Hunter Biden's Laptop, and America's Crisis of Accountability

I wonder how many Americans are fully aware that Our Beloved President has been PROVEN to have LIED to the American people during the debates and subsequently. There is absolutely no doubt that he was fully aware of his nefarious son's activities to peddle influence, and that he, The President, personally benefitted from this influence peddling.

Seriously, does anybody care.

During the Trump years, he was accused of lying every fifteen minutes, but it was all phony...statements intentionally misinterpreted, taken out of context, misquoted, and so on. And here we have DOCUMENTED LIES, and the Media just yawn.

And xidens brother.

The “having sex with underage girls” was totally made up. The only thing authenticated was it was his and he is under investigation for tax fraud.

Don't forget the 10% for the big guy, and Hunter claiming to pay xidens bills.

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Reality? First the laptop was real. Then is mysteriously disappeared right before the election. Then it resurfaced. Then it was "Russian propaganda." Now it's real again.

Are you effing kidding me? For all practical purposes, every damned thing I've heard about that lowlife POS is true. Every bit as true as when President Trump predicted $7 gasoline, high inflation, and a war in Europe if Biden was elected.

10/26 Exclusive! Who is in the photo with Hunter Biden? - GNEWS

Actually there are 3 laptops that were dropped off for repair.

Former AG Barr admitted he KNEW BIDEN LIED TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE about Hunter's laptop and found that disturbing. Naturally he let Biden get away with the lie, shocker there.
Instead of acting like a political hack he did his job.

Barr responded that he was "limited" in what he could discuss because of "possible ongoing investigations," but acknowledged that he was previously against injecting a criminal investigation against Biden’s son into the 2020 race without "definitive judgement" from the DOJ.

"Dammit, Mr. President, I am not going to talk to you about Hunter Biden. Period!," Barr allegedly told Trump in the months leading up to election day.

For Barr to comment at all with an ongoing investigation would be a breech of ethics and established DOJ procedure.
It had no impact. Hunter: sleazy. Ivanka, and Trump Jr. Are under court orders to never open a charity again due to their theft. Eric has to testify about once a week. Jared is twelve levels of slimy.
Can you provide a link to this court order?
It had no impact. Hunter: sleazy. Ivanka, and Trump Jr. Are under court orders to never open a charity again due to their theft. Eric has to testify about once a week. Jared is twelve levels of slimy.
It had no "impact" because fifty former intelligence officers lied claiming it was Russian Disinformation.

The New York Times now admits the story was real. News and social-media companies will pay no price for suppressing vital information in 2020.

In close elections, a fraction of the total vote distributed in the right places can swing an outcome, and we can never be sure what effect late news stories can have.

Thoughts? Did you vote for Hunter Biden or Trump?

If these people want accountability, then Proportional Representation is the way forwards.
If these people want democracy, then Proportional Representation is the way forwards.

But they don't. They just want to win and will be hypocritical to the last.
If these people want accountability, then Proportional Representation is the way forwards.
If these people want democracy, then Proportional Representation is the way forwards.

But they don't. They just want to win and will be hypocritical to the last.
Well no, a truly blind justice system is what we need where you aren't protected because of who you are or who you're related to.
Can you imagine if one of Trump's sons was a crack cocaine addict, forgot that he left his laptop with a computer repairman, and on the laptop were videos of him smoking crack, and having sex with girls, one of whom was suspected of being his dead brother's underage daughter?

Then to top it all off, imagine one of Trump's sons purchasing a pistol while being a drug addict, committing a felony by lying on the BATFE Form 4473, and then his wife disposing of the pistol by placing it on top of a trash can?

Those things would have been plastered all over the front page of every publication in the world, every search engine result, and on every television media outlet.

One of Donald Trump's sons is a coke addict, who cheated on his wife, is under investigation by the IRS and is slimy as hell. No one cares. In fact, you clowns want him to take over for his father.

But Hunter Biden makes you loons batshit crazy. Why???

The New York Times now admits the story was real. News and social-media companies will pay no price for suppressing vital information in 2020.

In close elections, a fraction of the total vote distributed in the right places can swing an outcome, and we can never be sure what effect late news stories can have.

Thoughts? Did you vote for Hunter Biden or Trump?
The laptop had no bearing on my vote, I already knew Biden was a crook
Well no, a truly blind justice system is what we need where you aren't protected because of who you are or who you're related to.

