Hunter Bidrn Blows Off Deadline To Turn Over His Business Records To The Oversight Committee

Congressional subpoenas are optional
Until they're served on Republicans, then they're mandatory and stuff. Violating them is a direct attack on our democracy and makes Schiff's feelz go bad, and reasons and stuff and just sit down and shut up!
So many Republicans I'm Congress are criminals? Do you still vote for them?
I try to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, non-career criminals / fascists, and who try to kill / screw / indoctrinate / traffick kids ...
Which just so happens to be Republicans ... most of the time.
I try to vote for the lesser of 2 evils, non-career criminals / fascists, and who try to kill / screw / indoctrinate / traffick kids ...
Which just so happens to be Republicans ... most of the time.
So you don't really care about subpoenas then.

I would be willing to bet the Republican party has more politicians who have denied subpoenas over the last 8 years or so.
Until they're served on Republicans, then they're mandatory and stuff. Violating them is a direct attack on our democracy and makes Schiff's feelz go bad, and reasons and stuff and just sit down and shut up!
Interesting claim

How many Ranking Republicans answered Jan 6 Subpoenas?
Republicans reap what they sow
As do democrats. You do realize, don't you, that this political battle is cyclical and everything the democrats do to slant the playing field in their preferred direction is done right back at them?
"Hunter Biden missed the midnight deadline to provide his overseas business dealings to the House Oversight Committee.

This sets the stage for a subpoena from the House Oversight Committee.

Committee Chair James Comer also wants similar documents from Joe Biden’s brother James.

Comer says the documents will shed light on the Biden family’s influence peddling."

Biden 'transparency' is about to turn into 'SUBPOENA TIME'!

Refuse to comply with those and I'm sure an empty cell or two in DC Gitmo can be found.

Nobody expected anything less then stonewalling from the Xiden crime syndicate. Hold Hunter in contempt...lock him up.
The House does not have the authority to see his business papers. He is not a public official nor has he ever been one. He has privacy rights.
yeah they have subpena power, they can subpena records all day of private don't have a right to ignore a subpena.

In Eastland v. U.S. Servicemen’s Fund, the Supreme Court concluded that the Clause acts as a significant barrier to judicial interference in Congress’s exercise of its subpoena power.1 The case involved a suit filed by a private non-profit organization against the Chairman of a Senate subcommittee seeking the Court to enjoin a congressional subpoena issued to a bank for the non-profit’s account information.2 The subpoena was issued as part of an investigation into alleged subversive activities harmful to the U.S. military conducted by the organization.3 The Court held that because the power to investigate and to do so through compulsory process plainly constitutes an indispensable ingredient of lawmaking, the Clause made the subpoena immune from judicial interference.4 Eastland is generally cited for the proposition that the Clause prohibits courts from entertaining pre-enforcement challenges to congressional subpoenas.5 As a result, the lawfulness of a subpoena usually may not be challenged until Congress seeks to enforce the subpoena through either a civil action or contempt of Congress.6

A criminally fiscal 1-sided circus intent on ignoring the facts IOT 'Get Trump' is not legal. The J6 committee was proved to be a criminally partisan, lying joke.

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