Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

You sound paranoid people are critical of Trump for nefarious reasons. Like, educated doctors who criticize him and his drug comments or opinions are only trying to hurt him. None of them really cares about patients and Doctor stuff. Doctors, who disagree with Trump are just evil?

I don't think the doctors disagree with him on testing it; it's touting it as a miracle cure without enough testing. They want to continue testing on hydroxycholoroquine to make sure it is safe, in the right dosage, and under what circumstances. We've had some adverse reactions, so it isn't something to prescribe like pain killers (tongue firmly in cheek).
It has already been tested for safety. The label "miracle cure" is idiotic. Are antibiotics a "miracle cure?" Whatever you call them, the certainly do work. The evidence we have so far is pretty conclusive that hydroxycholoroquine works.
The evidence is extremely limited so far, isn’t it?
I mean, yes, absolutely try this drug if there’s evidence it may be an effective treatment. It’s a long established medicine, so there are fewer questions about it. If it’s effective it will be much easier to use in a widespread way than a totally new drug. I just haven’t seen a huge amount of evidence about its effectiveness, probably because there hasn’t been that much time to gather data.
They just performed a study of slightly over 1000 people and 95% of them showed dramatic improvement within hours.

How much proof do you need?

It's obvious that turds like you simply don't want a solution to this virus to be available. You are literally cheering for more old people to die.
It simply weaken's your argument against the drug
It does no such thing, even if i were arguing against its effectiveness. Which i have not done. I have only argued against it being known that it is effective, as that is decided on scientific evidence, which we do not yet have.

So, now we are clear.
We have scientific evidence, douchebag.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Spare us. No matter what Trump does, you will attack him for it. That's your election strategy.
“After I started taking the Malaria medicine, I started to feel a lot better,” she said. “Like, the next day.”
That's not cause and effect. That is correlation. Learn what words mean.

It's a data point.. One of literally about 10s of thousands right now reported by doctors in the trenches.. She APPEARED with her doc.. HE DID "Blind the study" he did with a couple dozen patients. That's the right direction -- but I consider THAT to be immoral under the circumstances. And I would advise ANY loved one to NOT sign on to a "blind study" right now, but just get an agreement with their doctor if you're slipping into Covid... NOT a good time to be NOT telling people what drugs are being used... Or whether you THINK you're on a drug but are getting a placebo...

The "science" that want you RIGHT NOW -- is a luxury... Can't move that fast.. Would be like fighting Al Queda with a regiment of British muskets lined up... AND immoral because folks have no certainty of whether they are EVEN RECEIVING treatment..

The science YOU WANT doesn't SERVE in a 2 month pandemic of a NEW disease... But nonetheless, the MEDICAL COMMUNITY is making those calls -- so all is well...
It's a data point..

In a collection of anecdotes. Actual scientific data comes from controlled studies.

These anecdotes give reason to study it scientifically to gauge its effectiveness. What they do not do is prove or demonstrate its effectiveness.
The "science" that want you RIGHT NOW -- is a luxury..
A study of 1400 is taking place right now. It started over 2 weeks ago. These illnesses resolve in 4 weeks, usually less. Data will be available within hours of the end of the trial.

We dont have the luxury of wasting time and resources on an ineffective treatment, and one that could do more harm than good.

If you want to say' "Fuck it, we dont know if it works, but its worth the costs to try anyway"...then say that. But do not try to say we know it is an effective treatment, because you will be wrong.

But that is exactly what people are trying to say. And we both know exactly why.
They just performed a study of slightly over 1000 people and 95% of them showed dramatic improvement within hours.
Who are "they"? Was this a controlled, double blind study? Im not finding this study.
Professor Didier Raoult Releases the Results of a New Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients – COVEXIT.com
Oh, sorry, that study doesnt meet scientific standards and was retracted by the publisher. I guess you didnt hear.
They just performed a study of slightly over 1000 people and 95% of them showed dramatic improvement within hours.
Who are "they"? Was this a controlled, double blind study? Im not finding this study.
Professor Didier Raoult Releases the Results of a New Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients – COVEXIT.com
Oh, sorry, that study doesnt meet scientific standards and was retracted by the publisher. I guess you didnt hear.
Please post the proof.
It's a data point..

In a collection of anecdotes. Actual scientific data comes from controlled studies.

These anecdotes give reason to study it scientifically to gauge its effectiveness. What they do not do is prove or demonstrate its effectiveness.

THE HELL IT IS... There are no doubts about HCQuine over safety, interactions, side effects... And MANY LARGE SURVEYS of docs who have administered it report it as MORE effective than the other 8 or 10 WEAK ASS choices... The docs in France, Italy, Russia, Spain and 10 other countries did NOT HESITATE to try it.. Instead of watching the body count pile up...

And likely they'll NEVER BE "the science" you are foolishly holding out for because THAT'S likely to happen AFTER a vaccine is developed... And like I SAID -- in a WAR against a NEW disease that has a half life of maybe a year -- it's IMMORAL to do huge double blind studies on 100s of thousand of people with a large chance of dying for lack of therapeutic drugs...
Tell me again how Hydrox is the only drug in clinical trials.
Yes, and chloroquine. These are, in fact, the only drugs in clinical human trials right now (with counterpart medicines, like zinc and azythromyecin, if that's what you meant). As far as i know.

So look, i made it again. So go ahead, have at it. And for fucks sake stop whining and cackling, youre like a child.
Wrong. There are multiple drugs in trials now. Yeah you make a lot of mistakes it seems and then lie about them. Leftist traits.
They just performed a study of slightly over 1000 people and 95% of them showed dramatic improvement within hours.
Who are "they"? Was this a controlled, double blind study? Im not finding this study.
Professor Didier Raoult Releases the Results of a New Hydroxychloroquine Treatment Study on 1061 Patients – COVEXIT.com
Oh, sorry, that study doesnt meet scientific standards and was retracted by the publisher. I guess you didnt hear.
Please post the proof.
First, a cirrecrion. Not retracted, but its not peer reviewed and was a prelim release. There is nothing to retract. The study has not been formally published.

Second, the original publisher issued its concerns:

Its not good science, apparently. Here is an explanation of why:


Treatments & Efficacy

  • The three most commonly prescribed treatments amongst COVID-19 treaters are 56% analgesics, 41% Azithromycin, and 33% Hydroxychloroquine
  • Hydroxychloroquine usage amongst COVID-19 treaters is 72% in Spain, 49% in Italy, 41% in Brazil, 39% in Mexico, 28% in France, 23% in the U.S., 17% in Germany, 16% in Canada, 13% in the UK, and 7% in Japan
  • Hydroxychloroquine was overall chosen as the most effective therapy amongst COVID-19 treaters from a list of 15 options. (37% of COVID-19 treaters)
  • 75% in Spain, 53% Italy, 44% in China, 43% in Brazil, 29% in France, 23% in the U.S., and 13% in the UK
  • The two most common treatment regimens for Hydroxychloroquine were:
  • (38%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 400 mg daily for five days
  • (26%) 400mg twice daily on day one; 200mg twice daily for four days
  • Outside the U.S., Hydroxychloroquine was equally used for diagnosed patients with mild to severe symptoms whereas in the U.S. it was most commonly used for high risk diagnosed patients
  • Globally, 19% of physicians prescribed or have seen Hydroxychloroquine prophylactically used for high risk patients, and 8% for low risk patients

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