Hussein working behind the scenes to hurt Trump administration as well as America

You didn't have a problem with Trump constantly criticizing Obama's presidency did you?

Shit no they didn't. Every time Trump screamed something about Obama not being born in the USA, they all cheered.

Obozo is a former president. Don't you think it's inappropriate for him to involve himself in politics at this point?
He isn't an American citizen?

So you think it's appropriate for a former president to derail a current president?

Exactly HOW is Obama derailing Trump? Trump is sending out EO's at a furious rate and according to many on here, Trump is getting things done, so exactly how is he being derailed?

Is it because he went kite surfing with Richard Branson?
They can't forget the last REAL President, can they?
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I hope you're not advocating assassination.

I certainly wouldn't shed any tears if that sack of queer shit was "off'd" along with the Clinton and Bush crime families and their globalist pals. This country needs an enema of monumental proportions.

Get rid of them and their purse-swinging commie minions don't have a chance....especially with the 2nd Amendment intact.......
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.
It doesn't matter what Obama is trying to do, no one wants to work with him and none of the politicians will want to be association with him or his policies in 2018.

60% approval leaving office vs 41% entering office for the think so huh?
I know so. In 2014 no Democrat running for office wanted Obama to campaign for him or her. All through the campaign Republicans tried to associate the Democrat they were running against with Obama's policies and the Democrats came close to claiming they didn't even know who Barrack Obama was. In the recent election voters didn't respond to Obama's impassioned pleas to vote for Clinton to save his legacy, and in a recent interview Valerie Jarrett acknowledged Obama has be unable to transfer his personal popularity to other Democrats. In short, he is a popular but politically impotent ex president.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I hope you're not advocating assassination.

I certainly wouldn't shed any tears if that sack of queer shit was "off'd" along with the Clinton and Bush crime families and their globalist pals. This country needs an enema of monumental proportions.

Get rid of them and their purse-swinging commie minions don't have a chance....especially with the 2nd Amendment intact.......


Are we all supposed to be impressed by your Internet Tough Guy act?
Makes you wonder if these ICE raids that are upsetting the snowflakes, proven to be initiated by Obama, was initiated in order to embarrass the current administration.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam
. (1) The change in 1965 is outdated, and we are dealing with much different circumstances today.

(2) Last I checked Israel is it's own sovereign nation.

(3) If Trump was to quickly jump the ACA without a plan to bring it down softly, the libs would pounce on it like wolves in a chicken pen, so he is trying to do the right thing for all.

(4) Hey who hasn't warned North Korea over and over again ? That's all it will be.

(5) Yes, ad nauseam is right about the radical left.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam
. (1) The change in 1965 is outdated, and we are dealing with much different circumstances today.

(2) Last I checked Israel is it's own sovereign nation.

(3) If Trump was to quickly jump the ACA without a plan to bring it down softly, the libs would pounce on it like wolves in a chicken pen, so he is trying to do the right thing for all.

(4) Hey who hasn't warned North Korea over and over again ? That's all it will be.

(5) Yes, ad nauseam is right about the radical left.


Why the fuck do we have to assist MULTI GAZILLIONAIRE SAUDI ARABIA IN YEMEN?

Why do we have to help Japan ? I think they did good job in Pearl Harbor - I believe they can easily handle N Korea.

You are out of your mind if you believe these mob protests are going to go away

hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam

More misinformation???

1) The 1965 change to the immigration law changed the quota for access to the US from a nation-based to a needs/contribution based system. Until then, people were allowed in based on a quota system from each country - no matter their situation. Thus, we got a very heavy German influx, but very few Italians. Under the new law," ... act provided for preferences to be made according to categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills deemed useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it abolished quotas per se, the system did place caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. " It is for PERMISSION - no mention is made of not using country of origin as a reason for DENIAL. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary - In fact, subsequent SCOTUS cases have cleared mandated that the President's authority on immigration was untouched by the 1965 law. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary -

2) Pure garbage - I would challenge you to back it up.

3) Absolute nonsense. First of all, he doesn't make the laws - Congress does. In order to do that, they go thru a process. That process takes time. It is simply dumb to insist that Obamacare had to be rescinded on Day One. Frankly, it's a pretty childish attempt to find something - anything - to bitch about.

4) Your complete lack of awareness of Asian politics is stunning ... Japan serves a valuable function for the US, acting as a gateway and a launching point for US interests, both military and financial. There strategic value cannot be overstated. You seem to have no problem sacrificing 127 million Japanese.

5) Boy, you got that right!
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam

More misinformation???

1) The 1965 change to the immigration law changed the quota for access to the US from a nation-based to a needs/contribution based system. Until then, people were allowed in based on a quota system from each country - no matter their situation. Thus, we got a very heavy German influx, but very few Italians. Under the new law," ... act provided for preferences to be made according to categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills deemed useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it abolished quotas per se, the system did place caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. " It is for PERMISSION - no mention is made of not using country of origin as a reason for DENIAL. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary - In fact, subsequent SCOTUS cases have cleared mandated that the President's authority on immigration was untouched by the 1965 law. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary -

2) Pure garbage - I would challenge you to back it up.

