Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Hospitals stockpile malaria drug Trump says could treat COVID-19

Ten generic-drug makers, including Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Mylan NV and Novartis AG’s Sandoz unit, are approved by the FDA to manufacture hydroxychloroquine, which is relatively inexpensive and widely used around the world. But not all of those companies are currently producing it.

Novartis said Friday it would donate up to 130 million doses of hydroxychloroquine by the end of May for U.S. pandemic response, and that Sandoz will explore expanding its capacity to make it. Earlier, Teva, Mylan and Bayer committed to increase manufacturing and shipments.

Medical supply-chain preparedness experts said hospitals have already caused a run on other pharmaceuticals.

“We’re seeing an increase of global demand for a range of products,” said Nicolette Louissaint, executive director of the nonprofit Healthcare Ready, which facilitates public-private partnerships to protect the health-care supply chain.

“This is hoarding that’s not necessarily rooted in evidence,” Louissaint said. “It’s really the same thing we’re seeing with toilet paper.”

How dare you post HOPEFUL things............You might upset a liberal.....

It is very revealing of the liberal mind set that they want to pooh pooh something that might possibly shut down the chinese virus.

It is almost like they would like to keep it going so they can use it as a weapon against Trump in the upcoming election...no american would want that right? I man what kind of American would want that???
If Trump told you leeches and voodoo would work you would be here extolling the curative virtues of bloodletting and black cat bones.
Nope........I tried it.............got me a voodoo doll called it occupied.......kept sticking it with needles......and you are still here...

Tests didn't work.......

Oh.......other countries aren't listening to you .............too bad.........We HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE......and the trials are being done already whether you like it or not..

Where you hoping for MORE DEATHS......HMMM LIB.
Wow. Cabin fever psychosis already? The point you refuse to get here is that we have the president making unproved statements about a drug that may or may not work. If there was ever a time for Trump to speak the the truth it is right now. There will be no magic bullet for this thing. Might as well get used to it.

1. I need to clean up my man cave.........that is a correct statement.
2. Trump was saying THERE IS HOPE.......and that is not the wrong thing to say........
3. Your point is mute...........doesn't matter....they have done trials with this and countries are using it.
so we will find out soon enough if it matters.
4. Look at the death rate of Germany.......much lower for the numbers.....they have been using it.
5. France is going to use it.
6. Israel is using it.

So........other countries are using it........trying it.....and all you can do is say TRUMP SUCKS.

Do not worry....eventually this pandemic will lesson and work will return...I'll have less time then to post....LOL
False hope is better than no hope I suppose. For you. I much prefer a hard truth over a comforting lie any day.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
When Trump gets a medical degree he may then be qualified to say what works and what does not. He was terribly irresponsible to even bring that stuff up.
and when you get a medical degree you can refute his claims.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
you can overdose on aspirin ! face it ...we are going to use this drug to render the virus nothing more than a bad cold and the economy will soon boom ! and you cant stand it !
When Trump gets a medical degree he may then be qualified to say what works and what does not. He was terribly irresponsible to even bring that stuff up.
and when you get a medical degree you can refute his claims.
and doctor Oz just stated that the drug looks very promising !
It is very revealing of the liberal mind set that they want to pooh pooh something that might possibly shut down the chinese virus.

It is almost like they would like to keep it going so they can use it as a weapon against Trump in the upcoming election...no american would want that right? I man what kind of American would want that???
If Trump told you leeches and voodoo would work you would be here extolling the curative virtues of bloodletting and black cat bones.
Nope........I tried it.............got me a voodoo doll called it occupied.......kept sticking it with needles......and you are still here...

Tests didn't work.......

Oh.......other countries aren't listening to you .............too bad.........We HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE......and the trials are being done already whether you like it or not..

Where you hoping for MORE DEATHS......HMMM LIB.
Wow. Cabin fever psychosis already? The point you refuse to get here is that we have the president making unproved statements about a drug that may or may not work. If there was ever a time for Trump to speak the the truth it is right now. There will be no magic bullet for this thing. Might as well get used to it.

1. I need to clean up my man cave.........that is a correct statement.
2. Trump was saying THERE IS HOPE.......and that is not the wrong thing to say........
3. Your point is mute...........doesn't matter....they have done trials with this and countries are using it.
so we will find out soon enough if it matters.
4. Look at the death rate of Germany.......much lower for the numbers.....they have been using it.
5. France is going to use it.
6. Israel is using it.

