Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

This is my own analysis...

Here are the documents filed by Hunter's legal team. Some overlapping info at the links...

Hunter requests:

- That the Marco Polo website which hosts his laptop files (and I post links to), has its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status be reviewed by the IRS. LOL, he sicking the IRS on them!

- He requests Assistant AG for National Security investigate Mac Dude, Guiliani, Bannon, etc. for violation of federal law related to accessing, blah blah blah, personal computer data. It's quite laughable, considering Hunter gifted them the data. It's quite ironic that this is now a "national security" issue. It implicates Biden, and the real threat to national security is the information on the laptop where we have Hunter selling influence in exchange for huge sums of money.

These pictures are actually part of their proof. Dinner menus, water and a fork!

View attachment 753179View attachment 753180

It's full of lots of random screen grabs from the internet. Biden family was probably paying these clowns $600 per person-hour to surf the net for memes and tweets.

View attachment 753182View attachment 753184

- They threaten Tucker Carlson with a defamation suit for reporting that Hunter paid $50,000 per month rent, maybe to his dad. Hunter paid $49,910/mo rent for one of his offices 507 Sweden (proof is in the emails on the laptop, just search "507") Whoop dee doo. Tucker was wrong.
hunter is threatening anyone that dared to speak the truth about him…he is acting like Uday Hussein
Seriously true unlike you lying weasels.
Prosecutors allow many to plead to lesser sentences, and make judgement calls on what can be proven -- because the evidence is there, but not enough. Criminals walk all the time and many get lighter sentences than would warrant
Good to know that a super majority of participants weren't there for an insurrection. How many have been charged as insurrectionists?
Hunter is a good man with flaws - as we all are. What has Trump done in life that draws your admiration?
Hunter is a piece of shit. He's cashed in on his father's political influence his ENTIRE adult life...making millions from corrupt foreign governments and businessmen! His personal life is dumpster fire and the whole sordid mess is about to be exposed to the world.
What evil/illegal things has Hunter done - THAT YOU CAN PROVE?
You do realize that what the Biden's have been doing is about to be exposed? Joe and Hunter can't hide behind Nancy Pelosi and Merrick Garland anymore. Congressional subpoenas are coming and Hunter is sweating bullets because he knows exactly what they've done and he knows that the lap top proves it.
Except she wasn't at State when she was running for office.

Not arguing that.

Does he have the right to make your private data public? If so, could I open a store tomorrow and say that I can make your credit card numbers public and bury it in some disclosure that nobody ever reads? After're surrendering your credit card information to me.

We'll see.
Are you claiming that Hillary didn't run State through hidden servers at her house, Candy? You know darn well that she did! That was a clear violation of US law despite James Comey's decision that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was committing a crime! That decision coming a few days after Loretta Lynch's secret meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac out in Arizona bordered on farce!

People that work on things like cars have what is called a "Mechanic's lien", Candy! If they repair something and the owner doesn't come back for it in a designated amount of time the vehicle become property of the mechanic. The same holds true for someone who repairs computers. After a period of time...if you don't come back for your becomes the property of the repair shop. That's not anything like using people's credit card numbers. Using someone's credit card numbers would be a crime.
Are you claiming that Hillary didn't run State through hidden servers at her house, Candy? You know darn well that she did! That was a clear violation of US law despite James Comey's decision that she wasn't "sophisticated" enough to understand that she was committing a crime! That decision coming a few days after Loretta Lynch's secret meeting with Bill Clinton on the tarmac out in Arizona bordered on farce!
Has nothing to do with her being hacked.
People that work on things like cars have what is called a "Mechanic's lien", Candy! If they repair something and the owner doesn't come back for it in a designated amount of time the vehicle become property of the mechanic. The same holds true for someone who repairs computers. After a period of time...if you don't come back for your becomes the property of the repair shop. That's not anything like using people's credit card numbers. Using someone's credit card numbers would be a crime.
If the laptop had someone's personal data in them...would it be okay for the repair guy to use that data?
Has nothing to do with her being hacked.

If the laptop had someone's personal data in them...would it be okay for the repair guy to use that data?
Not only is it OK for a repair guy to report that data if they think it depicts criminal behavior, 10 US States they can be charged with a crime if they don't!

Hillary wasn't hacked. Her use of the private servers was uncovered during the Benghazi investigation which prompted her to attempt to destroy the evidence of what she'd done by paying to have those servers professionally "bleached" and smashing her Blackberries with hammers!
Did Trump's campaign manager collude with the Russians? are! LOL Did you not get the memo, Dante? The whole Russian Collusion thing was a political dirty trick paid for by Hillary Clinton and the DNC! The only "collusion" that took place in that election was between them, Fusion GPS, Richard Steele and some of their friends in the Main Stream Media!
Not only is it OK for a repair guy to report that data if they think it depicts criminal behavior, 10 US States they can be charged with a crime if they don't! to the legitimate police authorities. Not to make copies and pass them out. I'm sure you'll now come up with some cornball statement where "ten states say he has to report it to the President's personal lawyer"
Hillary wasn't hacked. Her use of the private servers was uncovered during the Benghazi investigation which prompted her to attempt to destroy the evidence of what she'd done by paying to have those servers professionally "bleached" and smashing her Blackberries with hammers!'re simply lying.
Hunter is a piece of shit. He's cashed in on his father's political influence his ENTIRE adult life...making millions from corrupt foreign governments and businessmen! His personal life is dumpster fire and the whole sordid mess is about to be exposed to the world.
Unfortunately, it has been exposed to the world and the world ignored it. At least as represented by the mainstream media and its Democratic voter followers.

Hunter had an out of wedlock baby with a stripper. That, plus the family's treatment of that baby would have been enough to ruin any Repubican policial family. The cash from foreign adversaries being ignored is crazy when you think of the years long media frenzy over the non-existent "Russia collusion." There are many smoking guns in the laptop, but the Democrats will never see them.

People argue policial sides for sport and when you don't care how absurd you look, you can take any side. Somehow the lamestream media has about half the country doing that. to the legitimate police authorities. Not to make copies and pass them out. I'm sure you'll now come up with some cornball statement where "ten states say he has to report it to the President's personal lawyer"'re simply lying.
Candy...he gave the laptop to the FBI and they did NOTHING with it! He was savvy enough to make a copy of the hard drive before giving the lap top to the FBI and after they did nothing for months he gave that copy to Rudy and it was made public. My question for you is why did the FBI not confirm that the lap top WAS real when those 51 former Intelligence officials were lying their asses off about it being a "Russian disinformation" ploy? to the legitimate police authorities. Not to make copies and pass them out. I'm sure you'll now come up with some cornball statement where "ten states say he has to report it to the President's personal lawyer"'re simply lying.
That's EXACTLY what Hillary did, Candy! Why you think it's a "lie" escapes me! Hillary broke the law and then Bubba cut a deal with Loretta Lynch on that plane out in Arizona. The whole "she's not sophisticated enough" to know she was doing illegal things was laughable! I honestly can't think of anyone that was more experienced with the ways of Government at that point than Hillary! Comey looked like a buffoon standing on that stage and making that statement!

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