Hunter will be indicted by the end of the month according to the DOJ

I am correct and you believe a bunch of unproven, fact free right wing garbage.

How Republicans overhype the findings of their Hunter Biden probe​

“The Committee has identified over 20 companies affiliated with certain Biden family members and their business associates.”
— Majority staff of the House Oversight Committee, Second Bank Records memorandum, released May 10

“We’ve identified about 20-plus shell companies that the Bidens have created to launder the money they were receiving from foreign nationals down to their personal bank account.”
— Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), chairman of the House Oversight Committee, interview on Fox Business, May 11

“The Committee has now identified over $20 million in payments from foreign sources to the Biden family and their business associates.”
— Majority staff of the House Oversight Committee, Third Bank Records memorandum, released Aug. 9

“The Biden family received over $20 million from our enemies around the world. What did they do to receive the money?”
— Comer, interview on Newsmax, Aug. 10

The memos are written in a partisan manner — ignoring or playing down contrary information — but an interesting pattern has emerged. The memos themselves have careful language that is often hedged. Then Comer and other GOP lawmakers, including House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (Calif.), go on Twitter or speak to conservative media using hyperbolic language that goes well beyond what the memos say. Over time, the reporting on the memos in conservative media becomes untethered from the documentation in the reports.

For instance, the second staff memo never says that Hunter Biden used “shell” companies a term often associated with shady or illegal activity, even though a shell company is a legitimate entity. Comer once described such an entity as “a fake company … they don’t make anything. They don’t produce anything. They don’t provide a good or service.” He is not wrong about many shell companies, but the memo lists real companies, with active websites and real business functions. (The third staff memo refers to just one “shell” company, which we will describe later.)
As for the $20 million in payments, Comer and other Republicans invoke this figure often. A close reading of the memos, however, finds that only about $7 million can be directly attributed to Biden family members, mostly Hunter, while the rest went to “associates,” according to the memos.

In your world you think you're correct. That's fine, IM2
It's your opinion.

Common sense would differ you with you.
In your world you think you're correct. That's fine, IM2
It's your opinion.

Common sense would differ you with you.

There is nothing common with the sense of the MAGAts. Are you aware that one of your "Leaders" today pretty well stated that if Rump doesn't win, it will be the last election not done at the end of a gun barrel. I can see it now. Your Orange Leader will think that it's his idea and actually act on it come Nov 2024. Almost any country in the world would arrest and imprison those that make those kind of threats.
Hunter Biden is a private citizen. So whatever, as it pertains to his indictment. What should concern everyone is how Republicans decided to weaponize the government to go after a private citizen.


Who regularly emailed business deals to daddy Joe when Joe was Vice President. Etc., etc., etc.

Cut the crap about "private citizen".

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
Trump didn't film himself molesting minors. Bidens punk ass son belongs in prison for life but since the age of consent in many Asian countries is barely over 12 he'll get away with it.
Like father like son.
Trump didn't film himself molesting minors. Bidens punk ass son belongs in prison for life but since the age of consent in many Asian countries is barely over 12 he'll get away with it.
Like father like son.
Trump and Epstein were taken to court by a 14 year old they raped. But trump did his usual, stall, dela tactics and the girls family could not keep paying lawyers. The case was dropped. Furthermore, he raped at least one woman.
the washington times is like the gateway pundit.
"Who regularly emailed business deals to daddy Joe when Joe was Vice President. Etc., etc., etc".?


Who regularly emailed business deals to daddy Joe when Joe was Vice President. Etc., etc., etc.

Cut the crap about "private citizen".

Again, unproven. You MAGAts are just trying to soil your shorts. Fine, you got it.
Trump and Epstein were taken to court by a 14 year old they raped. But trump did his usual, stall, dela tactics and the girls family could not keep paying lawyers. The case was dropped. Furthermore, he raped at least one woman.
Your feelings do not qualify as a woman so no he hasn't

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