3) Absolute nonsense. First of all, he doesn't make the laws - Congress does. In order to do that, they go thru a process. That process takes time. It is simply dumb to insist that Obamacare had to be rescinded on Day One. Frankly, it's a pretty childish attempt to find something - anything - to bitch about.

4) Your complete lack of awareness of Asian politics is stunning ... Japan serves a valuable function for the US, acting as a gateway and a launching point for US interests, both military and financial. There strategic value cannot be overstated. You seem to have no problem sacrificing 127 million Japanese.

5) Boy, you got that right!

Listen dingleberry find a thread about basketweaving

1- The 1965 law eliminated the national-origins quotas and relied on a preference system focused on immigrants’ family relationships with U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, or their skills. The law banned discrimination in the issuance of immigrant visas based on “race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,”

- Listen you miserable cocksucker, why do we need to attack Iran? Why is Iran a threat to these US of A.

3- Obama hellcare is bad , if isn't bad why abolish it?

4- You stupid fuck , you lack of understanding that the US is bankrupt , 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars in the hole

5- Yes, I got that right, if it is true that Soros is paying for the mobs to protest then they are not going to stop, abolish Obama hellcare while Republicans have a majority. By waiting you embolden the sons of bitches The democrat media complex is NOT going to cut him any slack


hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam

More misinformation???

1) The 1965 change to the immigration law changed the quota for access to the US from a nation-based to a needs/contribution based system. Until then, people were allowed in based on a quota system from each country - no matter their situation. Thus, we got a very heavy German influx, but very few Italians. Under the new law," ... act provided for preferences to be made according to categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills deemed useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it abolished quotas per se, the system did place caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. " It is for PERMISSION - no mention is made of not using country of origin as a reason for DENIAL. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary - In fact, subsequent SCOTUS cases have cleared mandated that the President's authority on immigration was untouched by the 1965 law. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary -

2) Pure garbage - I would challenge you to back it up.

3) Absolute nonsense. First of all, he doesn't make the laws - Congress does. In order to do that, they go thru a process. That process takes time. It is simply dumb to insist that Obamacare had to be rescinded on Day One. Frankly, it's a pretty childish attempt to find something - anything - to bitch about.

4) Your complete lack of awareness of Asian politics is stunning ... Japan serves a valuable function for the US, acting as a gateway and a launching point for US interests, both military and financial. There strategic value cannot be overstated. You seem to have no problem sacrificing 127 million Japanese.

5) Boy, you got that right!

Listen dingleberry find a thread about basketweaving

1- The 1965 law eliminated the national-origins quotas and relied on a preference system focused on immigrants’ family relationships with U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, or their skills. The law banned discrimination in the issuance of immigrant visas based on “race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,”

- Listen you miserable cocksucker, why do we need to attack Iran? Why is Iran a threat to these US of A.

3- Obama hellcare is bad , if isn't bad why abolish it?

4- You stupid fuck , you lack of understanding that the US is bankrupt , 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars in the hole

5- Yes, I got that right, if it is true that Soros is paying for the mobs to protest then they are not going to stop, abolish Obama hellcare while Republicans have a majority. By waiting you embolden the sons of bitches The democrat media complex is NOT going to cut him any slack



Rule 4c of the liberal's handbook

"When unable to mount a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster with foul language, name calling, and BIG, BOLD print."

'nuff said.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam

More misinformation???

1) The 1965 change to the immigration law changed the quota for access to the US from a nation-based to a needs/contribution based system. Until then, people were allowed in based on a quota system from each country - no matter their situation. Thus, we got a very heavy German influx, but very few Italians. Under the new law," ... act provided for preferences to be made according to categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills deemed useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it abolished quotas per se, the system did place caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. " It is for PERMISSION - no mention is made of not using country of origin as a reason for DENIAL. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary - In fact, subsequent SCOTUS cases have cleared mandated that the President's authority on immigration was untouched by the 1965 law. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary -

2) Pure garbage - I would challenge you to back it up.

3) Absolute nonsense. First of all, he doesn't make the laws - Congress does. In order to do that, they go thru a process. That process takes time. It is simply dumb to insist that Obamacare had to be rescinded on Day One. Frankly, it's a pretty childish attempt to find something - anything - to bitch about.

4) Your complete lack of awareness of Asian politics is stunning ... Japan serves a valuable function for the US, acting as a gateway and a launching point for US interests, both military and financial. There strategic value cannot be overstated. You seem to have no problem sacrificing 127 million Japanese.

5) Boy, you got that right!

