HW Bush broke his central campaign promise, as did Trump with the wall, Trump will also serve 1 term

You can't compare George H.W. Bush's one broken promise to Trump's broken promises.

What broken promises, Trump tried to do everything he said he would and that's why the left hates him so bad.


Trump Voters: One Year in, and he’s Broken 20 Big Promises He Made to You
1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his new tax law does the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the richest 1 percent will have got 83 percent of the tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — will pay more in taxes. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

2. He promised to close “special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers,” especially the notorious “carried interest” loophole for private-equity, hedge fund, and real estate partners. You bought it. But the new tax law keeps the “carried interest” loophole.

3. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 23 million Americans off health insurance, including many of you.) Instead, he’s doing what he can to cut it back and replace it with nothing. The new tax law will result in 13 million people losing health coverage, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

4. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.

5. He said he’d drain the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.

6. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he has created the most dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants (one of them hired and fired in a little more than a week) that people there barely know who’s in charge of what.

7. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by making deals with drug companies. You bought it. But now the White House says that promise is “inoperative.”

8. He told you he’d “stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections.” You bought it. But foreign lobbyists are still raising money for American elections.

9. He told you “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You bought it. But he and House Speaker Paul Ryan are already planning such cuts in order to deal with the ballooning deficit created, in part, by the new tax law for corporations and the rich.

10. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” You bought it. But the giant tax cut for corporations and the rich doesn’t leave any money for this.

11. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he met with China’s president Xi Jinping and declared “China is not a currency manipulator.” Ever since then, Trump has been cozying up to Xi.

12. He said he “won’t bomb Syria.” You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

13. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border. You believed him. But chief of staff John Kelly says it is “unlikely that we will build a wall, a physical barrier, from sea to shining sea.”

14. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” You bought it. He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

15. He said he would not be a president who took vacations, and he called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief.” You bought it. But since becoming President he has spent nearly 25 percent of his days at one of his golf properties for some portion of the day, according to Golf News Network, at a cost to taxpayers of over $77 million. That’s already more taxpayer money on vacations than Obama cost in the first 3 years of his presidency. Not to mention all the money taxpayers are spending protecting his family, including his two sons who travel all over the world on Trump business.

16. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be “consequences” for companies that shipped jobs abroad. You believed him. But despite their promises, Carrier, Ford, GM, and the rest have continued to ship jobs to Mexico and China. Carrier (a division of United Technologies) has moved ahead with plans to send 1,000 jobs at its Indiana plant to Mexico. Notwithstanding, the federal government has rewarded United Technologies with 15 new contracts since Trump’s inauguration. GE is sending jobs to Canada. IBM is sending them to Costa Rica, Egypt, Argentina, and Brazil. There have been no “consequences” for sending all these jobs overseas.

17. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and “bring back thousands” of lost mining jobs. You bought it. But coal jobs continue to disappear. Since Trump’s victory, at least 6 plants that relied on coal have closed or announced they will close. Another 40 are projected to close during the president’s four-year term. Utilities continue to switch to natural gas instead of coal, and renewable energy is cheaper than ever.

18. He promised to protect steel workers.But according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which tracks shipments, steel imports were 19.4 percent higher in the first 10 months of 2017 than in the same period last year. That import surge has hurt American steel workers, who were already struggling against a glut of cheap Chinese steel.

19. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But according to Mass Shooting Tracker, there have been 377 mass shootings so far in the Trump administration, including 58 people killed and hundreds injured at a concert in Las Vegas, and 26 churchgoers killed and 20 injured at a church in Texas. Trump refuses to consider any gun control legislation.

20. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,“ he promised during the campaign. He hasn’t released his taxes.

Then why do you hate him?

Oh yeah we know, he destroyed Obama's legacy..


Why are you brainwashed lol Trump is destroying his own legacy.
Trump hasn't tried lol all he cares about is himself and putting money is his own pockets and his kids.

He wants to be a dictator he doesn't care about us.

Obama was the fucking dictator, he tried to go around Congress as much as possible he gutted bill Clinton's 1996 work requirement for food stamps, he single handed made the dream act, he tried to force us to buy something we Didn't want, he tried to put us in the Paris accord..

Obama was the fucking dictator, and Trump made it right.

Snowflakes describe when they prevent a Republican from keeping a campaign promise the Republican 'breaking' his campaign promise.

I guess that means Barry, despite treasonously letting the Taliban 5 go in the middle of a war in an unsuccessful attempt to close GITMO, BROKE HIS CAMPAIGN PROMISE TO DO SO?!
Which broken promise? Trump decided to not build a wall?

List of obama broken promises for the anti Trump hypocrites.

Eliminate all oil and gas tax loopholes
"Eliminating special tax breaks for oil and gas companies: including repealing special expensing rules, foreign tax credit benefits, and manufacturing deductions for oil and gas firms

Expand the child and dependent care credit
Expand and make refundable the child and dependent care credit

Require publicly traded financial partnerships to pay the corporate income tax
Require publicly traded financial partnerships to pay the corporate income tax.

