Hunter will be indicted by the end of the month according to the DOJ

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
PFFFFT bullshit window dressing from The Democrat Regime. Nothing is going to happen to the Prodigal Son of China Joe.

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
If you want to know if something's right
you can't just stare at it with all your might
You'll have to dig right in and try it out
to see if your doubts will come about

The proof of the pudding is in the eating indeed
You won't know the truth until it's freed
So don't hesitate, take a bite or two
and let the evidence show the things that are true.

Only time will tell! lol. :)
He won’t get a choice. Subpoenas and all that that you peons cried that Trump HAD to obey. You FAGAts keep spewing bullshit. Go ahead and refuse. That sounds like an admission of guilt.

35 years later: Lock Her Up

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
Hunter? Not Joe?

How cute, liberals will throw the crackhead under the bus to get Trump. All in the name of 'nobody is above the', except Hillary, Comey, McCabe, and all those who illegally spied on Trump or lied about the dossier, and God knows what other crimes.
How cute, liberals will throw the crackhead under the bus to get Trump. All in the name of 'nobody is above the', except Hillary, Comey, McCabe, and all those who illegally spied on Trump or lied about the dossier, and God knows what other crimes.

All of those were investigated. Sandy Berger was convicted.

Maybe it is that those folks have better lawyers, or they are smart enough to shut their damned mouths to keep from making it worse.

If he broke the law, he needs to answer for it. I hope the repubs are happy. In any case, I am not defending Hunter. I have always said he needs to answer for what he did while he was doing drugs. The law is the law. Now, if repubs can figure out that the same standard applies to trump, maybe they could see they are supporting a criminal as their nominee?
/——/ When did Trump do drugs and obtain a firearm illegally? I must have missed the news reports on this.
If this was a conservative. They would be yelling about how this was a badge of honor, and the gun charge was nothing.

In this case it is, because a federal district judge has already ruled it is a violation of the second, denying firearms rights, based upon the fact someone was a former addict.

But I digress. Lets take the charge on face value.

This now opens the door to every right wing fuckwit in the country, that has ever had a drug or alcohol problem, and bought a gun at any time.

Be careful what you wish for rightards. This one is going to come back to bite somebody in the ass hard.

See you down the road.
Poor skrewey, stage 25 TDS has made you a babbling bowl of Reichjelly.
Off to the Looneybin with you skrewbot!
Let's see....a man who was hooked on drugs years ago lied on a carry form about drugs eliminates his father from reelection but a man with four indictments for trying to steal an election on federal and state levels, showing classified documents around, and fraud over paying a porn star off after sex is eligible? What planet are you from?

The coyote caught the road what?
Yes, poor Bagman hooked on drugs had no idea what he was doing. Never figured you for one of these whiny, touchy-feely Dims, just a kook. Again, Trump has done nothing wrong, Poopeypants and Hunter have.
Where is the evidence? Hunter will make a plea deal. But trump is too stupid to make one....ahhhh...four.
Where is your brain. Tons of evideence has been released on Hunter's felonies and how Joey Capone was there every sstep of the way for "influence". Really jimboliar, even you cannot be this stupid.
And he may be a convicted felon before November 2024. But MAGA repubs don't care.
He won't be convicted of anything as he hasn't committed any crimes.
Big difference between reality and the empty space between your ears jimboliar.
They are going to nominate a criminal for president, so they want to make everyone else as bad as trump.
Actually, you are the ones nominating him for us. Your idiotic approach to making Trump look bad is only making him look better. Any 5 year old child could have figured that out, but of course you could not jimboliar.

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