Listen dingleberry find a thread about basketweaving

1- The 1965 law eliminated the national-origins quotas and relied on a preference system focused on immigrants’ family relationships with U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, or their skills. The law banned discrimination in the issuance of immigrant visas based on “race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,”

- Listen you miserable cocksucker, why do we need to attack Iran? Why is Iran a threat to these US of A.

3- Obama hellcare is bad , if isn't bad why abolish it?

4- You stupid fuck , you lack of understanding that the US is bankrupt , 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars in the hole

5- Yes, I got that right, if it is true that Soros is paying for the mobs to protest then they are not going to stop, abolish Obama hellcare while Republicans have a majority. By waiting you embolden the sons of bitches The democrat media complex is NOT going to cut him any slack



Rule 4c of the liberal's handbook

"When unable to mount a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster with foul language, name calling, and BIG, BOLD print."

'nuff said.
. Your words here are correct... Done seen it to many times.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.
It doesn't matter what Obama is trying to do, no one wants to work with him and none of the politicians will want to be association with him or his policies in 2018.

60% approval leaving office vs 41% entering office for the think so huh?
Amazing what pop media can do huh?
You have a better chance of spotting a fucking white unicorn grazing on BONOBO's lawn than seeing BONOBO standing beside ANY DEM senator in 2018 up for re election, at a campaign rally in a State President Trump won.
I've just come up with the REPs 2018 bumper sticker: 'EBOLA OBAMA'.
hussein obozo is still a dangerous man. Somebody needs to do something about him soon.

I voted for Trump

He is hurting himself

1) In 1965 Congress amended the immigration law to prevent discrimination. WHY did he ignore that fact?

2) He stated that America would be first; yet has has changed the tune to Israel first; he is letting Bibi dictate foreign policy, ie attack Iran

3) Obama Hellcare was supposed to be abolished on day one ; he has postponed the issue, by the time he reconsiders it, the Republicans will no longer have a senate majority;

4) Now he is threatening North Korea. Japan has the means to defend itself. Goddammit , we are bankrupt.

5) ad nauseam

More misinformation???

1) The 1965 change to the immigration law changed the quota for access to the US from a nation-based to a needs/contribution based system. Until then, people were allowed in based on a quota system from each country - no matter their situation. Thus, we got a very heavy German influx, but very few Italians. Under the new law," ... act provided for preferences to be made according to categories, such as relatives of U.S. citizens or permanent residents, those with skills deemed useful to the United States or refugees of violence or unrest. Though it abolished quotas per se, the system did place caps on per-country and total immigration, as well as caps on each category. " It is for PERMISSION - no mention is made of not using country of origin as a reason for DENIAL. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary - In fact, subsequent SCOTUS cases have cleared mandated that the President's authority on immigration was untouched by the 1965 law. U.S. Immigration Since 1965 - Facts & Summary -

2) Pure garbage - I would challenge you to back it up.

3) Absolute nonsense. First of all, he doesn't make the laws - Congress does. In order to do that, they go thru a process. That process takes time. It is simply dumb to insist that Obamacare had to be rescinded on Day One. Frankly, it's a pretty childish attempt to find something - anything - to bitch about.

4) Your complete lack of awareness of Asian politics is stunning ... Japan serves a valuable function for the US, acting as a gateway and a launching point for US interests, both military and financial. There strategic value cannot be overstated. You seem to have no problem sacrificing 127 million Japanese.

5) Boy, you got that right!

Listen dingleberry find a thread about basketweaving

1- The 1965 law eliminated the national-origins quotas and relied on a preference system focused on immigrants’ family relationships with U.S. citizens or legal permanent residents, or their skills. The law banned discrimination in the issuance of immigrant visas based on “race, sex, nationality, place of birth, or place of residence,”

- Listen you miserable cocksucker, why do we need to attack Iran? Why is Iran a threat to these US of A.

3- Obama hellcare is bad , if isn't bad why abolish it?

4- You stupid fuck , you lack of understanding that the US is bankrupt , 20 TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTrillion dollars in the hole

5- Yes, I got that right, if it is true that Soros is paying for the mobs to protest then they are not going to stop, abolish Obama hellcare while Republicans have a majority. By waiting you embolden the sons of bitches The democrat media complex is NOT going to cut him any slack



Rule 4c of the liberal's handbook

"When unable to mount a coherent or cogent counter-argument, attack the poster with foul language, name calling, and BIG, BOLD print."

'nuff said.

Rule 1A of the fucktards handbook

When you don't have any evidence to refute an argument accuse the opponent of being a "liberal;" then become incoherent.


You have a better chance of spotting a fucking white unicorn grazing on BONOBO's lawn than seeing BONOBO standing beside ANY DEM senator in 2018 up for re election, at a campaign rally in a State President Trump won.
I've just come up with the REPs 2018 bumper sticker: 'EBOLA OBAMA'.

I know you were raised with high degree of decency............... Let me blow my nose............ if you get rid of your well patented hatred and racism........ Is that mean Obama is perfect?

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