Hunter Biden's Lawyers Demand DOJ To Investigate Trump Allies Over Laptop

He needs to prove that he was somehow trying to fix a laptop by opening a file work income information of the guy he wrote a book on. If your case relies on a guy opening an income PDF as part of a repair work, your guy will need luck in court honey.
By the way, Delaware law says abandoned property switches ownership after a year, not 60 days:

The contract states that the property will be treated as abandoned, and Hunter agreed to it.

While the property is not abandoned in accordance with the Delaware Code you cited (nice cite, BTW), it can be treated equivalently.

You did not cite a code which states that a computer dropped off to have the files worked on by a computer shop can't be examined by the computer shop (because such a thing does not exist, of course).

So after 60 days, the computer can be treated as abandoned, and Mac Guy can publish his own property if he wishes.


cc: struth
Hillary ran the State Department through hidden servers to escape Congressional oversight! That was the crime.
Except she wasn't at State when she was running for office.
If you leave your car at a mechanic's shop and never pick it up the title goes to the repair shop and the car and everything in it belongs to the mechanic!
Not arguing that.
If a mechanic finds evidence of a crime while repairing your car he has every right to call the authorities to report what he's found.
Does he have the right to make your private data public? If so, could I open a store tomorrow and say that I can make your credit card numbers public and bury it in some disclosure that nobody ever reads? After're surrendering your credit card information to me.
Hunter will NEVER take legal action against the laptop repair guy because he'd get eaten alive during discovery and his lawyers know it!
We'll see.
many were charged…but not with insurrection. i have no problem with them being charged either.

what does that have to do with what we were talking about in this thread though?
people involved with crimes don't all get charged with the specific crime. That doesn't mean the unnamed charge/crime was not committed. Now a Judge has called it an insurrection during the sentencing of criminal

let him appeal that LOL
people involved with crimes don't all get charged with the specific crime. That doesn't mean the unnamed charge/crime was not committed. Now a Judge has called it an insurrection during the sentencing of criminal

let him appeal that LOL
haha yeah…yeah…wow you dembots with your wild eyed conspiray theories
haha yeah…yeah…wow you dembots with your wild eyed conspiray theories
Hey, if there were no insurrection, and the sentencing Judge called the guy an insurrectionist, and there really was no insurrection -- the guy surely has a case for an appeal

LOL He can get laughed out of the courts as most of Trumpland has been over the last year(2?)
Yes .. a super majority charged with petty crimes such as trespassing ... Super majority as in 95 - 99%ish
Prosecutors allow many to plead to lesser sentences, and make judgement calls on what can be proven -- because the evidence is there, but not enough. Criminals walk all the time and many get lighter sentences than would warrant
Hey, if there were no insurrection, and the sentencing Judge called the guy an insurrectionist, and there really was no insurrection -- the guy surely has a case for an appeal

LOL He can get laughed out of the courts as most of Trumpland has been over the last year(2?)
he wasn’t convicted of insurrection..what the judge said after the trial isn’t relevant
This is my own analysis...

Here are the documents filed by Hunter's legal team. Some overlapping info at the links...

Hunter requests:

- That the Marco Polo website which hosts his laptop files (and I post links to), has its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status be reviewed by the IRS. LOL, he sicking the IRS on them!

- He requests Assistant AG for National Security investigate Mac Dude, Guiliani, Bannon, etc. for violation of federal law related to accessing, blah blah blah, personal computer data. It's quite laughable, considering Hunter gifted them the data. It's quite ironic that this is now a "national security" issue. It implicates Biden, and the real threat to national security is the information on the laptop where we have Hunter selling influence in exchange for huge sums of money.

These pictures are actually part of their proof. Dinner menus, water and a fork!


It's full of lots of random screen grabs from the internet. Biden family was probably paying these clowns $600 per person-hour to surf the net for memes and tweets.


- They threaten Tucker Carlson with a defamation suit for reporting that Hunter paid $50,000 per month rent, maybe to his dad. Hunter paid $49,910/mo rent for one of his offices 507 Sweden (proof is in the emails on the laptop, just search "507") Whoop dee doo. Tucker was wrong.
This reminds me of the 2016 election...

When Hillary's incriminating emails were leaked to the public ... she didn't spend any effort trying to convince people that the information in those emails was false or misleading.

What Hillary and her minions did scream about what that the incriminating information was leaked in the first place.

It's like a murderer claiming that it's not fair to convict him of the crime just because his fingerprints were all over the corpse.

After all, he never meant for those fingerprints to be found.

Hillary didn't have any incriminating e-mails. You are a lying weasel.
I thought the laptop was Russian disinformation.

I think Crackhead just confirmed it, and everything on it, is his.

:oops8: :oops8::oops8::oops8:

He did no such thing. Clearly the Republicans are putting out false information. The only thing that has been confirmed is that some of the e-mails are legitimate. However in 2016, the Russians were able to hack the DNC servers and mix real information with false information.
You did not cite a code which states that a computer dropped off to have the files worked on by a computer shop can't be examined by the computer shop (because such a thing does not exist, of course).
Many a kiddie porner has been caught by turning in their porn-filled laptop to a repair shop.

We'll soon learn if Hunter is one of them.

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