, I would estimate that his experience is in how to launder money and extort money in exchange for access to Political figures and US government decision makers. Just a guess. No evidence yet. It is just a feeling at the moment. Quite strong though. Almost like a tingle up my leg.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to go read up on that shit. More Popcorn material. BBL after I make some more.
Here are some links... these are the China dealings they are trying to tie the Biden’s too but I have yet to see how they link up to crimes.

ANALYSIS: Hunter Biden tied to China firm with questionable dealings

U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States

Yeah - I agree. I don't see any linkage yet.

But, there is some smoke here - maybe a false alarm.

And - It certainly shows the inescapable conclusion that Neither Joe nor Hunter are very good at accessing character.

And - Birds of a feather.

But it is all smoke right now. Not a lot but the fire may burst into flames. Who knows.
Well we don’t know a thing about what their relationship was so I don’t know about the character assessment part. These are all very large companies with many moving parts... and you have to see how this contradicts the “Hunter doesn’t have any experience in the energy business” narrative that been used in the Burisma conversation. Right?

it sounds to me like “how can we make the Biden’s look bad” accuse accuse accuse and connect the invisible dots!

No it doesn't counter it as far as I'm concerned. I was in the nuclear power (energy) industry for over 35 years. I know what kind of experience is necessary. Hunter is an infant as far as knowledge in the industry goes.

have you read or investigated his "resume"?
Oh yeah your right, my bad. Kind of like Hillary’s server investigation that we heard nothing about until they announced the findings. Great point!

I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

I know. I realize that you don't find it at all shady that Hunter Biden had a directorship at a Ukraine company, in a business in which he had no experience and his father just coincidentally happened to be the VP of the US, which was requesting large sums of aide, and his dad was the lead on Foreign Affairs for that same country. Hmmm.

Is this your stance?
The aid and position about the prosecutor were widely known and shared bipartisan positions and part of our foreign policy agenda not a personal agenda of the VP. So that point about his QPQ doesn’t hold water. I don’t think you know anything about Hunters experience or position/duties with Burisma so you are taking liberty to accuse him and his father of corruption. I would scrutinize the job as a conflict of interest, that’s a fair point, 5 years ago. The reason why it is being so focused on right now is for the sole purpose of demeaning Joes political campaign which is why this game is transparent and hard to take seriously. I think you know that as well. You seem like a bright guy. Can you be honest about the politicalization of this whole thing?

I made no accusations - so please don't make assumptions of what I'm thinking. I said and will continue to say - there is some shady shit going on there IMO.
I don’t mean to put words in your mouth or make assumptions. Apologies if I came off that way. You are giving a critical look and seem to be a fair minded individual. I’m enjoying the debate.
Ummmm Indictments come after an investigation. Not during. So......

And investigations are usually NEVER shared until they are complete.

You have no evidence and neither do I, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't.

Your comment isn't logical. At all.
Investigations into high level people often don’t go unnoticed. You can’t keep everything about an investigation secret.

But yeah, investigations aren’t publicly announced. Which is why it was so corrupt for a Trump to try and force Zelensky to announce one.

That doesn't make him corrupt. What kind of logic is that? He wanted another country to announce one. Not the US. THE US doesn't go around announcing investigations - who cares if other countries do. That's up to them not us or apparently even Trump. And how is that corrupt? He wants them to go after corruption. That's ok in my book. I don't care who you fucking are - even if you're a current candidate for president - if you are doing shady shit it needs to be looked into. Actually - ESPECIALLY if you are running for president. Isn't that what the FBI was doing to Trumps Campaign? Of course they had to doctor evidence and omit key facts and make other errors to the tune of 17 on a FISA warrant extension request in order to keep the ball rolling (NTTIAWWT?). That in itself is some very, very shady shit.

The hypocrisy is palpable.

Why doesn’t the US announce investigations?

Because it hampers the investigation IMO. Stealth = catching people unaware = evidence is more obtainable and can't be fucked with ahead of time. I'm supposing, but I think that is a very good reason.

People will make assumptions about you knowing you’re under investigation. That would be unfair to do to someone who hasn’t been determined to have done anything wrong.

Trump demanding Zelensky announce an investigation was intended to hurt him.

I don't think that is the reason why. I think it was because Trump wanted traction to get his guy (Barr) off his ass and do something about it (or maybe even the Senate). Barr makes the call, not Trump, for starting an investigation in the US (of course the House and Senate can do some investigating as well).

Joe is no threat to his reelection. Joe has many other problems besides corruption. No way would he beat Trump. Ice cream has no bones.
Oh yeah your right, my bad. Kind of like Hillary’s server investigation that we heard nothing about until they announced the findings. Great point!

