Hypocrisy Central

The finest President in a century....that's 100 years, Liberals, put it this way: 'It isn't so much that liberals are ignorant. It's just that they know so many things that aren't so.'
St Ronnie was lying again.

REAGAN (videotape, 11/13/86): We did not, repeat, did not trade weapons or anything else for hostages, nor will we.

REAGAN (videotape, 3/4/87): A few months ago, I told the American people I did not trade arms for hostages. My heart and my best intentions still tell me that's true. But the facts and the evidence tell me it is not.
"Google found it paid men less than women for the same job"
So all it takes is ONE (1) deviation from the norm to invalidate the entire norm! :cuckoo: IDIOT!
You saw the word 'hypocrisy' and imagined you heard your name??

Nah.....listen for 'dunce.'
I saw your name and heard STUPID!
That's Queen Stupid, to you.
More like Bitch STUPID.
"Resurfaced Video Shows Just How Much Of A Hypocrite Biden Is On Immigration
CNN just uncovered a video from 2006 of then-Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE) advocating for building a border wall and punishing employers that employ illegal aliens.

"Folks, I voted for a fence, I voted, and unlike most Democrats -- and some of you won't like it -- I voted for 700 miles of fence," he said during a town hall at a Rotary Club in Columbia, South Carolina.

...I believe the fence is needed does not have anything to do with immigration as much as drugs," he said. "And let me tell you something folks, people are driving across that border with tons, tons, hear me, tons of everything from byproducts for methamphetamine to cocaine to heroin and it's all coming up through corrupt Mexico."

...in 2007 he wouldn't allow sanctuary cities to skirt federal laws.

"Yes or no, would you allow those cities to ignore the federal law?" Biden was asked. "No," he responded."
Resurfaced Video Shows Just How Much Of A Hypocrite Biden Is On Immigration

Democrat voters, of course, are no different from trained seals.....agree with one statement, then with the very opposite.

Certainly relieves one of the necessity of thinking....

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