Hussein working behind the scenes to hurt Trump administration as well as America

You didn't have a problem with Trump constantly criticizing Obama's presidency did you?

Shit no they didn't. Every time Trump screamed something about Obama not being born in the USA, they all cheered.

Obozo is a former president. Don't you think it's inappropriate for him to involve himself in politics at this point?
He isn't an American citizen?

So you think it's appropriate for a former president to derail a current president?

Exactly HOW is Obama derailing Trump? Trump is sending out EO's at a furious rate and according to many on here, Trump is getting things done, so exactly how is he being derailed?

Is it because he went kite surfing with Richard Branson?
You didn't have a problem with Trump constantly criticizing Obama's presidency did you?

Shit no they didn't. Every time Trump screamed something about Obama not being born in the USA, they all cheered.

Obozo is a former president. Don't you think it's inappropriate for him to involve himself in politics at this point?
He isn't an American citizen?
You're not sure?
RWNJ traitors are so desperate to hide the truth about King TrumpleThinSkin but this is pretty dumb, even for this bunch.

Gullible morons. Take responsibility for your own vote.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.
This is JUNK NEWS.

BHO is in the Caribbean on vacation.

He is completely ignoring the Bat-signal.

It's not even junk news, this is an opinion piece. Rocko was so hot to trot about how Obama is trying to mess up Trump that he forgot to look above the title of the article where it says in big red letters "OPINION".
In view of the continued lies from the RWNJ traitor/Pootarians, I wonder if President Obama is regretting the very warm welcome he and FLOTUS Michelle Obama extended to the Cheeto in Chief and his hooker/nude model/porn actor/liar/cheat/thief wife.

Nah, they're way too good to lower themselves to the subterranean depths of the right.
Your "proof" is an opinion piece from the NY Times.

Got any hard news, or just this opinion piece?

Did you read the article? It's not an opinion piece. Obozo is working with OFA to destroy the country
It is an OPED piece; an OPINION. It helps to know which page one is reading from the NY Post rag! This is at the TOP of the article!

Paul Sperry


How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
By Paul Sperry
~~ ~~
In view of the continued lies from the RWNJ traitor/Pootarians, I wonder if President Obama is regretting the very warm welcome he and FLOTUS Michelle Obama extended to the Cheeto in Chief and his hooker/nude model/porn actor/liar/cheat/thief wife.

Nah, they're way too good to lower themselves to the subterranean depths of the right.
. If you idiots weren't so guilty of the same crap you accuse others of, hell you might get some points in every now and again, but you can't control the dumb aces on your side either can you ?? LOL.
Your "proof" is an opinion piece from the NY Times.

Got any hard news, or just this opinion piece?

Did you read the article? It's not an opinion piece. Obozo is working with OFA to destroy the country
It is an OPED piece; an OPINION. It helps to know which page one is reading from the NY Post rag! This is at the TOP of the article!

Paul Sperry


How Obama is scheming to sabotage Trump’s presidency
By Paul Sperry
~~ ~~
. OK so it's an opinion, but does anyone care to analyze the opinion instead of discarding it because it is an opinion ? Hell opinions are usually the result of a conglomerate of facts and information that is compiled to create an overall opinion of a situation(s).
You didn't have a problem with Trump constantly criticizing Obama's presidency did you?

No I didnt. What's your point?
First amendment is great isn't it?

According the RWNJ traitors, it only extends to white supremacists and Pootarians.
. Payback is a hoot isn't it ? The LWNJ's used their activist judges to squash the citizens rights how many times ? To many to count. Then you had the LWNJ lawyers in all your groups like the ACLU etc.reeking havoc all over the place. Like I said payback is a riot ain't it ? LOL.
Posting something this dumb based from hatred or racism doesn't mean a diddly shit of credibility.

Ex president name is Obama ................ a respectable one here in America and around the globe.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.
Miss him already, do you?

Miss Hussein? that pile of crap ? :cuckoo:

You should bite your tongue!

We need garlic, Holy water, the Cross keep him away! ;)

Funny how you snowflakes can't stop talking about our former President.

Barrypuppet was a fucking joke...a totally compromised communist queer with a trans-gendered "mate"

Of course a good little commie like you has no problem with that because you are so (snicker) "liberal".........
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.
It doesn't matter what Obama is trying to do, no one wants to work with him and none of the politicians will want to be association with him or his policies in 2018.

60% approval leaving office vs 41% entering office for the think so huh?
. 8 years will tell the tale, so stay tuned as the number goes up and down during his tenure. No one is perfect no not one sayeth the Lord, and not even Obumble.

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