I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

I know. I realize that you don't find it at all shady that Hunter Biden had a directorship at a Ukraine company, in a business in which he had no experience and his father just coincidentally happened to be the VP of the US, which was requesting large sums of aide, and his dad was the lead on Foreign Affairs for that same country. Hmmm.

Is this your stance?
The aid and position about the prosecutor were widely known and shared bipartisan positions and part of our foreign policy agenda not a personal agenda of the VP. So that point about his QPQ doesn’t hold water. I don’t think you know anything about Hunters experience or position/duties with Burisma so you are taking liberty to accuse him and his father of corruption. I would scrutinize the job as a conflict of interest, that’s a fair point, 5 years ago. The reason why it is being so focused on right now is for the sole purpose of demeaning Joes political campaign which is why this game is transparent and hard to take seriously. I think you know that as well. You seem like a bright guy. Can you be honest about the politicalization of this whole thing?

It has nothing to do with Joe Biden's campaign in my estimation. It has everything to do with draining the swamp as I see it. Our politicians (on both sides!) get away with some very, very shady shit.

How is Nancy Pelosi worth 22M dollars on a congress salary with all of the supposed expenses that you have to pay for on your own? Either she is very frugal or she has made some cash using her name or political clout or whatever. She isn't the only one, just one example. They ALL fucking do it except Bernie. Bernie gets a big pass in my book. He has invested well and saved and he is frugal and he is worth somewhere between 2 and 3 M after years of service. I can see that. No problem with it.
I believe all their tax returns are available. My guess would be Pelosi and her husband have a combined income, not sure what he does, and she also makes money off books and speeches, but that’s just a guess.
Ummmm Indictments come after an investigation. Not during. So......

And investigations are usually NEVER shared until they are complete.

You have no evidence and neither do I, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't.

Your comment isn't logical. At all.
Investigations into high level people often don’t go unnoticed. You can’t keep everything about an investigation secret.

But yeah, investigations aren’t publicly announced. Which is why it was so corrupt for a Trump to try and force Zelensky to announce one.

That doesn't make him corrupt. What kind of logic is that? He wanted another country to announce one. Not the US. THE US doesn't go around announcing investigations - who cares if other countries do. That's up to them not us or apparently even Trump. And how is that corrupt? He wants them to go after corruption. That's ok in my book. I don't care who you fucking are - even if you're a current candidate for president - if you are doing shady shit it needs to be looked into. Actually - ESPECIALLY if you are running for president. Isn't that what the FBI was doing to Trumps Campaign? Of course they had to doctor evidence and omit key facts and make other errors to the tune of 17 on a FISA warrant extension request in order to keep the ball rolling (NTTIAWWT?). That in itself is some very, very shady shit.

The hypocrisy is palpable.

Why doesn’t the US announce investigations?

Because it hampers the investigation IMO. Stealth = catching people unaware = evidence is more obtainable and can't be fucked with ahead of time. I'm supposing, but I think that is a very good reason.

People will make assumptions about you knowing you’re under investigation. That would be unfair to do to someone who hasn’t been determined to have done anything wrong.

Trump demanding Zelensky announce an investigation was intended to hurt him.

Investigation haven't seem to hurt Trump now has it.
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?

you said he was a local PI
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?
but you said he was a local PI,,,are you now saying he is a government investigator looking into joe and others???
I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

I know. I realize that you don't find it at all shady that Hunter Biden had a directorship at a Ukraine company, in a business in which he had no experience and his father just coincidentally happened to be the VP of the US, which was requesting large sums of aide, and his dad was the lead on Foreign Affairs for that same country. Hmmm.

Is this your stance?
The aid and position about the prosecutor were widely known and shared bipartisan positions and part of our foreign policy agenda not a personal agenda of the VP. So that point about his QPQ doesn’t hold water. I don’t think you know anything about Hunters experience or position/duties with Burisma so you are taking liberty to accuse him and his father of corruption. I would scrutinize the job as a conflict of interest, that’s a fair point, 5 years ago. The reason why it is being so focused on right now is for the sole purpose of demeaning Joes political campaign which is why this game is transparent and hard to take seriously. I think you know that as well. You seem like a bright guy. Can you be honest about the politicalization of this whole thing?

It has nothing to do with Joe Biden's campaign in my estimation. It has everything to do with draining the swamp as I see it. Our politicians (on both sides!) get away with some very, very shady shit.

