Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

Btw unhinged pop has no 5 year old daughter and his daughters have kids
My guess is they have the situation in hand and don't see it as the death of America as you and pop so unabashedly melodramatic do lol!

You are a sick sick man.

Likely you crossdress and just want to take your sick fantasies out into the world and force it on others.

Grow the hell up
Could you be any more wrong or desperate?

Could be, but my guess is I'm not
I'll take that as a yes you are.

Yes, you are sick. Quit trying to hide it, admitting you are could be your first step to recovery

We won't count on it
Just keep telling yourself that.
Reality can be a total bitch!
You are a sick sick man.

Likely you crossdress and just want to take your sick fantasies out into the world and force it on others.

Grow the hell up
Could you be any more wrong or desperate?

Could be, but my guess is I'm not
I'll take that as a yes you are.

Yes, you are sick. Quit trying to hide it, admitting you are could be your first step to recovery

We won't count on it
Just keep telling yourself that.
Reality can be a total bitch!

Writers block?
Could you be any more wrong or desperate?

Could be, but my guess is I'm not
I'll take that as a yes you are.

Yes, you are sick. Quit trying to hide it, admitting you are could be your first step to recovery

We won't count on it
Just keep telling yourself that.
Reality can be a total bitch!

Writers block?
Brevity. .looks it up.
If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I

But you are, but as a conservative you are obviously inflicted with the denial syndrome. Your party is totally in chaos....and I bet you think everything is working just fine.....bwahahaha.
You just keep telling yourself that.

You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?
that's cause you're still an ignorant bigoted twit, willow.

good to know you haven't changed any

You know those men you invite into the womens room aren't there to look at you...

and they're not there for you to gawk at.... otherwise why would you want transgendered women to use the men's room.

now quiet, loser, your fantasy lie is no one's business.
Fuck off, Jillian...they no business being in the men's room even if they are packing a strap-on and feeling a surge of testosterone....what kind of sick pervert are you??? If they have a vagina, go to the WOMEN'S room...that's what it is for, dumb ass.

Oh, so you rather that a woman who considers herself a man be better off in the women's bathroom, even though he(she) gets turned on by women? That sounds like a typical protective conservative male......

Yes, they already exist, they're called lesbians

Lesbians probably enjoy using the women's bathroom.....you're a little behind the times.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState
As with the other rightwing nitwit's thread on the same topic, this fails as a false comparison fallacy, and in no way constitutes "hypocrisy."

Get lost, if all you can do is screech "composition fallacy"...it's old worn out and tiresome, loon. Grab a clue, everyone makes fun of you over it...that also includes red herring fallacy. See how predictable you are?
It is a composition fallacy, it is true, as it is true that you are a fuck up as well.

You are such a bed wetter.
They are "transgender" - if it is a transgender female....it's not like having a "man" in the bathroom. You would be more at risk having another woman, a "lesbian" in the bathroom, as they do like other women, however, there have never been any reported crimes of a transgender trying to attack a straight in a bathroom, but conservatives live in la-la-land and have their own imaginations.

So how would you deal with straights or others claiming to be transgender to gain access? How will that work?
What’s amusing is that you and others on the right don’t even know how idiotic you sound.

There isn’t even a ‘plan’ to enforce this moronic law.

The Nation is laughing at NC, and those on the right who defend the bigotry and hate the state saw fit to codify, and appropriately so.

So, you have no problem with my male husband accompanying me to the women's restroom. Correct?

Are you saying that he is "transgender"? The law doesn't apply to straight men....just men that have transgendered into "women". If your husband fits that description than he most certainly should be allowed. Most transgendered men dress like women, so if he dresses like a woman, who's to care?
Oh! I see. Now you plan to discriminate against straight men?

Are you retarded? I don't discriminate against anyone.....if anyone is discriminating here it is you. Most sane men wouldn't dream of using the women's bathroom, but if your husband is willing to dress like a woman to do so, more power to him.
Are you retarded?

Why? Are you seeking company of your own intellectual level?

I don't discriminate against anyone.....

Except whites, Christians, Republicans, and anyone targeted by the party..

if anyone is discriminating here it is you. Most sane men wouldn't dream of using the women's bathroom, but if your husband is willing to dress like a woman to do so, more power to him.

Playtex, you have an IQ of DD, but you do grasp that you are here advocating for men to use the women's bathroom, right?


Sometimes I wonder how you breath, without KOS directly telling you to.....

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