Hurricane Ida

FEMA has already arrived this morning and stationed in Alexandria.
The morning of a hurricane, wow! So they have known for over a week that this would happen, however the President does nothing but send FEMA in the day of. If this turns out bad, this will be on Biden, the border crisis, Afghanistan crisis and now a potential hurricane crisis. The administration seems overwhelmed.
No one knew a week ago where Ida was going to make landfall. If you live on the gulf coast it really isn't a definite until hours before it hits and then even then can can shift east or west.
Actually...predicting major weather events has gotten a lot better than in years past...

We already knew over a week ago that it was going to hit the gulf started a migration of investments around that time with billions of dollars moving about...(stock market guys can afford anything)

So to claim the knowledge of likely path was unknown then just isn't true.

The precise location of landfall is a bit of a guess...but then it really isn't necessary to know within a mile or two... Kinda a moot point. They were predicting northern gulf and not western gulf since last Wednesday or maybe Tuesday.
The morning of a hurricane, wow! So they have known for over a week that this would happen, however the President does nothing but send FEMA in the day of. If this turns out bad, this will be on Biden, the border crisis, Afghanistan crisis and now a potential hurricane crisis. The administration seems overwhelmed.
The only thing he is worried about is the importing of his opium supply that he stashed in the bodies of dead troops.


For one thing that we will not know who were evacuated from the area or stayed and or bodies that were dumped off pretending they were victims of the hurricane, because of no preplanning was ever done.
Someone can dropped off a murdered victim's body and no one will ever know how they have died.

I'm old enough to remember Ray Nagin moving to Dallas and enrolling his kids in private school before the first Katrina raindrop hit....

Then he ended up in prison on 20 counts of corruption....

That mother fucker checked every single stereotype box for being a Dim.... hmm?
Remember how the Yellow Press relentlessly attacked Bush for not going to to New Orleans and leading the evacuation.
It sounded like they wanted him to drive around in a bus picking up people while being shot at by looters.
It was unfair.
But, JimCrowJoe will not be treated the same way because his is the leader of the Democrat Cult.
Wonder if there will be any unauthorized shopping like there was during Katrina?
The morning of a hurricane, wow! So they have known for over a week that this would happen, however the President does nothing but send FEMA in the day of. If this turns out bad, this will be on Biden, the border crisis, Afghanistan crisis and now a potential hurricane crisis. The administration seems overwhelmed.
like Trump helped Puerto Rico

Trumptards blaming Biden, as usual.

Biden declared emergency for Louisiana 3 days ago.
Had FEMA staged 4 days ago.

Trumptards had Limbaugh.

September 5, 2017
Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

On Monday, the right-wing radio personality delivered a customarily freewheeling monologue in which he seemed to suggest that hurricanes were a liberal conspiracy intended to convince the public that climate change is real.
“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.

And Trump's sharpie.
like Trump helped Puerto Rico

I did not vote for Bush in 2004. What you did to him with Katrina tells us everything and was undeserved. Trump knows what goes on with lifetime government employees. He also knew how corrupted Puerto Rico is. Corrupted unions and government that swindled countless billions of dollars that were intended to improve conditions on the island over the years. He dealt with this in his business side of life. Corrupt Unions, Corrupt Contractors, Forced Contractors on him, Greedy Citizens who held up new construction for outlandish payouts to leave, Mobster controlled enterprises, Corrupted Government individuals and entities and more. all getting their cut. In his field, causing the costs to rise much more then any project should be. With all of this, he got all parties together to accomplish high rise building visions and other projects. So tomorrow morning now that a real leader is in charge, there will be millions of FEMA RV type campers available for all of the displaced at 8 A.M. With connections to water and energy. Because that was what Bush faced in 2005.
Trumptards blaming Biden, as usual.

Biden declared emergency for Louisiana 3 days ago.
Had FEMA staged 4 days ago.

Trumptards had Limbaugh.

September 5, 2017
Hurricane Irma is gathering strength over the Atlantic Ocean as it heads towards the Caribbean. Already rated Category 5, it is expected to make landfall in Florida by the end of the week, with many worried about a repeat of the havoc caused in Texas and Louisiana by Hurricane Harvey.

None of that seems to worry Rush Limbaugh.

On Monday, the right-wing radio personality delivered a customarily freewheeling monologue in which he seemed to suggest that hurricanes were a liberal conspiracy intended to convince the public that climate change is real.
“The reason that I am leery of forecasts this far out, folks, is because I see how the system works,” Limbaugh said, alluding to alleged conspiracies against President Donald J. Trump. “Hurricane Harvey and the TV pictures that accompany that go a long way to helping further and create the panic.

And Trump's sharpie.
What does Limbaugh have to do with this hurricane? The only thing Trump has with this hurricane is that the Democrats will blame him for the failures and tell us Biden is the greatest.

I hope the damage is minimal and the loss of life not more than one or two.
FEMA has already arrived this morning and stationed in Alexandria.
So I guess papa the moron thought it was funny that FEMA was already stationed for a hurricane. I thought some of you moron's might think that was a lie or funny as I sat here and watched them pull into a parking lot on a La TV station yesterday morning. You know that feeble dipshit Biden signed the emergency declaration early Sat or late Fri. You can do some research, it will take a little work for the lazy, and find some of the devastation in La, all through the state. A good majority of communications are out.
The morning of a hurricane, wow! So they have known for over a week that this would happen, however the President does nothing but send FEMA in the day of. If this turns out bad, this will be on Biden, the border crisis, Afghanistan crisis and now a potential hurricane crisis. The administration seems overwhelmed.
You are one dumb mf. You ever live on the gulf coast? If not shut the fuck up.
So I guess papa the moron thought it was funny that FEMA was already stationed for a hurricane. I thought some of you moron's might think that was a lie or funny as I sat here and watched them pull into a parking lot on a La TV station yesterday morning. You know that feeble dipshit Biden signed the emergency declaration early Sat or late Fri. You can do some research, it will take a little work for the lazy, and find some of the devastation in La, all through the state. A good majority of communications are out.
I laughed at the fact that you said they got there Sunday morning. They probably should have been there a few days or a week ago preparing. Stupid moron.

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