How is Nancy Pelosi worth 22M dollars on a congress salary with all of the supposed expenses that you have to pay for on your own? Either she is very frugal or she has made some cash using her name or political clout or whatever. She isn't the only one, just one example. They ALL fucking do it except Bernie. Bernie gets a big pass in my book. He has invested well and saved and he is frugal and he is worth somewhere between 2 and 3 M after years of service. I can see that. No problem with it.
I believe all their tax returns are available. My guess would be Pelosi and her husband have a combined income, not sure what he does, and she also makes money off books and speeches, but that’s just a guess.

Those books and speeches are because she is a public servant. I would make a rule where nobody can make any other form of income while serving as an elected official in the Whitehouse, Senate and House.
I’m not talking about the investment fund deal with China I’m talking about the latest conspiracy being tossed out there about Hunter and Ho’s relationship and China Nuclear Power Company. Prog posted a link a few pages back.

Gotcha. Missed that - my apologies.

My corrected response is now:

Anything Hunter Biden is doing in the Energy business is shady because he has no experience. You're talking about CHINA. I'm sure there is some corrupt shit there too. Now saying that, it seems Hunter is starting to build some experience in the energy business - good on him. But, being a betting man, I would estimate that his experience is in how to launder money and extort money in exchange for access to Political figures and US government decision makers. Just a guess. No evidence yet. It is just a feeling at the moment. Quite strong though. Almost like a tingle up my leg.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to go read up on that shit. More Popcorn material. BBL after I make some more.
Here are some links... these are the China dealings they are trying to tie the Biden’s too but I have yet to see how they link up to crimes.

ANALYSIS: Hunter Biden tied to China firm with questionable dealings

U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States

Yeah - I agree. I don't see any linkage yet.

But, there is some smoke here - maybe a false alarm.

And - It certainly shows the inescapable conclusion that Neither Joe nor Hunter are very good at accessing character.

And - Birds of a feather.

But it is all smoke right now. Not a lot but the fire may burst into flames. Who knows.
Well we don’t know a thing about what their relationship was so I don’t know about the character assessment part. These are all very large companies with many moving parts... and you have to see how this contradicts the “Hunter doesn’t have any experience in the energy business” narrative that been used in the Burisma conversation. Right?

it sounds to me like “how can we make the Biden’s look bad” accuse accuse accuse and connect the invisible dots!

No it doesn't counter it as far as I'm concerned. I was in the nuclear power (energy) industry for over 35 years. I know what kind of experience is necessary. Hunter is an infant as far as knowledge in the industry goes.

have you read or investigated his "resume"?
I know he went to Harvard and has a law degree. That with the last name Biden would get him on any BOD for any Company Id imagine. There is value in those two things it’s just how it is
Investigations into high level people often don’t go unnoticed. You can’t keep everything about an investigation secret.

But yeah, investigations aren’t publicly announced. Which is why it was so corrupt for a Trump to try and force Zelensky to announce one.

That doesn't make him corrupt. What kind of logic is that? He wanted another country to announce one. Not the US. THE US doesn't go around announcing investigations - who cares if other countries do. That's up to them not us or apparently even Trump. And how is that corrupt? He wants them to go after corruption. That's ok in my book. I don't care who you fucking are - even if you're a current candidate for president - if you are doing shady shit it needs to be looked into. Actually - ESPECIALLY if you are running for president. Isn't that what the FBI was doing to Trumps Campaign? Of course they had to doctor evidence and omit key facts and make other errors to the tune of 17 on a FISA warrant extension request in order to keep the ball rolling (NTTIAWWT?). That in itself is some very, very shady shit.

The hypocrisy is palpable.

Why doesn’t the US announce investigations?

Because it hampers the investigation IMO. Stealth = catching people unaware = evidence is more obtainable and can't be fucked with ahead of time. I'm supposing, but I think that is a very good reason.

People will make assumptions about you knowing you’re under investigation. That would be unfair to do to someone who hasn’t been determined to have done anything wrong.

Trump demanding Zelensky announce an investigation was intended to hurt him.

Investigation haven't seem to hurt Trump now has it.

Who knows? The investigation into his campaign wasn’t made known until well after the election was over. I believe he admitted it would have damaged his campaign had it become known.

Because that’s how it’s supposed to be if we are going to treat people fairly.
Ummmm Indictments come after an investigation. Not during. So......

And investigations are usually NEVER shared until they are complete.

You have no evidence and neither do I, but that doesn't mean someone else doesn't.

Your comment isn't logical. At all.
Oh yeah your right, my bad. Kind of like Hillary’s server investigation that we heard nothing about until they announced the findings. Great point!

