Hypocrisy- a virtue of the left

You just keep telling yourself that.

You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.

Hey asswipe! Have you read what your buddies say?
You are engaged in a war on civil society. You perverted piles of shit want to destroy all of the basic civil protections in our society, to make this a dangerous place so that we will beg for "order."

Your war to utterly destroy the culture of the nation has been going on a long time. This latest attack of yours, aimed squarely at children, is intended to spark violence, that is the goal of your filthy party. Of course a father somewhere will empty a shotgun into the face of one of your fellow perverts for watching his daughter or granddaughter in the bathroom. And that is what your filthy party wants, to erase the boundaries that allow a civilized society to function. You want chaos, you want anarchy, so that the public will accept the iron fist that is your real goal.

^ holy paranoia, batman. :lol: :rolleyes:

you can't point to one incident to justify the supposed compelling interest for this hateful and unnecessary law.

it's your ilk who longs for the good old days when "civil society" didn't blink an eye at shotguns in the face of a homos.

let's make America great AGAIN!! ya that'll learn 'em!!
^ holy paranoia, batman. :lol: :rolleyes:

Wholly Stupid, sockman...

you can't point to one incident to justify the supposed compelling interest for this hateful and unnecessary law.

Unnecessary? Again, you of the left are at war against American culture, you seek to take away a womans right to privacy by allowing strange men into the womens room. But more over, you seek to prey on children, particularly little girls with your misogynistic predation. These acts that you perverted scum perpetrate are designed to destabilize society. If decent people cannot trust that a simple act of sending a little girl to the bathroom is safe, they will act to make it safe.

In terms that even you can grasp, if laws do not protect children, and instead are made to empower those who prey on children,then parents will take the protection of their children into their own hands.

And there will be violence, even if you are too stupid to grasp it, That is the point of what your filthy party is doing. The intent is to destabilize society.

it's your ilk who longs for the good old days when "civil society" didn't blink an eye at shotguns in the face of a homos.

let's make America great AGAIN!! ya that'll learn 'em!!

I've defended homosexuals most of my life. What someone does in the privacy of their own home is the business of no one else.

But this is about sending grown men, in public, into restrooms with little girls.

Yes, that does make you a pervert. Yes, that is sick, yes that does mean that you're scum.
If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I

But you are, but as a conservative you are obviously inflicted with the denial syndrome. Your party is totally in chaos....and I bet you think everything is working just fine.....bwahahaha.

I do not have any political affiliations and I am not eligible to participate in these fraudulent elections because I am an American and not a U.S citizen. I do not pledge loyalty to the corporate USA.INC whose business headquarters are in the city/state of Washington D.C. No matter who gets elected, stupid fucks like you are screwed either way. Hope this helps!
You just keep telling yourself that.

You just keep letting Soros do your thinking for you.

typical response of an ignorant rightwingnut who has no actual response to reality.

Fuck you, ya stupid bitch....I would hate to go through life being as utterly stupid and clueless as you are. It HAS to be a real burden. (snicker)

You having a meltdown? Why do conservatives always have to resort to insults and name-calling? Because they are so stressed knowing their party sucks and is probably on the verge of an explosion....certainly can't be good with Trump leading the other morons.
Ask a conservative if you know one. I do not participate in the political process. People that disagree with what I know and have to say love to name call and insult and 99 percent of them are the Fabian socialist left. While I am no fan of the neocons, I have an utter hatred for the Fabian socialist left because they have been the greatest ally of the very people that they claim to be against. Your kind have been nothing but useful idiots....nicely done, dumb ass.
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You are engaged in a war on civil society. You perverted piles of shit want to destroy all of the basic civil protections in our society, to make this a dangerous place so that we will beg for "order."

Your war to utterly destroy the culture of the nation has been going on a long time. This latest attack of yours, aimed squarely at children, is intended to spark violence, that is the goal of your filthy party. Of course a father somewhere will empty a shotgun into the face of one of your fellow perverts for watching his daughter or granddaughter in the bathroom. And that is what your filthy party wants, to erase the boundaries that allow a civilized society to function. You want chaos, you want anarchy, so that the public will accept the iron fist that is your real goal.

^ holy paranoia, batman. :lol: :rolleyes:

you can't point to one incident to justify the supposed compelling interest for this hateful and unnecessary law.

it's your ilk who longs for the good old days when "civil society" didn't blink an eye at shotguns in the face of a homos.

let's make America great AGAIN!! ya that'll learn 'em!!

Great my ass, I'll settle for a little decency. Something you assholes know nothing about.
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You are a moron.

No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

Clearly you do, because everything I post, yo ass is mean muggin it....next stupid fuckin question, fool?
No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

How many 40's have you downed today, Klanboi?
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You are a moron.

No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

Everyone knows you are a 13 year-old, pimply little boy from the suburbs.
Of course the left will be unable to grasp it and if they do they won't acknowledge it

NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy

North Carolina’s representatives are not backing down.

Last week saw the state’s Lieutenant Governor Dan Forest respond to PayPal’s announcement that they were suspending plans to expand their business in North Carolina, in objection to the recently passed bathroom bill. Lt. Governor Forest posted a photo of PayPal’s global operations center, which has clearly defined, gender-specific bathrooms.

The cultural Marxist crowd really are all about “Do as I say, not as I do.”

Not to be outdone, NC Representative Robert Pittenger issues this statement:

“PayPal does business in 25 countries where homosexual behavior is illegal, including 5 countries where the penalty is death, yet they object to the North Carolina legislature overturning a misguided ordinance about letting men in the women’s bathroom? Perhaps PayPal would like to try and clarify this seemingly very hypocritical position?”