So........other countries are using it........trying it.....and all you can do is say TRUMP SUCKS.

Do not worry....eventually this pandemic will lesson and work will return...I'll have less time then to post....LOL
False hope is better than no hope I suppose. For you. I much prefer a hard truth over a comforting lie any day.
DR OZ must be a liar also !
If Trump told you leeches and voodoo would work you would be here extolling the curative virtues of bloodletting and black cat bones.
Nope........I tried it.............got me a voodoo doll called it occupied.......kept sticking it with needles......and you are still here...

Tests didn't work.......

Oh.......other countries aren't listening to you .............too bad.........We HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE......and the trials are being done already whether you like it or not..

Where you hoping for MORE DEATHS......HMMM LIB.
Wow. Cabin fever psychosis already? The point you refuse to get here is that we have the president making unproved statements about a drug that may or may not work. If there was ever a time for Trump to speak the the truth it is right now. There will be no magic bullet for this thing. Might as well get used to it.

1. I need to clean up my man cave.........that is a correct statement.
2. Trump was saying THERE IS HOPE.......and that is not the wrong thing to say........
3. Your point is mute...........doesn't matter....they have done trials with this and countries are using it.
so we will find out soon enough if it matters.
4. Look at the death rate of Germany.......much lower for the numbers.....they have been using it.
5. France is going to use it.
6. Israel is using it.

So........other countries are using it........trying it.....and all you can do is say TRUMP SUCKS.

Do not worry....eventually this pandemic will lesson and work will return...I'll have less time then to post....LOL
False hope is better than no hope I suppose. For you. I much prefer a hard truth over a comforting lie any day.
DR OZ must be a liar also !
Dr. Oz? Are you kidding?
Nope........I tried it.............got me a voodoo doll called it occupied.......kept sticking it with needles......and you are still here...

Tests didn't work.......

Oh.......other countries aren't listening to you .............too bad.........We HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE......and the trials are being done already whether you like it or not..

Where you hoping for MORE DEATHS......HMMM LIB.
Wow. Cabin fever psychosis already? The point you refuse to get here is that we have the president making unproved statements about a drug that may or may not work. If there was ever a time for Trump to speak the the truth it is right now. There will be no magic bullet for this thing. Might as well get used to it.

1. I need to clean up my man cave.........that is a correct statement.
2. Trump was saying THERE IS HOPE.......and that is not the wrong thing to say........
3. Your point is mute...........doesn't matter....they have done trials with this and countries are using it.
so we will find out soon enough if it matters.
4. Look at the death rate of Germany.......much lower for the numbers.....they have been using it.
5. France is going to use it.
6. Israel is using it.

So........other countries are using it........trying it.....and all you can do is say TRUMP SUCKS.

Do not worry....eventually this pandemic will lesson and work will return...I'll have less time then to post....LOL
False hope is better than no hope I suppose. For you. I much prefer a hard truth over a comforting lie any day.
DR OZ must be a liar also !
Dr. Oz? Are you kidding?
i trust his opinion more than Peter Alexander or your's !
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment

Its already out there and obviously does not work which is why the world is locked down..
Preliminary data. Calm the markets, figure it out for real later.

Preliminary but promising.

Why not ramp up the testing to a large scale right away?
Because it may have the reverse affect. That's why you have clinical trials.

You're dealing with folks who have no idea what a clinical trial is or what a double blind study is. Don put is own ignorance on very public display relative to this mindset, ;;; or the history that led us to these protocols and procedures.
Trump is splattering spaghetti all over the walls in every direction, because he knows he screwed up royally on all fronts. He ignored the briefings and intelligence of this virus months ago, made fun of it for a while, and now he is backpedaling miserably to cover his tragic mistakes.
Love watching Fauci stick to reality right in his fake orange face.
Translation - I have TDS.
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment

Its already out there and obviously does not work which is why the world is locked down..
It was used in a small scale trial in France and the results were very good

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment

Its already out there and obviously does not work which is why the world is locked down..
It was used in a small scale trial in France and the results were very good

Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

Its being used in NYC and many places and death toll is rising geometrically. What does that teach you?
I saw that too. Democrats will pull out all the stops to prevent anything that will alleviate the crisis that democrats caused.
Please stop acusing Democrats of wanting people to die.
Thank you.

