Hw can the donald control hs ego?

oh brother. they cheered when Obama ego acted like a thug and like everyone's daddy preaching and given lectures on how you are suppose to be acting.

now they worry over Trumps ego.
the Donald Duck has foot in mouth disease, and it's incurable....give up while you're ahead, there's no controlling that.... :D
Give up? Libtards and their hollow advice. Trump will be running against a deeply flawed, lawless, candidate that was passed over eight years ago and has accumulated much more baggage. Let's not overlook that particular detail.
the Donald Duck has foot in mouth disease, and it's incurable....give up while you're ahead, there's no controlling that.... :D
Give up? Libtards and their hollow advice. Trump will be running against a deeply flawed, lawless, candidate that was passed over eight years ago and has accumulated much more baggage. Let's not overlook that particular detail.
they don't care. they put in that nobody Junior Senator and then turn around and lecture others about their candidates.. typical of lib/dem hypocrites. Obama was just chastised in front of the whole world to keep his nose out of Europe's business but it's Trump we are suppose to worry over. what a joke
Why does he need to? I haven-t heard liberals claim the narcissist in office needs / needed to....
Libs have no problem with obie's ego because because he believes all the left wing nonsense. Ego is only a problem if you disagree.
Libs have no problem with obie's ego because because he believes all the left wing nonsense. Ego is only a problem if you disagree.
not only are liberal/dems NOT tolerant of anyone or their views but they are Bullies to boot. fall in with them or they beat you down, call you names like racist, homophobe, etc. myself I've had ENOUGH of that with that nasty egomaniac Obama in office.
vote out these nasty progressives like Obama and no to Hillary. I'll take my chances with Trump ego
While Donald Trump has shown that he intends to put a stop to tyranny if he were the US President, there are those that assert that Donald Trump's ego can get in the way of him doing a good job. The common rationale given behind this concern is that Trump is a multi-billionaire, and someone with as much wealth as him cannot possibly have a small ego and is guaranteed to not want to negotiate compromises as a result. I guess you can consider my little article hear as a "kick in the pants" to Trump to tell him to learn how to control his ego so he can prove all the people who say this wrong.

After being a life long egoist, you really think he's going to change now at the age of 70? Good luck with that.
We are kind of making an assumption that he has an ego. I haven't seen any evidence he has one in the way his critics says he has one.
It's all on video, too late.
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

The way you guys debate, it's fascinating, your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine.
I wasn't debating. You made a point he said stupid things and I pointed out a much bigger problem on the left. Your puss filled sack of shit you're trying to think with isn't cutting it.
It's all on video, too late.
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

The way you guys debate, it's fascinating, your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine.
I wasn't debating. You made a point he said stupid things and I pointed out a much bigger problem on the left. Your puss filled sack of shit you're trying to think with isn't cutting it.

You went off topic is what you did, the fact that all the stupid shit Trump has said is on record and can be readily recalled in the general election has absolutely nothing to do with Clinton's email server.

Me: "Hey the sky is blue"

You: "fuck you, you sack of crap, I have an artichoke"

We do agree on one thing, you're not debating.
Trump is getting those prized "people of Walmart" Endorsements...
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

The way you guys debate, it's fascinating, your post has absolutely nothing to do with mine.
I wasn't debating. You made a point he said stupid things and I pointed out a much bigger problem on the left. Your puss filled sack of shit you're trying to think with isn't cutting it.

You went off topic is what you did, the fact that all the stupid shit Trump has said is on record and can be readily recalled in the general election has absolutely nothing to do with Clinton's email server.

Me: "Hey the sky is blue"

You: "fuck you, you sack of crap, I have an artichoke"

We do agree on one thing, you're not debating.
You don't get to dictate the answers. You badly mischaracterized my response. You brought up "everything stupid the guy ever said" and I brought up issues much worse on the left. I don't care if you like it but I'll point out that you are stupid and dishonest.
It's all on video, too late.
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

Great! Just who I want to ask. Would you be good enough to provide the e-mails detailing the top secret intel? I would very much like to see Hillary in an orange jump suit but nobody has had taken seriously the obvious obligation of showing the American public what it is exactly you are talking about.

As for the private security that can be hired out by anyone with the moola I am curious what country's flag the dead security personnel saluted. It is my understanding that Whatever Blackwater is calling it's self is now headquartered in Dubai. Those guys may have been born American but their paychecks came from Dubai. I think it is a bit of a stretch to call them "American" patriots. Let's reserve THAT honor for the U S Marines that guard the U S Embassies where that fag Chrissy should have been when the attack at Benghazi occurred.
the Donald Duck has foot in mouth disease, and it's incurable....give up while you're ahead, there's no controlling that.... :D
Is that why he was able to destroy 16 opponents with time to spare?
He was able to beat them...but as mentioned by someone else, the line up was not that great, and I truly believe because there were so many, it hurt everyone in the race.

donald beat them, because he had nothing to lose by being an arrogant cut throat and to the point candidate...he said all the things negative about your party that others wouldn't have dared to say....but both democrats, and the republicans that ended up supporting him, were feeling and thinking about the republican party....except maybe him saying President bush 'lied us in to a war and that the Iraq war was a huge mistake'....

If Donald D Trump were a Democrat would you really be supporting him?

If as a Democrat he said that Bush and his foreign policies like going in to Iraq were HUGE mistakes and based on a lie?

Protectionism has notoriously been a liberal cause, never a conservative cause...conservatives believe in an absolutely free market, with trade of merchandise and with trade of human foreign labor....Republicans believe in deregulating the market and not in regulating the market...which the Donald has even gone beyond the liberal stance to the point of almost reaching authoritarian which is far right.

