Zone1 Hydrogen Train: Green, green!!!

Not green energy....nuclear power is green energy and republicans support it. We don't want wind, or solar because they don't work. Please try to at least to be accurate.
You're not seriously asserting a bed wetter like TurdCatcher has such integrity are you? That jabbering retard can't even spell it.
No one has an issue with so called green energy. The problem comes when you lunatics want to force it on others even if the technology isn't at the level of other energy sources. You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive.

I will more than likely buy an electric car as a get around local vehicle and I probably will install solar panels on my travel trailer and home at some point, but will not give up my gas burner as a primary means of transportation and the solar panels will be a back up energy source for my home and off grid thing for my travel trailer.

If you want green energy expansion stop shoving it down everyone's throat. Instead of government subsidizing the industry with the peoples money give tax breaks to companies that invest in the technology. If there is a profit to be made private industry will do it fast and cheaper without government forcing the issue. Nothing in history has ever been made better when a politician gets involved.
Statement: "You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive."

Response: Us "loons" are concerned with the planet. The real loons are not. Coal, methane and oil are poisonous to the planet - SMOG and methane is deadly. Smart people comprehend the reality of green energy.
Why does the Republican Party discredit green energy?

Running from June to October in Quebec, the Coradia iLint will be North America's first hydrogen train.:

I think the GOP's premise against decarbonization is wrong, but green technologies are not going to prevent global ecocide and collapse. It's a myth. The only way out is rapid de-growth, which will never, ever happen.

So, we're pretty much fucked.
Statement: "You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive."

Response: Us "loons" are concerned with the planet. The real loons are not. Coal, methane and oil are poisonous to the planet - SMOG and methane is deadly. Smart people comprehend the reality of green energy.
I wish you jabbering retards were merely "loons", then you could just be ignored and we could manage the nation and maintain prosperity and liberty.

Furthermore you "people" don't give a fruit fly's fornication about the planet. If you did care AT ALL about the planet, you would be concerned about the destruction caused across Asia by the two major communist regimes in the last 100 years. Damage that continues to spread and the consequences have yet to be fully calculated. Your objective is the destruction of prosperous western economies and the subjugation and suppression of the 3rd world.

Coal methane and oil ARE NOT POISON to the earth, those things COME FROM THE EARTH. Methane can be found naturally all over the universe. Saturn's Moon Titan has OCEANS of it.

There are not insults vulgar enough or malevolent to an ample degree to suit "people" like you.


I am surprised someone hasn't developed a system in a car to capture the exhaust from a cars tailpipe,.recycle it etc. while.preventing it from entering the atmosphere. The carbon can be recycled snd reused. I suppose some.don't want that.
There's e-fuel but currently very expensive -

But if you have deep pockets to run a supercar, the price doesn't matter
I am surprised someone hasn't developed a system in a car to capture the exhaust from a cars tailpipe,.recycle it etc. while.preventing it from entering the atmosphere. The carbon can be recycled snd reused. I suppose some.don't want that.
The emissions stuff in your car is supposed to do some of that.
W. when President was pushing hydrogen cars. When the Progs came back into power, they said enough of that.
There's e-fuel but currently very expensive -

But if you have deep pockets to run a supercar, the price doesn't matter
The sun is free. A "supercar"? Do you think an EV is a super car?

I have two Electric Cars in my garage (well one at a time, we have a cage and gym taking 1/2 of the garage). Never have to gas up, never needed for a tune up nor worry about brakes, changing oil or freeze up. - were in California (immediate heat or AC, and no need to warm up).
Statement: "You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive."

Response: Us "loons" are concerned with the planet. The real loons are not. Coal, methane and oil are poisonous to the planet - SMOG and methane is deadly. Smart people comprehend the reality of green energy.
Sweet Mother Earth is not concerned about us. In fact that psychotic witch has murdered every advanced species on the planet, more than once. Your 'green' fantasies will not appease her. If you want to sleep around with an axe murderer, that's your business. Just don't expect everyone else to pay for the dates.
The sun is free. A "supercar"? Do you think an EV is a super car?

I have two Electric Cars in my garage (well one at a time, we have a cage and gym taking 1/2 of the garage). Never have to gas up, never needed for a tune up nor worry about brakes, changing oil or freeze up. - were in California (immediate heat or AC, and no need to warm up).
What would you do if you lived in an apartment and you had to find a parking spot in a street somewhere near to your apartment. The nearest charging point is 2 miles away and because it's at a supermarket, you can only charge when you shop. If you stay too long, the car park camera eye fines you £100.
What would you do if you lived in an apartment and you had to find a parking spot in a street somewhere near to your apartment. The nearest charging point is 2 miles away and because it's at a supermarket, you can only charge when you shop. If you stay too long, the car park camera eye fines you £100.
I don't live in an apartment. For $100.00 dollars an electric bike can be charged by an outlet of an ordinary plug.
Sweet Mother Earth is not concerned about us. In fact that psychotic witch has murdered every advanced species on the planet, more than once. Your 'green' fantasies will not appease her. If you want to sleep around with an axe murderer, that's your business. Just don't expect everyone else to pay for the dates.
Huh? People in the turn of the 19th century you would have yelled at the horseless carriage screaming buy a horse.
Do you mean $100 a charge or $100 for a conversion plug?
Used Electric Bikes can be purchased for around $100 dollars; we own one for $700 dollars new. Take a look on the Internet. Bikes can be driven to public transportation with the bikes folded up. Other EB's are Tricycles, with saddlebags and/or baskets.
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Why does the Republican Party discredit green energy?

Running from June to October in Quebec, the Coradia iLint will be North America's first hydrogen train.:

Is that one of Soros' trains? He owns a shitload of them in Canada. Subsidized by filthy Environmental Wacko government money?
The Electric Bikes can be purchased new for $100 dollars. Take a look on the Internet. KW's are not $5.00 a gallon; the power is much less.

No kidding? I sure missed out Sounds like fun, but I'm too old for an electric bike.
No one has an issue with so called green energy. The problem comes when you lunatics want to force it on others even if the technology isn't at the level of other energy sources. You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive.

I will more than likely buy an electric car as a get around local vehicle and I probably will install solar panels on my travel trailer and home at some point, but will not give up my gas burner as a primary means of transportation and the solar panels will be a back up energy source for my home and off grid thing for my travel trailer.

If you want green energy expansion stop shoving it down everyone's throat. Instead of government subsidizing the industry with the peoples money give tax breaks to companies that invest in the technology. If there is a profit to be made private industry will do it fast and cheaper without government forcing the issue. Nothing in history has ever been made better when a politician gets involved.

Statements: "You loons want to force green energy by making fossil fuels more expensive."
" If you want green energy expansion stop shoving it down everyone's throat. Instead of government subsidizing the industry with the peoples money give tax breaks to companies that invest in the technology.

Responses: The cost of coal, methane and oil are dirty, and the profits are not We the People, it is the CEO who raise the costs.
No kidding? I sure missed out Sounds like fun, but I'm too old for an electric bike.

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