I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

who said secretly???
Well Prog... if it’s happening and we don’t know about it then it’s a secret... 2+2
or it could mean youre just ignorant about whats happening in the world,,
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?

you said he was a local PI
Reviewing information that Rudy sends them is not an investigation based on credible evidence. It means they are vetting intel that they specifically state is suspect to be Russian disinformation. If I called the FBI and told them you were a pedophile does that mean there’s evidence that you’re a pedophile and you’re being investigated for pedophilia?

You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?
but you said he was a local PI,,,are you now saying he is a government investigator looking into joe and others???
i was being sarcastic Prog. Get with it
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

I know. I realize that you don't find it at all shady that Hunter Biden had a directorship at a Ukraine company, in a business in which he had no experience and his father just coincidentally happened to be the VP of the US, which was requesting large sums of aide, and his dad was the lead on Foreign Affairs for that same country. Hmmm.

Is this your stance?
The aid and position about the prosecutor were widely known and shared bipartisan positions and part of our foreign policy agenda not a personal agenda of the VP. So that point about his QPQ doesn’t hold water. I don’t think you know anything about Hunters experience or position/duties with Burisma so you are taking liberty to accuse him and his father of corruption. I would scrutinize the job as a conflict of interest, that’s a fair point, 5 years ago. The reason why it is being so focused on right now is for the sole purpose of demeaning Joes political campaign which is why this game is transparent and hard to take seriously. I think you know that as well. You seem like a bright guy. Can you be honest about the politicalization of this whole thing?

It has nothing to do with Joe Biden's campaign in my estimation. It has everything to do with draining the swamp as I see it. Our politicians (on both sides!) get away with some very, very shady shit.

How is Nancy Pelosi worth 22M dollars on a congress salary with all of the supposed expenses that you have to pay for on your own? Either she is very frugal or she has made some cash using her name or political clout or whatever. She isn't the only one, just one example. They ALL fucking do it except Bernie. Bernie gets a big pass in my book. He has invested well and saved and he is frugal and he is worth somewhere between 2 and 3 M after years of service. I can see that. No problem with it.
I believe all their tax returns are available. My guess would be Pelosi and her husband have a combined income, not sure what he does, and she also makes money off books and speeches, but that’s just a guess.

Those books and speeches are because she is a public servant. I would make a rule where nobody can make any other form of income while serving as an elected official in the Whitehouse, Senate and House.
Id vote in agreement with that
The biggest problem there is that the Chinese company was willing to give Hunter 1.5BUSD (That's B not an M) to fund his newly minted investment fund. I don't think I've ever heard of anything remotely happening in the funding of a new investment fund with that much fucking money to someone who has never even run a fund that had more than $1,000,000.00. I also have a problem with him flying over there on Air Force 2 to conduct private business dealings. I also have a problem with him setting a meeting up with the execs of the Chinese business with his VP father. This is not a new story. You haven't been keeping up or you are ignoring important news because you watch CNN or some other liberal news source or you read the Huffintong Post or some other liberal media print outfit which probably didn't report anything about this until it started becoming an issue for Biden.
I’m not talking about the investment fund deal with China I’m talking about the latest conspiracy being tossed out there about Hunter and Ho’s relationship and China Nuclear Power Company. Prog posted a link a few pages back.

Gotcha. Missed that - my apologies.

My corrected response is now:

Anything Hunter Biden is doing in the Energy business is shady because he has no experience. You're talking about CHINA. I'm sure there is some corrupt shit there too. Now saying that, it seems Hunter is starting to build some experience in the energy business - good on him. But, being a betting man, I would estimate that his experience is in how to launder money and extort money in exchange for access to Political figures and US government decision makers. Just a guess. No evidence yet. It is just a feeling at the moment. Quite strong though. Almost like a tingle up my leg.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to go read up on that shit. More Popcorn material. BBL after I make some more.
Here are some links... these are the China dealings they are trying to tie the Biden’s too but I have yet to see how they link up to crimes.

ANALYSIS: Hunter Biden tied to China firm with questionable dealings

U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States

Yeah - I agree. I don't see any linkage yet.

But, there is some smoke here - maybe a false alarm.

And - It certainly shows the inescapable conclusion that Neither Joe nor Hunter are very good at accessing character.

And - Birds of a feather.

