Hurt Republicans - Dem strategist calls for civil war


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A New Jersey Democrat operative is calling for the murder of conservatives and “rich people” by using the hashtags #HuntRepublicans and #HuntRepublicanCongressmen on social media.
#HuntRepublicans: Dem Strategist Calls For Civil War

These democrats just can't stop stirring up violence nothing falls out of their mouths accept attack this one attack that one, lets kill this one lets kill that one these leftist are some real sick in the head twits.

These are the pos losers who HATE AMERICA...............
Funny, just yesterday on here, some nimrod was challenging me: Where are all these examples of democrats inciting violence??? Arrest the fucker and charge him with conspiracy to commit murder.
Oh My.....Another Alex Jones article. I don't see any credibility problems there
Since all the sane Democrats forever abandoned that political RMS Titanic years ago (I wouldn't vote Dem. again if I lived long enough to see the sun's red giant stage), leaving behind the dregs, it's made the degenerate, psychopathic nature of the party all the more concentrated.

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