Well, that happens more less with Proportional Representation because the political parties are less secure.

The Democrats know they can mess around and many people will still vote for them, if they have a bad election, they just come back for the next one.

In Germany, with PR, if a party has a bad election, it can destroy them for a long time. They could literally get kicked out of government. AND there are far more political parties to find out what you've been doing wrong AND far more parties to take your votes from you.
Well, that happens more less with Proportional Representation because the political parties are less secure.

The Democrats know they can mess around and many people will still vote for them, if they have a bad election, they just come back for the next one.

In Germany, with PR, if a party has a bad election, it can destroy them for a long time. They could literally get kicked out of government. AND there are far more political parties to find out what you've been doing wrong AND far more parties to take your votes from you.
We don't want the German System here.

We'd have to scrap our entire constitution to do so and that's not going to happen.

Our entire political system is designed to provide balance, and to temper the whims of the majority.
The laptop was once a conspiracy theory too. You should quit while you are ahead.
It still is a CT.

Then show the evidence.
You RWI's are HUGE on, the evidence is there, they just aren't allowing us to show it.
It is being suppressed.
Seriously? Gnews?

Reasoning: Conspiracy, Propaganda, Poor Sourcing, Fake News, Lack of Transparency
Bias Rating: FAR RIGHT
Factual Reporting: LOW
Country: USA (45/180 Press Freedom)
Media Type: Website
Traffic/Popularity: High Traffic
MBFC Credibility Rating: LOW CREDIBILITY
So that's not Hunter in the photos?
We don't want the German System here.

We'd have to scrap our entire constitution to do so and that's not going to happen.

Our entire political system is designed to provide balance, and to temper the whims of the majority.

"We don't want a German system here."

Most people I've spoken to don't have the slightest fucking clue what that system even is. I got told that FPTP is "proportional representation" once.

The other point is that the powers that be, the people who manipulate the politicians, pay off the politicians, control elections with HUGE amounts of money "don't want a German system here".

And they tell you that you don't want it, and they're so versed in manipulating people who have no fucking clue what's going on around them, that the people will say "we don't want a German system here" simply because it's what's buzzing around their head.

The US would have to change the Constitution. It's not like the Constitution has never been changed, I mean, they changed it after the first TWO YEARS of the Constitution.

Yes, the US system is designed for balance. The US system no longer has this balance, it's so corrupt, so manipulated by the rich that the Founding Fathers would be banging their skulls on hard walls over how SHIT the system has become.

In 1789 the system was revolutionary. In 2022 it's old, shit, creaking, shit, bad, shit, corrupt, shit, and did I mention SHIT?
It still is a CT.

Then show the evidence.
You RWI's are HUGE on, the evidence is there, they just aren't allowing us to show it.
It is being suppressed.
How is it just a ct? It's now been verified that it is Hunter's Laptop.
"We don't want a German system here."

Most people I've spoken to don't have the slightest fucking clue what that system even is. I got told that FPTP is "proportional representation" once.

The other point is that the powers that be, the people who manipulate the politicians, pay off the politicians, control elections with HUGE amounts of money "don't want a German system here".

And they tell you that you don't want it, and they're so versed in manipulating people who have no fucking clue what's going on around them, that the people will say "we don't want a German system here" simply because it's what's buzzing around their head.

The US would have to change the Constitution. It's not like the Constitution has never been changed, I mean, they changed it after the first TWO YEARS of the Constitution.

Yes, the US system is designed for balance. The US system no longer has this balance, it's so corrupt, so manipulated by the rich that the Founding Fathers would be banging their skulls on hard walls over how SHIT the system has become.

In 1789 the system was revolutionary. In 2022 it's old, shit, creaking, shit, bad, shit, corrupt, shit, and did I mention SHIT?
I lived in Germany off and on for five years. You'll make an ass of your self far less often by not making assumptions.
I lived in Germany off and on for five years. You'll make an ass of your self far less often by not making assumptions.

I'm not making assumptions at all. Mostly because I didn't talk about YOU. I spoke about most Americans.

Are you saying most Americans could tell me what Proportional Representation is without having to look it up? In fact, if you gave most Americans time to look it up, they still wouldn't A) look it up or B) understand it if they did.

Also living in Germany "off and on for five years" is not the qualification for understanding Proportional Representation.

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