Hunter Torpedos Leftists' False Narrative, Intel Reps, and Partisan Compromised Fake News With Laptop Admission

He, nor anyone, ever said that the laptop wasn't Hunter's.

So whoever is saying that, is lying.
haha he’s literally on video saying it’s not real! haha what the fucktard are you talking about?
1. Someone stole Hunter's laptop.
2. Someone added all kinds of crap to it.
3. Someone dropped it off in New Jersey.
4. The RepubliRussians then claimed it was totally real and accurate, after altering it and trying to make it an October surprise.
5. Nobody bought their scam. The story was just too crazy.

We liberals were right all along, so we'll continue to rub the noses of the fascists here in the shit they put out.

Talk about disinformation, that would be your post.

You 'liberals', aka leftoids, were wrong all along.
None of that is stating that the laptop wasn't Hunter's.

Biden is saying that the entire concocted story from the conspiracist right is the smear and that it's coming from the Russians, who you and your fellow rightwingers are faithful, and not to mention incredibly stupid, stooges for.

He's right!
You have not been keeping up. The Law is closing in on the Biden Crime Family.

Yesterday the laptop WAS HUNTER'S
First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him.

Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, is now saying that the series of scathing letters sent to conservative commentators, as well as state and federal agencies, are not an acknowledgment that the laptop attributed to his client is, in fact, his client’s.



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when you claim its someone elses thats the same as saying its not his,,,

joes not the decider of what laws have or havent been broken,,
He didn't say, claim or suggest, that the laptop was someone else's.

This is why you cannot provide a quote.

If he said that, please quote it.

Until you do, you will continue to be one of USMB's biggest liars.
He didn't say, claim or suggest, that the laptop was someone else's.

This is why you cannot provide a quote.

If he said that, please quote it.

Until you do, you will continue to be one of USMB's biggest liars.
Maybe you missed this?
You have not been keeping up. The Law is closing in on the Biden Crime Family.

Yesterday the laptop WAS HUNTER'S
First son Hunter Biden’s lawyers admitted late Wednesday that the infamous laptop that the now-52-year-old abandoned at a Delaware computer repair shop in the throes of his crack cocaine addiction does indeed belong to him.

Biden’s attorney, Abbe Lowell, is now saying that the series of scathing letters sent to conservative commentators, as well as state and federal agencies, are not an acknowledgment that the laptop attributed to his client is, in fact, his client’s.


classified docs on Trump's laptop.
nice projection there.

but for hunter's laptop. The question isnt so much about the laptop as a physical device, but has the data on it been manipulated.
Maybe you missed this?
The ownership of the laptop is not even in question any longer. Attempting to claim it is not Hunter's makes the one saying it a moronic, debunked Conspiracy Theorist.
1. Someone stole Hunter's laptop.
2. Someone added all kinds of crap to it.
3. Someone dropped it off in New Jersey.
4. The RepubliRussians then claimed it was totally real and accurate, after altering it and trying to make it an October surprise.
5. Nobody bought their scam. The story was just too crazy.

We liberals were right all along, so we'll continue to rub the noses of the fascists here in the shit they put out.

Totally wrong.

1. No one stole Hunter's laptop. It needed to be defragged, and he took it to a shop and forgot about it.

2. There is proof no one added anything to it. Dates of origin on files are hard to fake.

3. Hunter admitted he dropped it off in NJ.

4. There is no doubt its real. Hunter admitted it at the time and now again.
So, you're saying that Hunter Biden took a road trip to New Jersey for no apparent reason, dropped off his laptop, and then never came back for it?

You're actually sticking with that lunatic story?

You're that shameless in your embrace of the big lie? You're that dedicated to the tactics of Goebbels and Alinsky? You're that devoted to being an authoritarian ratfuk, an open traitor to the USA?

No need to answer. You clearly are.

And that's why decent people spit on the sidewalk when you walk by.

