Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.
Note to the terminally stupid: Chloroquine is not the same drug as Hydroxychlroquine. The former if known to be far more toxic than the later.
You sound paranoid people are critical of Trump for nefarious reasons. Like, educated doctors who criticize him and his drug comments or opinions are only trying to hurt him. None of them really cares about patients and Doctor stuff. Doctors, who disagree with Trump are just evil?

I don't think the doctors disagree with him on testing it; it's touting it as a miracle cure without enough testing. They want to continue testing on hydroxycholoroquine to make sure it is safe, in the right dosage, and under what circumstances. We've had some adverse reactions, so it isn't something to prescribe like pain killers (tongue firmly in cheek).
Brazil? Blame Trump? Listen to the side effects of drugs already approved by the FDA. Fatal episodes of Lymphoma cancer have happened from using a popular psoriasis medication.
Is there any effective drug that doesn't have side effects? Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for DECADES with extremely low occurrence of side effects.
Dem Governor Who Banned Hydroxychloroquine Gets Caught Hoarding It

Nevada Governor Steve Sisolak, Democrat, had a kneejerk reaction to President Trump's optimism about a malaria drug that might be an effective treatment for the Wuhan coronavirus. Trump was hopeful about the drug, so anti-Trump Democrats like Sisolak were against it. Gov. Sisolak banned (hydroxy)chloroquine as a treatment for COVID-19, ostensibly over concern of hoarders stockpiling the medicine and causing shortages for patients who use the drug for other ailments like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. But while the governor restricted the public from receiving the potentially life-saving drug, Nevada's Department of Corrections began stockpiling the drug for prisoners.
What do Trump haters do when they see an interview like this woman saying she might not be alive had Trump not pushed the use of this drug?
Your whiny loaded question aside, what rational, educated people do is file it in the "anecdote" file and understand it is not good evidence.
/——/ Here is one of the oldest studies from the Lancet, 2003
Nov 01, 2003 · Apart from its well-known antimalarial effects, the drug has interesting biochemical properties that might be applied against some viral infections. Chloroquine exerts direct antiviral effects, inhibiting pH-dependent steps of the replication of several viruses including members of the flaviviruses, retroviruses, and coronaviruses.

So, why do you suppose we dont just use it for all viruses? There are thousands.
/——-/ Well apparently the only virus that matters is the Coronavirus, even flues that are 10 times worse are being ignored.
Haha...so, you've outsmarted the scientists again, i see. Are they all incompetent, or liars, or both?
Brazil? Blame Trump? Listen to the side effects of drugs already approved by the FDA. Fatal episodes of Lymphoma cancer have happened from using a popular psoriasis medication.
is there any medication without side effects? oh for fk sake.
What do Trump haters do when they see an interview like this woman saying she might not be alive had Trump not pushed the use of this drug?
Your whiny loaded question aside, what rational, educated people do is file it in the "anecdote" file and understand it is not good evidence.
/——/ Here is one of the oldest studies from the Lancet, 2003
Nov 01, 2003 · Apart from its well-known antimalarial effects, the drug has interesting biochemical properties that might be applied against some viral infections. Chloroquine exerts direct antiviral effects, inhibiting pH-dependent steps of the replication of several viruses including members of the flaviviruses, retroviruses, and coronaviruses.

So, why do you suppose we dont just use it for all viruses? There are thousands.
/——-/ Well apparently the only virus that matters is the Coronavirus, even flues that are 10 times worse are being ignored.
Haha...so, you've outsmarted the scientists again, i see. Are they all incompetent, or liars, or both?
I think he implied they outsmarted themselves.
You sound paranoid people are critical of Trump for nefarious reasons. Like, educated doctors who criticize him and his drug comments or opinions are only trying to hurt him. None of them really cares about patients and Doctor stuff. Doctors, who disagree with Trump are just evil?

I don't think the doctors disagree with him on testing it; it's touting it as a miracle cure without enough testing. They want to continue testing on hydroxycholoroquine to make sure it is safe, in the right dosage, and under what circumstances. We've had some adverse reactions, so it isn't something to prescribe like pain killers (tongue firmly in cheek).
It has already been tested for safety. The label "miracle cure" is idiotic. Are antibiotics a "miracle cure?" Whatever you call them, the certainly do work. The evidence we have so far is pretty conclusive that hydroxycholoroquine works.
What do Trump haters do when they see an interview like this woman saying she might not be alive had Trump not pushed the use of this drug?
Your whiny loaded question aside, what rational, educated people do is file it in the "anecdote" file and understand it is not good evidence.
/——/ Here is one of the oldest studies from the Lancet, 2003
Nov 01, 2003 · Apart from its well-known antimalarial effects, the drug has interesting biochemical properties that might be applied against some viral infections. Chloroquine exerts direct antiviral effects, inhibiting pH-dependent steps of the replication of several viruses including members of the flaviviruses, retroviruses, and coronaviruses.

