Hyatt yes, Trump no?

Look up Nancy Pelosi business and how her wealth grew exponentially while being a politician.

Ohhhh, but she is a democrat...

So she was allowed.
at least Shotgun Dick TRIED to make it look like he was gone from Halliburton, and he was one of the most corrupt sob's in government.
And nary a word that Clinton, as in Bill, gave Halliburton no bid contracts during his administration, or maybe your sources failed to tell you that...

Did they also tell you erroneously that Cheney was still involved in Halliburton? You really need to get better sources, dear.
at least Shotgun Dick TRIED to make it look like he was gone from Halliburton, and he was one of the most corrupt sob's in government.
at least Shotgun Dick TRIED to make it look like he was gone from Halliburton, and he was one of the most corrupt sob's in government.
Yeah, Halliburton folks.

Member when clinton awarded at least 4 no bid contracts in the 90s to Halliburton when Cheney was VP of that company?

I member.

Siete is such a fucking loser

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