Hypocricy: Democrats Go Birther On Ineligible Presidential Candidate


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
The hypocrisy is astounding. I predicteded this would happen but Cruz needs to be exposed at all costs. Article 2 Section 1 of the constitution should not be violated again like it has the last 7 years.


Hypocrisy: Democrats Go Birther On Ineligible Presidential Candidate; What About Barry Soetoro? - Birther Report

Edit: Should be 'Hypocrisy' in title.
The hypocrisy is astounding. I predicteded this would happen but Cruz needs to be exposed at all costs. Article 2 Section 1 of the constitution should not be violated again like it has the last 7 years.


Hypocrisy: Democrats Go Birther On Ineligible Presidential Candidate; What About Barry Soetoro? - Birther Report

Edit: Should be 'Hypocrisy' in title.

Birther report?

Why am I not surprised that a racist, anti-semite-homophobe birther like yourself considers that to be a source?

Any Democrat who claims that any Republican does not have a valid birth certificate is as much a nut as you are.
Any Democrat who falsely claims that any Republican was born in another country is as much a nut as you are.

As far as Cruz- being born in Canada- I think he is eligible- you do not.

Birthers are all idiots- and you are the king of Birthers.
The ironic thing is, didn't the "birther" bullshit get traced back to the 08' Clinton campaign? :)

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