NC Representative Fires Back At PayPal Hypocrisy | RedState

You people are the fuckin hypocrites.....what are the chances that some gender person is gonna piss in the wrong fuckin bathroom? You know how many fuckin public bathrooms we've been in and I couldn't tell you to this fuckin day if the bitch next to me was a fuckin man or woman, because I could care less. You neo nuts always take one fuckin issue and make it a national fuckin crisis...you did it with the war on Xmas shit, the Obama fist bump, Ecoli, bird flu, illegals raping innocent white trash, every fuckin thing is a major lets change laws to fix it shit....and guess what, THE SHIT ALWAYS COME BACK AND BITE YOU RED FOOLS IN THE ASS....WHAT ABOUT HISTORY DON'T YOU NUTS GET??? 200 YEARS YOU TRIED TO KEEP BARBIE OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS, WITH HANGINGS, MURDER, LAWS, EXCLUSION, ETC....AND NOW YOU HAVE TO DYNAMITE THESE BITCHES OFF A NIGGA'S NUTS...BOTTOM LINE....TIMES ARE CHANGIN AND YOU NUTS AREN'T GONNA EVER STOP IT, NOT EVER!!

You are a moron.

No, what I do, is bring reality and facts to you useless war mongering butt fucks and like anything that deals with facts, you fucks can't handle it...especially you, SissyFuck....I can only suspect if you don't like what I'm saying now, its time to report me...so on that note, beyatch...bye!!

Wouldn't do any good to report you...nothing will be done. Go ahead and spew like a ghetto rat, it's what you sound like
Are you retarded?

Why? Are you seeking company of your own intellectual level?

I don't discriminate against anyone.....

Except whites, Christians, Republicans, and anyone targeted by the party..

if anyone is discriminating here it is you. Most sane men wouldn't dream of using the women's bathroom, but if your husband is willing to dress like a woman to do so, more power to him.

Playtex, you have an IQ of DD, but you do grasp that you are here advocating for men to use the women's bathroom, right?


Sometimes I wonder how you breath, without KOS directly telling you to.....
unhinged is on repeating everything binge ..
You are engaged in a war on civil society. You perverted piles of shit want to destroy all of the basic civil protections in our society, to make this a dangerous place so that we will beg for "order."

Your war to utterly destroy the culture of the nation has been going on a long time. This latest attack of yours, aimed squarely at children, is intended to spark violence, that is the goal of your filthy party. Of course a father somewhere will empty a shotgun into the face of one of your fellow perverts for watching his daughter or granddaughter in the bathroom. And that is what your filthy party wants, to erase the boundaries that allow a civilized society to function. You want chaos, you want anarchy, so that the public will accept the iron fist that is your real goal.

^ holy paranoia, batman. :lol: :rolleyes:

you can't point to one incident to justify the supposed compelling interest for this hateful and unnecessary law.

it's your ilk who longs for the good old days when "civil society" didn't blink an eye at shotguns in the face of a homos.

let's make America great AGAIN!! ya that'll learn 'em!!
you think he's being melodramatic now you should see him when his cable box shuts down.
^ holy paranoia, batman. :lol: :rolleyes:

Wholly Stupid, sockman...

you can't point to one incident to justify the supposed compelling interest for this hateful and unnecessary law.

Unnecessary? Again, you of the left are at war against American culture, you seek to take away a womans right to privacy by allowing strange men into the womens room. But more over, you seek to prey on children, particularly little girls with your misogynistic predation. These acts that you perverted scum perpetrate are designed to destabilize society. If decent people cannot trust that a simple act of sending a little girl to the bathroom is safe, they will act to make it safe.

In terms that even you can grasp, if laws do not protect children, and instead are made to empower those who prey on children,then parents will take the protection of their children into their own hands.

And there will be violence, even if you are too stupid to grasp it, That is the point of what your filthy party is doing. The intent is to destabilize society.

it's your ilk who longs for the good old days when "civil society" didn't blink an eye at shotguns in the face of a homos.

let's make America great AGAIN!! ya that'll learn 'em!!

I've defended homosexuals most of my life. What someone does in the privacy of their own home is the business of no one else.

But this is about sending grown men, in public, into restrooms with little girls.

Yes, that does make you a pervert. Yes, that is sick, yes that does mean that you're scum.
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.
you realize that that will not happen to a transgender person.
any reasonable non xenophobic judge will throw that out of court for having no merit .
If I was stupid, clueless and totally oblivious as to what is actually going on? I

But you are, but as a conservative you are obviously inflicted with the denial syndrome. Your party is totally in chaos....and I bet you think everything is working just fine.....bwahahaha.

I do not have any political affiliations and I am not eligible to participate in these fraudulent elections because I am an American and not a U.S citizen. I do not pledge loyalty to the corporate USA.INC whose business headquarters are in the city/state of Washington D.C. No matter who gets elected, stupid fucks like you are screwed either way. Hope this helps!
Would you be OK with me being present in a women's restroom, locker room, or dressing facility, while you are using that facility?

If you are willing to wear a dress I will certainly be present, with my phone camera ready.

Transgenders don't dress up for the mere purpose of hitting on the opposite sex....if it is a male transgendered woman, that is the sex that person identifies with, so there is no thrill in seeing another woman naked (if in a locker room), but women's bathrooms have stalls, so, unless they have Supervision, they can't see another woman using the restroom.

And we can tell this how exactly, do they wear neon head gear that turns different colors with mood?

If you can't tell it is a transgender then what difference does it make? With this new law are you going to require everyone to carry their birth certificate just because you're afraid some woman is going to come into the men's restroom and see you pee?

Nope, no birth certificate required. Dude goes into a women's restroom and a women files a complaint with the police, the dude gets ticketed or worse.

How many times does this have to be explained.
you realize that that will not happen to a transgender person.
any reasonable non xenophobic judge will throw that out of court for having no merit .


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