Close loopholes in the corporate tax deductibility of CEO pay
Congress has set rules regarding the tax deductibility of the salaries of CEOs, but forms of non-salary compensation have become popular. Obama would look at revamping definitions of compensation.

Create a foreclosure prevention fund for homeowners
Create a $10 billion fund to help homeowners refinance or sell their homes. "The Fund will not help speculators, people who bought vacation homes or people who falsely represented their incomes."

Provide option for a pre-filled-out tax form
Will direct the Internal Revenue Service to "give taxpayers the option of a pre-filled tax form to verify, sign and return to the IRS or online. This will eliminate the need for Americans to hire expensive tax preparers and to gather information that the federal government already has on file."

Create a mortgage interest tax credit for non-itemizers
Create a refundable tax credit equal to 10 percent of mortgage interest for nonitemizers, up to a maximum credit of $800.

Create a mortgage interest tax credit for non-itemizers
Create a refundable tax credit equal to 10 percent of mortgage interest for nonitemizers, up to a maximum credit of $800.

Create a retirement savings tax credit for low incomes
A tax credit for retirement savings up to $500 (couples) or $250 (singles). Phases out when incomes exceed $65,000 (couples) or $32,500 (single). Indexed for inflation.

A lot more than that. Now watch as the left who lie and say Trump is breaking his promise about the wall, not give one tiny fuck about their skinny negro messiah break promise after fucking promise.

You can't compare George H.W. Bush's one broken promise to Trump's broken promises.

What broken promises, Trump tried to do everything he said he would and that's why the left hates him so bad.


Trump Voters: One Year in, and he’s Broken 20 Big Promises He Made to You
1. He told you he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. You bought it. But his new tax law does the opposite. By 2027, according to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the richest 1 percent will have got 83 percent of the tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans — 53 percent — will pay more in taxes. As Trump told his wealthy friends at Mar-a-Lago just days after the tax bill became law, “You all just got a lot richer.”

2. He promised to close “special interest loopholes that have been so good for Wall Street investors but unfair to American workers,” especially the notorious “carried interest” loophole for private-equity, hedge fund, and real estate partners. You bought it. But the new tax law keeps the “carried interest” loophole.

3. He told you he’d repeal Obamacare and replace it with something “beautiful.” You bought it. But he didn’t repeal and he didn’t replace. (Just as well: His plan would have knocked at least 23 million Americans off health insurance, including many of you.) Instead, he’s doing what he can to cut it back and replace it with nothing. The new tax law will result in 13 million people losing health coverage, according to the Congressional Budget Office.

4. He told you he’d invest $1 trillion in our nation’s crumbling infrastructure. You bought it. But after his giant tax cut for corporations and millionaires, there’s no money left for infrastructure.

5. He said he’d drain the Washington swamp. You bought it. But he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, to make laws that will enrich their businesses, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they recently worked for.

6. He said he’d use his business experience to whip the White House into shape. You bought it. But he has created the most dysfunctional, back-stabbing White House in modern history, and has already fired and replaced so many assistants (one of them hired and fired in a little more than a week) that people there barely know who’s in charge of what.

7. He told you he’d “bring down drug prices” by making deals with drug companies. You bought it. But now the White House says that promise is “inoperative.”

8. He told you he’d “stop foreign lobbyists from raising money for American elections.” You bought it. But foreign lobbyists are still raising money for American elections.

9. He told you “I’m not going to cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” You bought it. But he and House Speaker Paul Ryan are already planning such cuts in order to deal with the ballooning deficit created, in part, by the new tax law for corporations and the rich.

10. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” You bought it. But the giant tax cut for corporations and the rich doesn’t leave any money for this.

11. He said that on Day One he’d label China a “currency manipulator.” You bought it. But then he met with China’s president Xi Jinping and declared “China is not a currency manipulator.” Ever since then, Trump has been cozying up to Xi.

12. He said he “won’t bomb Syria.” You bought it. Then he bombed Syria.

13. He said he’d build a “wall” across the southern border. You believed him. But chief of staff John Kelly says it is “unlikely that we will build a wall, a physical barrier, from sea to shining sea.”

14. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” You bought it. He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

15. He said he would not be a president who took vacations, and he called Barack Obama “the vacationer-in-Chief.” You bought it. But since becoming President he has spent nearly 25 percent of his days at one of his golf properties for some portion of the day, according to Golf News Network, at a cost to taxpayers of over $77 million. That’s already more taxpayer money on vacations than Obama cost in the first 3 years of his presidency. Not to mention all the money taxpayers are spending protecting his family, including his two sons who travel all over the world on Trump business.

16. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be “consequences” for companies that shipped jobs abroad. You believed him. But despite their promises, Carrier, Ford, GM, and the rest have continued to ship jobs to Mexico and China. Carrier (a division of United Technologies) has moved ahead with plans to send 1,000 jobs at its Indiana plant to Mexico. Notwithstanding, the federal government has rewarded United Technologies with 15 new contracts since Trump’s inauguration. GE is sending jobs to Canada. IBM is sending them to Costa Rica, Egypt, Argentina, and Brazil. There have been no “consequences” for sending all these jobs overseas.

17. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and “bring back thousands” of lost mining jobs. You bought it. But coal jobs continue to disappear. Since Trump’s victory, at least 6 plants that relied on coal have closed or announced they will close. Another 40 are projected to close during the president’s four-year term. Utilities continue to switch to natural gas instead of coal, and renewable energy is cheaper than ever.

18. He promised to protect steel workers.But according to the American Iron and Steel Institute, which tracks shipments, steel imports were 19.4 percent higher in the first 10 months of 2017 than in the same period last year. That import surge has hurt American steel workers, who were already struggling against a glut of cheap Chinese steel.

19. He said he’d make America safer. You believed him. But according to Mass Shooting Tracker, there have been 377 mass shootings so far in the Trump administration, including 58 people killed and hundreds injured at a concert in Las Vegas, and 26 churchgoers killed and 20 injured at a church in Texas. Trump refuses to consider any gun control legislation.

20. He said he’d release his taxes. “I’m under a routine audit and it’ll be released, and as soon as the audit is finished it will be released,“ he promised during the campaign. He hasn’t released his taxes.

Then why do you hate him?

Oh yeah we know, he destroyed Obama's legacy..


Why are you brainwashed lol Trump is destroying his own legacy.

Trump's legacy is destroying Obama's..

You mad bro?

George HW Bush was an intelligent, rational, thoughtful, respectful, loving, empathetic, dignified man.

Currently unwelcome, negative qualities in the GOP.
Then why do you hate him?

Oh yeah we know, he destroyed Obama's legacy..


What did Obama accomplish in EIGHT YEARS? The failed Obamacare? Fortunately, he was lazy, and mainly did Democrat fundraisers, played golf, and vacationed in Martha's Vineyard, and Hawaii. Oh, and he promised Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election.

Trump has actually fulfilled several campaign promises in just 22 months. Yet, the Media won't acknowledge that.
Why does Trump need Congress to fund a wall Trump insisted Mexico will pay for??

Because Mexico will not be made to make direct payment to U.S. government contractors to build anything, nor was that ever the intent. When Trump said Mexico would pay for the wall, it would be through other means like lowering the burden of their citizens coming here, and changes to our trade deals which would help us economically.

Do you know how business, government, and the economy actually work?
I know how trump lies. But no worries, I always knew when trump said Mexico would pay for it, that meant we would have to pay for it.
Wow, this is really sad. Trump has given us a massive tax cut, massive deregulation, has put two solid conservatives on the Supreme Court, has pulled us out of the Iran nuke deal and out of the Paris Climate Accords, has sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, has stood up for American trade, has moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (where it should have been years ago), etc., etc., but some conservatives are so fanatical that they ignore all this because Trump has not been able to get all the funding he wants for the wall. Very sad.
I see you've lured all of the trumpkins out with this one. Bush lost because Reaganomics finally came to fruition, and the Savings and Loan industry crashed. I don't believe anyone voted for Clinton, because their taxes went up. In fact, Clinton promised a tax hike during his campaign, as the Republicans destroyed the economy once again.

Contrast that with trump inheriting a perfectly healthy, growing economy. One that he destroyed with tax giveaways, tariffs, and gross incompetence at every level of his cabinet.
Wow, this is really sad. Trump has given us a massive tax cut, massive deregulation, has put two solid conservatives on the Supreme Court, has pulled us out of the Iran nuke deal and out of the Paris Climate Accords, has sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, has stood up for American trade, has moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (where it should have been years ago), etc., etc., but some conservatives are so fanatical that they ignore all this because Trump has not been able to get all the funding he wants for the wall. Very sad.
Conservatives don't ignore that. They celebrate it. Unfortunately, Conservatives are a shrinking minority in the nation, and Independents who allowed trump to squeak into the White House are correcting their folly.
"GHW Bush isn't even trending. THAT'S what happens to presidents who betray their central campaign promise. No mark. No legacy. Not even trending."
Wow, this is really sad. Trump has given us a massive tax cut, massive deregulation, has put two solid conservatives on the Supreme Court, has pulled us out of the Iran nuke deal and out of the Paris Climate Accords, has sold weapons to Ukraine and Georgia, has stood up for American trade, has moved the American Embassy in Israel to Jerusalem (where it should have been years ago), etc., etc., but some conservatives are so fanatical that they ignore all this because Trump has not been able to get all the funding he wants for the wall. Very sad.
And that massive tax cut contributed to massive debt. Where’s your outrage?
And that massive tax cut contributed to massive debt. Where’s your outrage?

Yet Federal Tax Revenue is at an ALL TIME HIGH. You must have been a Gender Studies Major.
Like I always say, if conservatives didn’t lie, they’d have nothing at all to say ...

... and that’s even with millions of more employed.

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