Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Repeating your marching orders until the end eh ?

he's bragging about the pressers' getting huuuuuuuuuge ratings - what a jerk.
I know, how dare anyone be praised for anything unless the opposition condones it right ??
No no you don’t order millions for trials.
You do when desperate and in a raging pandemic, when worried that there may be shortages if it is shown to be effective. . As evidenced by the fact that countries are doing exactly that. Surely you arent so fucking stupid that you think countries stockpiling it is evidence that it is medically effective, right?
No no you don’t order millions for trials.
You do when desperate and in a raging pandemic, when worried that there may be shortages if it is shown to be effective. . As evidenced by the fact that countries are doing exactly that. Surely you arent so fucking stupid that you think countries stockpiling it is evidence that it is medically effective, right?
Wrong. No study not one would order one million doses, let alone multiple millions. You are incorrect. You are a very stupid person. They are ordering these to use them on real patients because it works. I am glad as they are saving lives. You would rather have it not work and have people die to mock Trump. You’re a dink.
No no you don’t order millions for trials.
You do when desperate and in a raging pandemic, when worried that there may be shortages if it is shown to be effective. . As evidenced by the fact that countries are doing exactly that. Surely you arent so fucking stupid that you think countries stockpiling it is evidence that it is medically effective, right?
What's your point already ??? It seems you have no point other than your hatred for anything Trump. Beating a dead horse is ridiculous, and this horse has been dead for days now. The drug is saving lives, and that's all that matters. End of story.
No study not one would order one million doses, let alone multiple millions.
And yet that is precisely what they are doing, despite the fact that it has not been scientifically shown to be effective. These are just simple facts. And no amount of cultish chanting and crybabying will get around them.

You dont know that the drug is saving lives. You know exactly jack shit. That is determined on scientific evidence, not anecdotes and wishful thinking.
No study not one would order one million doses, let alone multiple millions.
And yet that is precisely what they are doing, despite the fact that it has not been scientifically shown to be effective. These are just simple facts. And no amount of cultish chanting and crybabying will get around them.
No. Tiny portion for testing. Millions for real patients. LMAO. You’re so stupid. You don’t know how the drug industry works. It it were dangerous and unproven and was being tested why would they subject millions of people to it? You’re so stupid. Ha ha ha ha ha. This is great
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??

gimmee a break - the military has expertise is this sort of thing & they were the people who transported the passengers off the ship. unlike when donny had his untrained, unprepared, people go get americans in china - possibly infectious ones & they actually came home on commercial flights!
Mixing and twisting the truths within the time frames is a tactic.

both are facts.

"I like the numbers being where they are," Trump said during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday. "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
Trump is reportedly fixated on keeping the number of official US coronavirus cases as low as possible — despite indications the disease has spread wider than he wants

The Pentagon provided additional details Monday on how it would care for thousands of Grand Princess cruise ship passengers at four military bases where they will be quarantined after they disembark from the ship, which has at least 21 confirmed coronavirus cases.
You don’t know how the drug industry works
No idiot, you clearly don't know how scientific medicine works. The in the efficacy of medicine is decided on scientific evidence not on whether your fat ass cult leader says it's effective and certainly not on the anecdotes and opinions of anyone
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Repeating your marching orders until the end eh ?

he's bragging about the pressers' getting huuuuuuuuuge ratings - what a jerk.
I know, how dare anyone be praised for anything unless the opposition condones it right ??

dude - they are suppose to be informational & stats given on infections & deaths. bragging about the ratings is both childish & untimely. donny has no sense of decorum ... just like a toddler.
Can anyone ever know whether something works or not without doing a super double blind clinical trial?
You don’t know how the drug industry works
No idiot, you clearly don't know how scientific medicine works. The in the efficacy of medicine is decided on scientific evidence not on whether your fat ass cult leader says it's effective and certainly not on the anecdotes and opinions of anyone
You just said they ordered 50 million doses for “testing” LMAO!!! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Can anyone ever know whether something works or not without doing a super double blind clinical trial?
In a timely manner? No, not really. With the benfit of a million uncontrolled trials and years of hindsight, that could yield a strong signal. But establishing causation and not just correlation requires controlled testing. The rules of scientific medicine haven't changed just because the fat babyman President vomited something Giuliani told him.
You don’t know how the drug industry works
No idiot, you clearly don't know how scientific medicine works. The in the efficacy of medicine is decided on scientific evidence not on whether your fat ass cult leader says it's effective and certainly not on the anecdotes and opinions of anyone
we dont have the time for sluggish red tape ! the drug has been used on million for over 50 yrs ! time after time we hear about people who ere very sick and the drug quickly turned things around ? if you were sick a a dog from covid 19 would you ant the drug?? a democrat in Michigan requested the drug because she heard about it from Trump during one of his briefing .https://nypost.com/2020/04/07/michigan-democrat-says-hydroxychloroquine-saved-her-life/
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??

gimmee a break - the military has expertise is this sort of thing & they were the people who transported the passengers off the ship. unlike when donny had his untrained, unprepared, people go get americans in china - possibly infectious ones & they actually came home on commercial flights!
Mixing and twisting the truths within the time frames is a tactic.

both are facts.

"I like the numbers being where they are," Trump said during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday. "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
Trump is reportedly fixated on keeping the number of official US coronavirus cases as low as possible — despite indications the disease has spread wider than he wants

The Pentagon provided additional details Monday on how it would care for thousands of Grand Princess cruise ship passengers at four military bases where they will be quarantined after they disembark from the ship, which has at least 21 confirmed coronavirus cases.
Your point is that Trump wants the numbers to stay low or be lowered, and he wants the best for everyone, and that somehow in your mind is a bad thing ?? Why disect this thing in the ways that you are doing, if it's not purely political ????
Your point is that Trump wants the numbers to stay low or be lowered, and he wants the best for everyone
False. he wants what is best for his re-election chances. That's why, when scientists were making recommendations about "what is best for everyone", the mentally ill president was doing his hoax tour.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??

gimmee a break - the military has expertise is this sort of thing & they were the people who transported the passengers off the ship. unlike when donny had his untrained, unprepared, people go get americans in china - possibly infectious ones & they actually came home on commercial flights!
Mixing and twisting the truths within the time frames is a tactic.

both are facts.

"I like the numbers being where they are," Trump said during a visit to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Friday. "I don't need to have the numbers double because of one ship that wasn't our fault."
Trump is reportedly fixated on keeping the number of official US coronavirus cases as low as possible — despite indications the disease has spread wider than he wants

The Pentagon provided additional details Monday on how it would care for thousands of Grand Princess cruise ship passengers at four military bases where they will be quarantined after they disembark from the ship, which has at least 21 confirmed coronavirus cases.
Your point is that Trump wants the numbers to stay low or be lowered, and he wants the best for everyone, and that somehow in your mind is a bad thing ?? Why disect this thing in the ways that you are doing, if it's not purely political ????

my point was that trump didn't want those people - fellow americans - off that ship because it would look bad wth the rising numbers of infected. staying on a ship chock full of that virus was not in the best interest of the passengers & we had every precaution inplace to transport them safely. donny didn't care about them. the truth is the truth. & donny's motives was the epitome of being political. it was all about how he was & wants to be perceived regardless of people's best interests.

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