So, why do you suppose we dont just use it for all viruses? There are thousands.
/——-/ Well apparently the only virus that matters is the Coronavirus, even flues that are 10 times worse are being ignored.
Haha...so, you've outsmarted the scientists again, i see. Are they all incompetent, or liars, or both?
Only the ones who voted for Clinton.
So, God forbid, you get the Coronavirus and are in the hospital suffering and the doctor offers you the malaria drug - you’ll turn him down because clinical trials are ongoing.
A dumb question. Desperate patients, of course, are not the gauge of what is effective medicine. Your not making any points in support that it is effective. Of course you cant, because you don't have any. The only thing that shows a medicine is effective is scientific evidence.
Right to try ----- Getting well after taking it shows it's effectiveness, but of course that drives some crazy to look at it that way, because it might help Trump if they do.

So people are taking it and getting well, and in the same time frame trials to improve the medicine or tweek it to target Corona virus is on going.

So what's the problem again ???
So, God forbid, you get the Coronavirus and are in the hospital suffering and the doctor offers you the malaria drug - you’ll turn him down because clinical trials are ongoing.
A dumb question. Desperate patients, of course, are not the gauge of what is effective medicine. Your not making any points in support that it is effective. Of course you cant, because you don't have any. The only thing that shows a medicine is effective is scientific evidence.
Right to try ----- Getting well after taking it shows it's effectiveness, but of course that drives some crazy to look at it that way, because it might help Trump if they do.

So people are taking it and getting well, and in the same time frame trials to improve the medicine or tweek it to target Corona virus is on going.

So what's the problem again ???
The problem is that it works. That means this whole shutdown fiasco will be over much sooner. Why the concern if the lethality of the disease can be reduced by 95%?
You sound paranoid people are critical of Trump for nefarious reasons. Like, educated doctors who criticize him and his drug comments or opinions are only trying to hurt him. None of them really cares about patients and Doctor stuff. Doctors, who disagree with Trump are just evil?

I don't think the doctors disagree with him on testing it; it's touting it as a miracle cure without enough testing. They want to continue testing on hydroxycholoroquine to make sure it is safe, in the right dosage, and under what circumstances. We've had some adverse reactions, so it isn't something to prescribe like pain killers (tongue firmly in cheek).
It has already been tested for safety. The label "miracle cure" is idiotic. Are antibiotics a "miracle cure?" Whatever you call them, the certainly do work. The evidence we have so far is pretty conclusive that hydroxycholoroquine works.
The evidence is extremely limited so far, isn’t it?
I mean, yes, absolutely try this drug if there’s evidence it may be an effective treatment. It’s a long established medicine, so there are fewer questions about it. If it’s effective it will be much easier to use in a widespread way than a totally new drug. I just haven’t seen a huge amount of evidence about its effectiveness, probably because there hasn’t been that much time to gather data.
Getting well after taking it shows it's effectiveness
No it doesn't, how many times do you have to be told the same thing...no, no it does not. That's literally the exact opposite of true and precisely why we have double blind controlled clinical trials to determine the effectiveness of medicine. Good god man, you HAVE to do better and try to understand this.
Read the whole post, don't just cherry pick a sentence so you can write something snarky.
No need, it changed nothing. You havent said anything different than the last 50 people who said, "all medicines have side effects!" And all of those comments were equally silly for the same reason.
The evidence is extremely limited so far, isn’t it?
I mean, yes, absolutely try this drug if there’s evidence it may be an effective treatment. It’s a long established medicine, so there are fewer questions about it. If it’s effective it will be much easier to use in a widespread way than a totally new drug. I just haven’t seen a huge amount of evidence about its effectiveness, probably because there hasn’t been that much time to gather data.

What about those liberals that say legalize all illegal drugs? They'll take anything if it gets them high and won't screw up their plumbing, i.e. down there.

Liberals should just take those and the cons will take their hydroxychloroquine doses.

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