Democrats want people to die. They think it helps their election chances. Nothing else has worked for them.
Put it this way then - Their are Democrats (not all of them), who wish the worst for the American public under Trump, and like you say, they've done everything else to try and take this president and his followers down, so why wouldn't those among them with TDS wish the very worst to come out of this if it will hurt Trump and his followers ?
It is very revealing of the liberal mind set that they want to pooh pooh something that might possibly shut down the chinese virus.

It is almost like they would like to keep it going so they can use it as a weapon against Trump in the upcoming election...no american would want that right? I man what kind of American would want that???
If Trump told you leeches and voodoo would work you would be here extolling the curative virtues of bloodletting and black cat bones.
Nope........I tried it.............got me a voodoo doll called it occupied.......kept sticking it with needles......and you are still here...

Tests didn't work.......

Oh.......other countries aren't listening to you .............too bad.........We HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE......and the trials are being done already whether you like it or not..

Where you hoping for MORE DEATHS......HMMM LIB.
Wow. Cabin fever psychosis already? The point you refuse to get here is that we have the president making unproved statements about a drug that may or may not work. If there was ever a time for Trump to speak the the truth it is right now. There will be no magic bullet for this thing. Might as well get used to it.

1. I need to clean up my man cave.........that is a correct statement.
2. Trump was saying THERE IS HOPE.......and that is not the wrong thing to say........
3. Your point is mute...........doesn't matter....they have done trials with this and countries are using it.
so we will find out soon enough if it matters.
4. Look at the death rate of Germany.......much lower for the numbers.....they have been using it.
5. France is going to use it.
6. Israel is using it.

So........other countries are using it........trying it.....and all you can do is say TRUMP SUCKS.

Do not worry....eventually this pandemic will lesson and work will return...I'll have less time then to post....LOL
False hope is better than no hope I suppose. For you. I much prefer a hard truth over a comforting lie any day.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
You hear about people poisoning themselves with this stuff? Turns out it's toxic and an overdose can kill you. Someone needs to tell Trump that there is a difference between reassuring people and bullshitting them. Seriously.
Translation - I have TDS.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
You hope there is no positive results ?...Face it, we are going to beat this virus, and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
Unless the left goes into super lie, cheat, and steal an election at any cost mode (oh wait it's way beyond that type of insurance policy now), so it all must be watched like a hawk come Nov.

Who knows what will be next in their attempts to get Trump right ?

All their hopes and fears will be with Slow Joe from a by gone error. Good luck with that one cratzies.
Some positive news amidst all the gray clouds

Topline: President Trump said in a Thursday press briefing that chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, drugs used to treat malaria and severe arthritis, were approved by the Food and Drug Administration to test as a COVID-19 coronavirus treatment, as the number of cases nationwide continues to increase.
  • The drugs will be used in a clinical trial, according to FDA commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn, who spoke during the press briefing.
  • Trump also said that other antiviral medications will be fast-tracked for FDA approval.
Updated: Trump Says FDA Approved Anti-Malaria Drug Chloroquine To Test As Coronavirus Treatment
He is banking on it, I'm sure. SOS.

He is trying to save lives!

Best Prez ever!:2up:
Not when he pedals in lies. He kills people doing that; Maddow hits Trump's 'happy talk' on virus: 'I would stop putting those briefings on live TV'

That degenerate has never stopped attacking Trump. And of course she would like to cut his access off to the people. The elites dotn like what he is saying.
Because he is lying. Trump hasn't a clue, while living in fantasy land and useless happy talk. And always self congratulating himself over a bunch of failures. He's so friggin pitiful.
Translation- I can't help it, I have TDS.
Seems to be a lot misinformation about this. The results of a preliminary study released today showed no positive results. Not sure why the right wing press is pinning their hopes on this.
you hope there is no positive results ...face it scumbag we are going to beat this virus and real Americans are going to win in Nov against the left .
That's all right-wingers care about. Electing a cheat, a thug, and a thief who steals from charities that go to children with cancer. Have you no shame or self respect? How can you vote for someone who does that to kids?
how can you vote for someone who supports the killing of the the unborn ?
On a massive scale too.

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