Donald won by telling your party....that they suck.
It's all on video, too late.
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

Great! Just who I want to ask. Would you be good enough to provide the e-mails detailing the top secret intel? I would very much like to see Hillary in an orange jump suit but nobody has had taken seriously the obvious obligation of showing the American public what it is exactly you are talking about.

As for the private security that can be hired out by anyone with the moola I am curious what country's flag the dead security personnel saluted. It is my understanding that Whatever Blackwater is calling it's self is now headquartered in Dubai. Those guys may have been born American but their paychecks came from Dubai. I think it is a bit of a stretch to call them "American" patriots. Let's reserve THAT honor for the U S Marines that guard the U S Embassies where that fag Chrissy should have been when the attack at Benghazi occurred.
I'm not an FBI traitor. You need to find one to get what you ask. Of course you were being dishonest. JUST LIKE HILLARY.

She obviously got top secret emails. They went on her private server. She deleted them (she thought) to cover her tracks. No one without clearance is going to see them UNLESS the server was hacked, and it looks like it has been.

It's a stretch to call a small group to go into a trouble area to try to help the deteriorating Libya situation. One that obama and Hillary helped create. Blackwater? I don't even know what you're talking about.
the Donald Duck has foot in mouth disease, and it's incurable....give up while you're ahead, there's no controlling that.... :D
Is that why he was able to destroy 16 opponents with time to spare?
He was able to beat them...but as mentioned by someone else, the line up was not that great, and I truly believe because there were so many, it hurt everyone in the race.

donald beat them, because he had nothing to lose by being an arrogant cut throat and to the point candidate...he said all the things negative about your party that others wouldn't have dared to say....but both democrats, and the republicans that ended up supporting him, were feeling and thinking about the republican party....except maybe him saying President bush 'lied us in to a war and that the Iraq war was a huge mistake'....

If Donald D Trump were a Democrat would you really be supporting him?

If as a Democrat he said that Bush and his foreign policies like going in to Iraq were HUGE mistakes and based on a lie?

Protectionism has notoriously been a liberal cause, never a conservative cause...conservatives believe in an absolutely free market, with trade of merchandise and with trade of human foreign labor....Republicans believe in deregulating the market and not in regulating the market...which the Donald has even gone beyond the liberal stance to the point of almost reaching authoritarian which is far right.

Donald won by telling your party....that they suck.
Trump isn't a protectionist. You are lying or very ill informed. Just because a liberals thinks everyone on the right sucked doesn't make it so. You are not god. Every fucking one of you speaks as if your were the divine being. It's a mental illness.
It's all on video, too late.
What means?

That we can see everything stupid thing the guy has said.
When did he use his own server for top secret intel and leave four patriots to die doing his bidding?

Libtards and their backwards self serving morality!

Great! Just who I want to ask. Would you be good enough to provide the e-mails detailing the top secret intel? I would very much like to see Hillary in an orange jump suit but nobody has had taken seriously the obvious obligation of showing the American public what it is exactly you are talking about.

As for the private security that can be hired out by anyone with the moola I am curious what country's flag the dead security personnel saluted. It is my understanding that Whatever Blackwater is calling it's self is now headquartered in Dubai. Those guys may have been born American but their paychecks came from Dubai. I think it is a bit of a stretch to call them "American" patriots. Let's reserve THAT honor for the U S Marines that guard the U S Embassies where that fag Chrissy should have been when the attack at Benghazi occurred.
I'm not an FBI traitor. You need to find one to get what you ask. Of course you were being dishonest. JUST LIKE HILLARY.

She obviously got top secret emails. They went on her private server. She deleted them (she thought) to cover her tracks. No one without clearance is going to see them UNLESS the server was hacked, and it looks like it has been.

It's a stretch to call a small group to go into a trouble area to try to help the deteriorating Libya situation. One that obama and Hillary helped create. Blackwater? I don't even know what you're talking about.

No, I wasn't being dishonest. I am serious that I would like to see Hillary arrested, charged and convicted if there is proof that she knowingly distributed top secret information to our enemies.

Lashing out at everyone who dares to request some PROOF as a traitor or a Clinton supporter is nonsense and just diminishes your position.

As for the security detail supposedly protecting the ambassador in Benghazi they were not U S military. They were hired from the Private security firm that used to be called "Blackwater" which was then and is now located in Dubai. As far as I am concerned if they were in over their heads they should have received support and backup from their own bosses. If they were "going on the cheap" to protect the ambassador who's fault is THAT?

What I really think is that you don't have any facts to support your often shrill attack on Hillary Clinton. You are running with conjecture about the e-mail charge. The FBI isn't afraid of Hillary Clinton. If they had any evidence she leaked top secret information to our enemies I have no doubt they would charge her and have her in front of a judge.

I have no horse in the race for president. I wouldn't ever vote for a democrat and I think Trump is a loud mouthed rich buffoon that has changed his position on almost every thing he has stated. He can't control his mouth. Personally I think he is too unstable to have access to launch codes.

Bill Clinton signed some of the worst legislation that has ever befallen this country. Hillary is not far from THAT tree.

Frankly both of those candidates scare me. We are fucked if either one gets in the white house. I just don't like reading bullshit no matter where it comes from. I'm sort of a fan of the U S Constitution and the Bill of Rights. "innocent until PROVEN guilty" strikes a chord with me. Your droning on and on about Hillary's guilt is getting old. Even though she is a democrat the rule of law should prevail. Until she is charged with a crime, which I would enjoy, I will not join you in your hyena's cry without some actual proof.

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