Hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) Thread

Sorry, the opinion of a scientist is an anecdote. We expect fox news to be irresponsible in their efforts to cover for the child president, but this doctor should be heavily penalized for his false claims.

He is a doctor who has treated over 100 patients. Duke and Yale as his education. Where did you go to school?
He is a doctor who has treated over 100 patients
And the doctors and scientists who far outnumber him in their opinions are also experts. So spare me your bullshit. If you were actually deferring to expertise, then you would side with the opinion of the vast majority of scientists and doctors.

Who do you think you are fooling? You are siding with whatever opinion seems to cover for your cult leader. Obviously. I doubt you even fool yourself.
He is a doctor who has treated over 100 patients
And the doctors and scientists who far outnumber him in their opinions are also experts. So spare me your bullshit. If you were actually deferring to expertise, then you would side with the opinion of the vast majority of scientists and doctors.

Who do you think you are fooling? You are siding with whatever opinion seems to cover for your cult leader. Obviously. I doubt you even fool yourself.
Link it. Link who contradicts him. Did you see his education and accolades? He is not some hack. You’re just a Leftist who would rather watch people die than believe Hydrox works.
Link it. Link who contradicts him.

Every major medical association on the planet. For example:
ama: Joint statement on ordering, prescribing or dispensing COVID-19 medications

Again, spare me your bullshit. Your agreement with him has exactly nothing to do with his expertise. Go sell that horseshit to someone dumb enough to believe you.
Please explain why millions of doses have been ordered all over the world if it doesn’t work? I am Trying to find someone dumber than you. It’s difficult.
NOT the drug others use
WTF did they bother ?
Maybe they can try the ich med for fish next ?
Jew Yakk times. Nuke the fucking bastards

Thank you, and they're different drugs.

Imagine being these ghouls, taking meds out of very sick people's hands--or wanting to--based on a study using the WRONG drug at twice the recommended dose.

Leftists. Ghouls. It's who they are

the only way people can take it is if they are prescribed it. DOCTORS have a huge responsibility with this.

In other breaking news Playtime would like us to know: rain is liquid that comes down from the sky. From clouds. Sometimes it makes her wet

it's crystal clear that donny makes you wet.

I know it's impossible for you to understand this, but I do not see politicians as

1. gods
2. idols
3. sex objects
4. potential husbands or fathers

I understand perfectly well that liberal women are incapable of wrapping their heads around this. I understand it. You cannot.

i understand you're just a fucking psuedo christian hypocrite who claims to be pro 'life '.

I understand that she just smacked you down hard. You're just a fraud.

yaaaaaaaaaaa............ that's the ticket... you go with that delusion.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

Maybe you should be a testee.

My aunt is on it right now and she is improving.

But I think what you meant is, you wish ill on me. You wish ill on me because I disagree with you.

You need to repent of that before you soul sinks deeper.
and then laughs at you like she didn't really mean that. Hahahaahaha, she's wishing ill on others and then laughing too. I wonder what malaria victims take, cause it's obvious from ole playtime here that her sister is the ground zero of the impact of the drug and therefore, it never was used to treat patience with malaria. they just let them die.

Once you figure out their fraud, and where they're coming from, you have every single one of their posts answered, every time.

What they have in response are three things:

1. Talking Point. When that fails:

2. Tantrum. When that fails:

3. Name-calling

It's just all so redundant at this point. I feel like I'm arguing with 14 yo maniacal teens with PMS

^^^ projection at its finest ^^^

any more comments about jackbooting, suze?
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response & how we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
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My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
No one claimed it was a cure or good for everyone. If it can only be used by a half or even a third of people as an effective treatment, then what is wrong with that?

It’s almost as if the far left don’t want any treatment to work and they want to prolong this whole thing out and have the maximum amount of deaths.