You should quit while ahead.
Joe commuted past the computer shop daily.
There is no question he dropped off the laptop and forgot about it, since he admitted it.
How did the Russians get video footage (a porn film) of Hunter having incestuous sex and load it on the laptop?

Was the 'disinformation' in this case
1. It wasn't / isn't Hunter's laptop
2. Its a Russian 'Hunter' body double
3. The claim its Russian Disinformation

Totally wrong.

1. No one stole Hunter's laptop. It needed to be defragged, and he took it to a shop and forgot about it.

2. There is proof no one added anything to it. Dates of origin on files are hard to fake.

3. Hunter admitted he dropped it off in NJ.

4. There is no doubt its real. Hunter admitted it at the time and now again.

Hunter's dumbass lawyer left a message on the shop owner's answering machine saying who he was, saying he was calling on behalf of his client Hunter Biden, and that Hunter wanted his laptop back.


classified docs on Trump's laptop.
nice projection there.

but for hunter's laptop. The question isnt so much about the laptop as a physical device, but has the data on it been manipulated.

Emails are not local.
Emails always use a centralized server of some sort, somewhere.
And although I do not know who runs or owns the server this laptop used for email, but the FBI does and they verified that the email copies on the laptop were original, using the server copies.
The emails showed that Hunter was arranging secret meetings between Ukrainians and Joe Biden, in return for the money paid to Burisma Holdings.
That is an obvious crime by Joe Biden.
In fact, all the weapons the US gave to the Ukraine are totally illegal.

It was perfectly legal for us to arm them
Well, I bet that this ruins Hunter's chance of being president.
Democrats will vote for Hunter if he becomes the Democratic candidate especially if he promises reparations for descendants of slaves, defunding police and keeping the Mexican border wide open so the drugs and children can pour in.
STFU, lying Troll.

You know for a fact that Hunter's layer left a message on the store owner's answering ma hine confirming it was Hunter's and that he wanted it back.

You know the FBI has confirmed it is Hunter's.

You know Hu ter and his lawyer just confirmed the laptop being leaked is his by demanding the DOJ i vestigat tbose doing it.

You just destroyed your credi ility and are just embarrasing yourself.

You are lying, sad, pathetic, criminal Biden apogist troll.

Go practice your bullshit on the other lying snowflake trolls on this board. You need lits of pra tice.

Everything you just posted is a complete fucking lie just like always Skeazy.

Hunter, Biden’s lawyer says his request for investigation and his letter letters regarding the laptop or no way and admission that the laptop is genuine or that it actually belongs to Hunter Biden

The emails showed that Hunter was arranging secret meetings between Ukrainians and Joe Biden, in return for the money paid to Burisma Holdings.
That is an obvious crime by Joe Biden.
In fact, all the weapons the US gave to the Ukraine are totally illegal.

No such meetings ever happened. The emails are 75% fake and I’m willing to bet that every one of the emails that implicates Joe Biden and Hunter Biden in anything nefarious cannot be verified is real.

Everything Joe Biden does is documented. That’s why Donald Trump is up. Shits creek right now. Everything that Joe Biden has ever done in government for the last 50 years is documented and no one has ever made any accusations of impropriety against Joe Biden.

We’re not buying right wing lies and propaganda anymore. You gotta bring the evidence 30 years of this horseshit is 30 years too long.
Everything you just posted is a complete fucking lie just like always Skeazy.

Hunter, Biden’s lawyer says his request for investigation and his letter letters regarding the laptop or no way and admission that the laptop is genuine or that it actually belongs to Hunter Biden

youre the one lying skank,,,

hunters lawyer sent a letter asking for it back and then want the state to use its power to stop the release of hunters personal information,,

I sure hope youre a better street whore than a political commentator,,
Everything you just posted is a complete fucking lie just like always Skeazy.

Hunter, Biden’s lawyer says his request for investigation and his letter letters regarding the laptop or no way and admission that the laptop is genuine or that it actually belongs to Hunter Biden

so basically they are admitting they are desperately throwing everything against the wall an hoping something sticks


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