But it is all smoke right now. Not a lot but the fire may burst into flames. Who knows.
Well we don’t know a thing about what their relationship was so I don’t know about the character assessment part. These are all very large companies with many moving parts... and you have to see how this contradicts the “Hunter doesn’t have any experience in the energy business” narrative that been used in the Burisma conversation. Right?

it sounds to me like “how can we make the Biden’s look bad” accuse accuse accuse and connect the invisible dots!

so what experience does hunter have???

cause the last I heard he was struggling between rehab visits and strip clubs,,,
Oh yeah your right, my bad. Kind of like Hillary’s server investigation that we heard nothing about until they announced the findings. Great point!

I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

who said secretly???
Well Prog... if it’s happening and we don’t know about it then it’s a secret... 2+2
or it could mean youre just ignorant about whats happening in the world,,
Yes Prog, it’s clear that you believe that.
You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?

you said he was a local PI
You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?
but you said he was a local PI,,,are you now saying he is a government investigator looking into joe and others???
i was being sarcastic Prog. Get with it
seems all you have is sarcasm,,,
I used the term "usually". Did you catch that or are you being obtuse or are you being willfully ignorant or do you have a reading comprehension problem.
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

who said secretly???
Well Prog... if it’s happening and we don’t know about it then it’s a secret... 2+2
or it could mean youre just ignorant about whats happening in the world,,
Yes Prog, it’s clear that you believe that.
more sarcasm I see,,,,

do you ever get serious???
I’m not talking about the investment fund deal with China I’m talking about the latest conspiracy being tossed out there about Hunter and Ho’s relationship and China Nuclear Power Company. Prog posted a link a few pages back.

Gotcha. Missed that - my apologies.

My corrected response is now:

Anything Hunter Biden is doing in the Energy business is shady because he has no experience. You're talking about CHINA. I'm sure there is some corrupt shit there too. Now saying that, it seems Hunter is starting to build some experience in the energy business - good on him. But, being a betting man, I would estimate that his experience is in how to launder money and extort money in exchange for access to Political figures and US government decision makers. Just a guess. No evidence yet. It is just a feeling at the moment. Quite strong though. Almost like a tingle up my leg.

Thanks for the info. I'm going to go read up on that shit. More Popcorn material. BBL after I make some more.
Here are some links... these are the China dealings they are trying to tie the Biden’s too but I have yet to see how they link up to crimes.

ANALYSIS: Hunter Biden tied to China firm with questionable dealings

U.S. Nuclear Engineer, China General Nuclear Power Company and Energy Technology International Indicted in Nuclear Power Conspiracy against the United States

Yeah - I agree. I don't see any linkage yet.

But, there is some smoke here - maybe a false alarm.

And - It certainly shows the inescapable conclusion that Neither Joe nor Hunter are very good at accessing character.

And - Birds of a feather.

But it is all smoke right now. Not a lot but the fire may burst into flames. Who knows.
Well we don’t know a thing about what their relationship was so I don’t know about the character assessment part. These are all very large companies with many moving parts... and you have to see how this contradicts the “Hunter doesn’t have any experience in the energy business” narrative that been used in the Burisma conversation. Right?

it sounds to me like “how can we make the Biden’s look bad” accuse accuse accuse and connect the invisible dots!

so what experience does hunter have???

cause the last I heard he was struggling between rehab visits and strip clubs,,,
You tell me... you’re the one who posted a link accusing him of corrupt relationships with China energy companies where he negotiated energy deals, managed investment funds, and provided legal council.
You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?

you said he was a local PI
You’re right. Jerry my local PI does investigations too. What’s your point?

That’s classified. Who do you think is doing the secret investigation into Joe? Gina? Rocket man? MiniMike?
but you said he was a local PI,,,are you now saying he is a government investigator looking into joe and others???
i was being sarcastic Prog. Get with it
seems all you have is sarcasm,,,
At some point that’s all that’s left when the person your conversing with can’t follow facts and reason
I’m showing how ludicrous the accusation is that Joe is being secretly investigated. If he was then Trump would have referred to it in his defense against impeachment, if he was then Barr would have very different responses to the questions about it. If he was then there’s no doubt it would have leaked to help trump. There are several obvious points that show how dumb that accusation is. Seed of doubt is what your spreading. You don’t have evidence or facts to support these thing you say

who said secretly???
Well Prog... if it’s happening and we don’t know about it then it’s a secret... 2+2
or it could mean youre just ignorant about whats happening in the world,,
Yes Prog, it’s clear that you believe that.
more sarcasm I see,,,,

do you ever get serious???
That comment was serious
who said secretly???
Well Prog... if it’s happening and we don’t know about it then it’s a secret... 2+2
or it could mean youre just ignorant about whats happening in the world,,
Yes Prog, it’s clear that you believe that.
more sarcasm I see,,,,

do you ever get serious???
That comment was serious
no it wasnt,,,

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