That is exactly what they want.

you're insane. & it's ironic as hell - when you can't stand the idea of wearing a mask to help keep those around you safe & cheerlead for those willing to buck the shelter in place to go to church because of 1ST AMENDMENT RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you don't give a damn about possibly infecting someone's gramma or a pregger or a newborn.

you're pro life stance is just a farce.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Repeating your marching orders until the end eh ?
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??

gimmee a break - the military has expertise is this sort of thing & they were the people who transported the passengers off the ship. unlike when donny had his untrained, unprepared, people go get americans in china - possibly infectious ones & they actually came home on commercial flights!
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.
So now you'll tell us what your sister's underlying medical conditions are. Right?

it wouldn't matter - but it sure seems some people are so desperate to get this thing over with - no matter the rush - so donny will not take any more heat for his total incompetent response we are now #1 in the world for infections & deaths.
And you are desperate to keep it going ??? I don't think that President Trump cares about what you think about him or about how this situation is being exploited by the left for political reason's, so don't be so vane as to think that he does.

lol... it should have never even gotten to this point if not for donny's incompetent handling & willful ignorance regarding this disease. oh & make no mistake - he cares all about ratings.
Repeating your marching orders until the end eh ?

he's bragging about the pressers' getting huuuuuuuuuge ratings - what a jerk.
Please explain why millions of doses have been ordered all over the world if it doesn’t work?
Because it's the only treatment undergoing clinical trials, which may show it works. And states and countries are worried that there may be shortages. You REALLY couldn't figure that out for yourself? Do better. You're embarrassing yourself.
My best wishes to the participants in this study. I hope their hearts are working properly again soon and I hope we continue to try to find cures for this horrible coronavirus.

Yes. If you take drugs at nearly TWICE the recommended dosage, bad things can happen.

It's breathtaking, how truly ghoulish you cretins are. I mean that.

that's not what my sister's doctor said. any amt would kill her.

That might be true but that doesn't mean that no one should get the drug because of your sister. I mean what kind of idiotic reasoning is that? Some people are allergic to morphine. So no one gets morphine?

This board is unbelievable sometimes
I asked you days ago where in America are these drugs being denied and am still waiting for an answer. Have you had time for research? As far as I know, people in this country have access to all the drugs in question with approval from their doctor. So, where in America are Americans being denied access?

That's not even the point of this thread. The point, in case you missed it, is Leftist and their media gaslighting everyone about the drugs, how awful and dangerous they are.


That's how insane your side is

No. No one is saying how awful and dangerous they are. They are saying it's unwise for the person who leads the country and isn't a doctor or medical professional stand up and tout these drugs as treatments or cures for Covid-19 when the research doesn't support it. Doctors have been able to prescribe these drugs when they feel its necessary for a while now. If their patients are infected with the virus, it's within their power to prescribe these drugs as a treatment. And they've shown promise in treating those already infected with the virus...and had the unintended consequence of creating shortages of the drugs for people who need them for other conditions. The Brazilian study was a very small sample size. It will take months maybe even years of clinical data and research to determine whether these proper treatments for the virus.

The game is: we're supposed to pretend you really care about any of this.

Not today. Not tomorrow either. I doubt you give a rip about any of this. What you DO care about is Trump succeed in something. Even if it means dying people are dissuaded from taking a drug that could save their lives.

I'll leave you to that. It's your problem. It sure as crap ain't mine.

lol.... i remember when donny didn't want fellow americans to get off that floating petri dish cruise ship because he 'liked the numbers[of infected] where they were'... meaning he didn't want them to come ashore or the infection rate would go up & make him look bad. screw them, they were just numbers to him.

your faux indignation is quite amusing when you stick up for yer chosen one.
And you would have moved quickly to act even though you could have infected millions of your own, and worse you would have done it for worry about what other's might think in a political sense about you ??

gimmee a break - the military has expertise is this sort of thing & they were the people who transported the passengers off the ship. unlike when donny had his untrained, unprepared, people go get americans in china - possibly infectious ones & they actually came home on commercial flights!
Mixing and twisting the truths within the time frames is a tactic.
Please explain why millions of doses have been ordered all over the world if it doesn’t work?
Because it's the only treatment undergoing clinical trials, which may show it works. And states and countries are worried that there may be shortages. You REALLY couldn't figure that out for yourself? Do better. You're embarrassing yourself.
No no you don’t order millions for trials. You order millions to use on millions. Why don’t you do better!? LOL. 50 million doses for “trials”. Dumbass

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